Peur: Revolutionizing Marketplace

in #money6 years ago


The E-trade industry has encountered a colossal development in the previous years however regardless of this development they are still ascribed with issues, some of which incorporates:

• Low trust level and notoriety rank

• Long approval and high cost

• The development of Ethereum blockchain

Low Trust Level in E-trade

The absence of trust in the business sit around idly and assets securing one self against conceivable damage and stopping up the economy. The absence of trust resembles sand in the social apparatus. Absence of customer certainty with shippers, innovation, social framework, money related frameworks and the lawful influence of online business condition is a gigantic test to business entrance with buyers.

Long Authorization process and High Cost

There is a long procedure to experience while settling exchanges and there are around 15 of them. Together with these are distinctive over the top expenses for installment doors.

The Growth of the Ethereum blockchain

By and by numerous traders still don't think about digital currency or acknowledge installment in cryptographic money. Tokens of item are based on the ethereum blockchain and the touchy development of virtual monetary forms is having an enormous effect on the internet business plan of action to exploit this, shippers must be prepared to grasp the blockchain made economy and turn into a dynamic piece of it.


By building up the Peur commercial center, installment arrangement and finance incorporation, we empower dealers to take an interest in the decentralized economy. All data will be secured and just accessible to approved clients. Peur token as a computerized cash can likewise be utilized as finance combination - a pay installment alternative. Peur will drive advancement in the way organizations pay their workers.



The PEUR has highlights like transferable, trustful framework in which at whatever point an exchange happens, the blockchain will consequently record the exchanges. With these all data will be secured and will be just accessible to the approved clients. This data will empower both the customer and the dealer to tackle issue and commonly evaluate each other.

The PEUR will utilize the Ethereum blockchain innovation to make installment simple with only one stage rather than the long procedures associated with the past. After reconciliation with PEUR, ethereum based token and versatile installment might be gotten which can without much of a stretch change over digital money to neighborhood fiat cash.

The PEUR additionally mean to build up the PEUR commercial center and installment arrangement, this will empower the market to take an interest in the decentralized economy.

The PEUR will build up the peur finance reconciliation through which we can make more request, the peur token as an advanced cash can be utilized as a compensation installment choice. The PEUR will drive advancement in the way organizations pay their worker.




To have the capacity to gather the numerous market openings in the PEUR stage, one must recognize/have the capacity to:

• Spot signifiers: One must be sure to comprehend the elements that happen in the commercial center, for example, the patterns that happened previously and what caused them. The understanding will give knowledge to help comprehend the markings and pointers that emerge with the landing of another pattern.

• Scan the market: This way to have the capacity to distinguish any data that may influence the business all the more rapidly, recognize new market openings that one might not have considered previously

• Others incorporates, Checking market investigation, perusing broadly to comprehend the market,e.t.c



The PEUR crowdfunding brilliant contract is running on ethereum. Member prepared to help the improvement of the peur undertaking can do as such by sending Ether cash to the assigned address, by doing as such they are buying the PEUR token (PURC) at the rate of Pre-deal which is 8:000PURC for each 1ETH.

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Bountyhive username : kumuu

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