What You're To Do; that the Rich Do, but the Poor Don't...

in #money7 years ago

What the Rich Do and You don’t; What makes the difference between the rich and the poor

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Hello, good day steemians

We all want to become wealthy and successful in life. We dream to become rich someday but it’s not just all about dreaming, there is more to making wealth than just dreaming.
There are principles many of us ignore, and the rich, the successful, the wealthy don’t ignore.

The rich, didn’t just become rich, they have some practices of some principles. It’s like saying you want to give birth, you won’t if you don’t meet with an opposite sex, get pregnant, nurture the pregnancy and then when it’s time, you deliver.

You can’t just get there without putting into practice some culture that will bring you into riches and prosperity.

Today, I would be sharing few things the rich do that most of us ignore and can help us. These things from today, you must work upon and not ignore if you want to leave your dreamland and enter the world of the successful.

Below are few points that will help you, follow as I highlight them;

#1. The First Salient Point to note is; #DISCIPLINE:


Permit me to say this is the foundation for every other principle. You can’t go ahead into fulfilling others without first of all exercising Discipline; Self Control. You must be able to put into actions your determinations.
It’s one thing to have a dream, it’s another to make a goal, it’s another also to lay down principles, but the major thing is putting them into action. This is possible through Discipline. It’s not easy at times to be determined to do something and do them.
It is doing what needs to be done, even when you don't what to do it(i.e not willing to do the needful; but you still do it, because it is needed to be done)

You need to learn to do what your success and your body needs and not what you want

One salient characteristics you would ever notice in all successful men, which is above others is this #DISCIPLINE.

#2. Number 2 point I want you to note is, #VISION;


Make a vision, have a goal, write it down. Make plans for your life. Envision what you desire and where you want to be in the nearest future, years from now. What do you want to become of your life, write them down, as you make plans for your life.

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The successful don’t just live life the way it comes, they don’t allow life dictate their success. They make plans, have visions, write down their goals and objectives.
Writing them down is the first step to make it reality, not just having at heart. Picture it in your mind, then Write, not type, but #Write. Write them down.

Be Goal Oriented

#3. The third point is to #Start #EARLY;
Don’t wait till you’re old before you start making plans or start investing. No, start now so you can make as much mistakes you can now. When you start on time in business, you retire in style.
If you start investing $100 per year for the next 40 years, do you know much that will be after 40years. You don’t have to wait till you start earning big, start with the little you’ve.
Most of the successful men you see out there, started small and started at the early stages of their lives.

#4. Another act the rich practice and the poor mindset don’t is #AUTOMATE;


What do I mean by Automate, it’s as simple as saving your money somewhere away from your reach, like a savings account.
Someone once said and I quote, “the easiest route to remain poor is procrastination, spending all you’ve and neglecting all that must be the done; the needful”
You need to learn to invest, save, for the future.
Robert Kiyosaki said it’s better to save your money in an investment than to have it in a savings account. In the savings account you’ve little or nothing extra, but saving your money in an investment will add something in return to your savings, that’s the secret of rich men. They get richer because they always invest, not just save but use their savings to get more. So the rich keep getting richer while the poor keep getting poorer because they spend all or most, and the ones they save they get nothing in return which they will still use for a later need. And still they would be taxed.

I can make mention of one way to invest your savings now, a way to automate. Through crypto currencies. Your money will just be there and when it goes high, your have something km return aside your initial investment. This is additional to your savings and you are still working so you’re earning income and you keep investing.

Another way to save is contributing to corporatives, investing in some other business which you won’t be active in, you just contribute and you get something in return when the business yields


It’s time you start acting like the rich, have the investment mentality.

#5. Another Point to note is, #Reduce #Credits;
Credits has a way of bringing you down the ladder of success into debt especially credits with high interest to pay back. This brings you more into poverty.
Learn to live within your capacity, and get lesser credits, avoid credit cards. If you need to borrow, borrow wisely when it’s very important and there’s no other source.

#6. The next point to note is #Live #Moderately;


Check the lives of Bill Gate, Mark Zuckerberg, Aliko Dangote; they live reach and moderately.

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Bill Gate

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Aliko Dangote

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Don’t live extravagant, many get good income but the extravagant life, party lifestyle, getting too much of fashion materials that would not add to your income but keep drawing from you and drawing you closer to poverty.
You don’t see successful men living anyhow, they get the best they can, enjoy life moderately, take good care of themselves, try to be comfortable as possible and not just spend to show off, trying to live large.
You can be successful and live small, it’s no crime, it helps you more.
Avoid temptations, be determined and disciplined. Exercise self control.

#7. Point 7 is also salient to note, it is #EDUCATION;


Learn more, invest in learning, get books, watch as much as you can that will help you to know more.
Study the concepts, the do's and don’ts more and as much as you can. Don’t just dabble into doing things because others are doing it, the rich, the successful don’t work that way, they study first, analyze everything and the risks as well as how well to manage the risks.

#8. Principle 8 is simple, I wouldn’t need to talk more about this. What is it?
It’s the act of #DIVERSIFYING;
Diversify, don’t invest in just one place, invest in as much as you can but not beyond your capacity

#9. Another principle is an amazing fact, it is Use what you’ve to get more of what you’ve;
You use money to get more money, the little you’ve is not too small to invest and get more.
Try this today and see what will become of you tomorrow.

I’ve listed 9 secrets that the poor ignore and the rich take cognizance of and practice them. Now you’ve seen them, will you still ignore them or make a change in your live and start practicing them.

Thanks for #Reading, do well too to #UPVOTE, #RESTEEM, #COMMENT, #PROMOTE

Thanks and God bless, Have a great day and blessed one ahead.

Much love from @damdap.


Great write ups

Thank you...

Ah, I need to automate and reduce credits!!! Can't do the start early anymore but I started as soon as I realized I should.

Good tips!

Thanks for reading.
Yeah you should work on the credit limits

And not too late start once you discover a concept

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