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RE: Is Universal Basic Income A Good Idea?

in #money7 years ago (edited)

What's holding the government from just killing us all once we are no longer productive, don't pay taxes and become a burden to them? Communism has already killed more than 100 million people and keeps counting, it wouldn't be the first time in history.

This is a really, really bad idea. It would create an incentive for government to murder billions and they increasingly have the tools to do it easily.

More money in the system only means more paper, resources and services remain the same, inflation would just skyrocket and unproductive people would just continue on living their miserable lives. The government would have to keep inflating the currency to pay for these entitlements until the bubble bursts Zimbabwe style.

I'm from Cuba, I spent 25 years of my life and there and I have seen first hand what happens when government despises its own citizens and considers them second category, low scum, below tourists and foreigners. People's life is cheap in these regimes, they gunned down many thousands or let them die eaten by sharks when trying to escape. The regime orchestrated many schemes to get rid of its own people such as the Mariel boatlift and the 1994 rafters crisis.

If you want respect and the right to live, you have to earn it. I would say, get educated in tech, coding, or high demand blue collar jobs, get guns, land, and accumulate wealth and power. It's the only way to guarantee a future, all the other passive sheep will just be either enslaved or mowed down as usual in history as soon as they become worthless leaches...


I totally agree with you @cryptoeagle - you are 100% right and the rest of these fools just want "Daddy" to take care of them. We who know the truth will just have to live by natural law and let the stupid lemmings follow their govt over the cliff.

it's very difficult to understand for people born and spoiled in a prosperours democracy how things work in real life. Eventually they'll get it as the get older and wise up and realize it's a very bad idea to be reliant on government to solve your problems. Thanks for the support!

well I was born and raised here and I just use my brain. I pulled my head out of the sand 9/11 and started to read - no I am an anarchist and I know that human beings have been slaves for millennia and that "government" will kill it's citizens. It already is with chemtrails, GMO's, vaccines, HAARP, cops, and every other statist garbage solution... but fortunately the awake can live by Natural Law and get by ok, regardless if the sleepers keep sleeping.

This totally underestimate the massive technological unemployment that is upon us. Studies are predicting up to 50% of jobs gone in a decade or two. Whether you mistakenly think a UBI is socialism is irrelevant to the reality that capitalism needs a consumer class to remain viable. If we don't get money into the hands of consumers, then the whole thing falls down in a screaming heap. What we never hear from people like you is what is your solution to these problems? And appealing to some whacko theory that the government is just waiting around (til what, exactly??) to mow us all down is infantile.

Why am I "mistaken" when comparing UBI to socialism? It's pretty much the same idea of government handouts and paternalism that leads to communism, mass killings and societal collapse. Just take a look at the number of people killed by these paternalist governments that all started by promising they would protect and improve the lives of their people and ended up killing them en masse.

Government does not want or intend to kill us all. It's mostly composed of corrupt, inefficient officials and politicians that think they are right. They are human beings, with good intentions mostly.

The problem is, that eventually, as they go through "The Road to Serfdom" (a book you should read by the way if you want to understand this, it's difficult for people born and raised in wealthy capitalist countries since they are too spoiled by the easy life) when under pressure from economic collapse, they will always choose to sacrifice us. That's what has happened throughout history and will keep happening as long as the sheep remain ignorant, lazy and complacent. This is not a whacko theory, it's been proven many times over in history. UBI is the whacko theory here that has never been proven to work...

The solution to this is self improvement, I said it in my first comment. Get ready for the future, get an education on blockchain coding for instance, there's plenty of well paid jobs there. Of course, it requires effort and it's not for the lazy. There are many jobs that will be created that we can't think off right now. In fact, social networks that pay in crypto like Steemit could be one of those jobs.

UBI has worked essentially everywhere it has been trialled. And it's not socialism. It's embraced by economists across the full spectrum, including Hayek and Freidman (free market capitalists). And your faith-based position that jobs will just magically appear is contrary to both rigorous analysis and actual present trends. @scottsantens, who commented below, has written widely on this topic. He has extensive articles with exhaustive links and data that contradict all your points. Have a read of his stuff.

Where is that magic place where UBI worked? North Korea maybe? We have UBI in Cuba, it's about $20 dollars a month and people would rather swim with sharks than staying in that hellhole. You still don't answer the main issue: what would stop the government from just killing all the leeches and calling it a day?

What's stopping them from doing it now? Adding UBI into the mix doesn't change anything.

People with jobs, wealth, education and guns

Voting on your own reply, that's pretty low, man...

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