The World Elites: National Force Awakens

in #money8 years ago (edited)

In this article I will talk about the financial elite’s biggest fail and what their last chance currently is…

If you haven’t read yet Part 1 of this article I strongly advice that you start with that. Please follow these links: Bretton Woods, Global Financial System, World Elites, and Where This is Leading Us To…

In order to safe global financial system Financial Elites (as we called them in the previous article “Financiers”) decided to repeat the same trick John Pierpont Morgan did in 1907.

John Pierpont Morgan. Source

Back then, banking crisis resulted in the establishment of the US Central Bank system – the FED. The main role of the FED was to further reduce risks in the economy. If a bank goes bankrupt, the FED would refinance it such that it can keep lending further even being unprofitable.

Following the same roadmap, the Financiers tried to establish a similar institution not at a local American level, but at a global CROSS-BOARDER level.

This project was named the “Central Bank of the Central Banks”. It kicked off in 2009 and got full steam by 2011. It has been already decided that the new Central Bank of the Central Banks will be established on the basis of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Special Drawing Rights (“SDR”) will become the new world currency and will consist of 5 main currencies: USD, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, and British Pound, with different weights.

This idea was very widely promoted by the IMF and international banks:

Head of IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, advocating for the new World Currency. Source

“The Central Bank of the Central Banks” project was already approved both at G8 and G20. There were only several technicalities left: China was appealing Yuan share in SDR of 11% compared to 42% for USD, and taking into account that it was the 2nd largest economy. And THEN…


…The US Administration ORGANISED the famous Strauss-Kahn Case.

As a reminder, Strauss-Kahn, who was the Head of IMF at that time, was on a plane and about to take off, when airport police asked that the plane be stopped; he was escorted off the plane and interviewed by police. On the 15th of May Strauss-Kahn was arrested and 3 days later he was forced to resign from the IMF.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn under arrest. Source

When I talked to people close to the government officials and the Central bank, they mentioned they were receiving 8 – 10 emails per day on the “Central Bank of the Central Banks” project. The next day after the Strauss-Kahn Case anything related to the global Central Bank and the world currency COMPLETELY dissapeared from all the communication as if never existed.


In other words, the US National Elites made it crystal clear that they will NOT give away so powerful tool as Independent Monetary Policy.

…and, of course, Strauss-Kahn was just a pawn…

Dominique Strauss-Kahn – Court Process. Source

This became the bifurcation point; after this case It became clear that the world elites, who were previously united, had broken in 2 parts.

The National Elites Awaken

After his re-election in 2013, Barack Obama changed his Administration almost completely removing Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan representatives (people who work for the Financiers) from the White House. Although this was a big hit for the Financiers, the Dollar emission, which is key for their survival, was still on-going.

Barack Obama Inauguration in 2013. Source

The Central Bank battle

Later in 2013 FED’s Chair position was up for renewal. The US President is the one who nominates a candidate for this position and the Senate approves.

The Financiers were pushing Larry Summers for this position who was ex Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton’s presidency. His name was very widely floated mid-2013, although for whatever “unknown” reason he decided not to participate.

Larry Summers. Source

In 2014 Janet Yellen was nominated as the Chair of the FED who is 100% under the White House’s control.

Janet Yellen. Source

Shortly after the $85bn Quantitative Easing monetary policy (in simple words, money printing) was stopped. In 2015 FED started to increase interest rates (although, only slightly, by 0.25%).

For Financial Elites it meant “the END”. All the global banks (JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs etc) CANNOT survive without constant government refinancing.

Last Chance

The only chance remained – President of the United States of America.

We can see that both parts of the Elites put forward their candidates: Hilary Clinton is coming from the side of the Financiers and Donald Trump – from the side of the National Elites.


For the both groups this is the last chance because one can only survive at the expense of the other one!

If Clinton becomes the President, most likely we will see another round of Quantitative Easing and lowering of interest rates already in December this year.

Everything will be decided on Tuesday, November, 8th !

In my next article I will write about Trump and Clinton, and how the world will change when either of them becomes the President.


What a post! And I look forward to having you as a guest this coming Friday of course on - I sincerley hope it all works out for us ;)

Thanks, Guy! Looking forward to this Friday..

Hello conspi-theorist,
It is an interesting post.
Just to let you know, it is customary on Steemit to post exact sources of photos.

All the best,

Maybe/Maybe not....

Most images on Steemit have been randomly copied from the internet, using Google image search.
If you would like to find other sources I highly recommend doing a reverse Google image search - just don’t be surprised if you find say 25 billion of them

As to where any of them really originated from, I think the internet has been interbreeding for decades, and the idea that we can work out the original source for most images is an idealistic myth.

There are two sides to this position, but even as a person producing original art and photography myself, my opinion is that gate has long been open, and the horse has bolted. So that is why I’m buggered if I’m going to go through the pretense of crediting the supposed original sources of all the images I use on my Steemit posts.

Yes, I've been a huge advocate of at least linking to the image source as well to protect the rights of artists at minimum, but I'm also to the point of just conceding that you are probably right - the internet has interbred, finding the original source might not happen, and damn it's bothersome to link!

As far as I'm concerned, if they let me copy it to my computer's memory, it's public domain :)

If I use other people's pictures, I just hotlink from the host, you can see well enough where it came from. Otherwise, if it comes from, it probably was made by me with my own camera or with the gimp.

Truth is, that won't be happening sorry

Thanks for the direct link to the new article @logic. I support this, and am glad steemcleaners is keeping the community safer from copyright lawsuits by asking this. Just so long as it's stated in writing by an authorative source - which steemcleaners is - that is. Whether ppl like it or not, self-policing like this will separate from Steemit from "the dark web".

Thank you guys! :-)

@logic - Thanks man! All sources added.

PS. Glad that you lilked the post. Will be writing the next Part over the Sunday.

Thank you too. You post really cool stuff ;-)

Lot's of great information here, thanks for putting it all together! :-D

Followed you man! Like your post and your point of view. Follow me if your interested in Steemit related Post!

Tons of good info, thanks. I find it interesting all the big leaders are gathered in one place this weekend in Israel for the big funeral. Seems perfect for well timed false flag ops with staged hoax threats of terrorism to continue the theft of regular peoples' civil rights and privacy etc., as usual, all in the name of safety of course. Perfect also with the gravitas of the big election cycle nearing the end in the USA. Shared/resteemed and upvoted, thanks - have a good weekend.

@barrydutton - haha, true) thank you very much for the upvote!

I did not know this! Do you have a link or something Barry?

Jeff Berwick has made TWO separate posts on this topic which actually contains about 5 mini stories, in context all in one. Here is a link to 1/2 of them, he made another one today. It is all in my feed. I suggest following him closely at -- @dollarvigilante and also Randy --- @hilarski -follows him and related things closely --- Jeff's online resources are 2nd to none - many videos a week/month -- (sorry for the late reply, I am still getting used to reminding myself to check these msgs etc. ) ---

Thank you and apologies for my late reply, just checked myself. I follow both of them, but only so much time in a day so must not have paid close enough attention. Thank you for the resources however.
Best, Guy

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