How to be a succesful Italki language teacher - Make money online
Making money online is easier than you think !
What is Italki ?
Italki is a language learning website where you can:
- Learn every language you can imagine for free (language exchange)
- Hire a paid online tutor who can maximize your progress immensely
- Become a online tutor yourself
Why Italki ?
- It's a great platform (like steemit) which enables you to get in touch with lots and lots of potential students.
- Italki is the biggest and most popular hotspot for language learners and teachers
- There is a excellent community with many people who are willing to help you
- You are guaranteed to get the money from your students, but you have to give 15% of your earnings to Italki for.
What are the requirements ?
- Banc account
- Paypal, Alipay or Skrill (for the withrawings of your earnings)
- Skype, Facetime, Google Hangouts or QQ
- A webcam isn't mandatory but definitely a big +
- good internet connection
How do I become a teacher ?
- Click on "find a teacher"
- Click on "become a teacher"
- Follow the guidelines consisting of:
-Filling in you data,
-Upload a professional profilepicture,
-Upload a video where you introduce yourself in all languages you can speak and explain why you are competent. - Set your courses and prices (in between 10$ -30$ )
How to become a succesful online tutor ?
- Login daily and check your notifications
- Prepare yourself for the lessons
- Take your criticism seriously and try to improve your teaching-style
- Correct one notebook entry a day to increase your profiles visibility
- Be active in the (friendly and huge) community
- Take your task seriously but dont lose your humor and style while talking with your student
- It would be very handy if you knew more languages than your native one so you can help your students even
Some tips and general information (FAQ) :
- "I've never tought someone before. I think I'am not able to do this"
Answer: You are competent enough if you are friendly, attentive and willing to improve. Its learning by doing. Whence you get more and more teaching experience you get more students and then you can improve your price ! - Set your initial prices relatively low, because you need to get some experience and you need to be competitive
- Get started ! Many questions get solved by doing it yourself.
I'am an experienced online teacher on italki and I'am completly convinced by the concept of Italki so I thought I should share it with you ! Check it out !
My Teacheraccount: German/English/French/Spanish:
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