How To Get More Web Leads With FutureNet

in #money8 years ago

 What is FutureNet? Well For those who don’t know about Futurenet is, It’s simply a Social Media Platform with a twist. It actually pays you to interact on the platform. Unlike Facebook, Youtube or Twitter FutureNet wants to actively reward people for using their website. FutureNet also offers a number of other income opportunities that will enhance the FutureNet experience. As well as provide products and advertising packages (like revshares) for those who want to get more traffic to their blog or website. In this post I simply want to teach those on the ADZbuzz Social Media Platform how to successfully use FutureNet Social Media Platform to get more leads.  This method can be used in vise versa to get more leads for your FutureNet Network from the ADZbuzz Platform and grow both networks, if your a signed member on both platforms of course. This can actually work for just about ANY Network or Affiliate Marketing business, Blog or Online Business as well.Well For starters you first have to sign up for a free account at FutureNet and create your own personal profile page (very similar to Facebook). Once you have sign up and filled in all the necessary info and customized your page to your liking, its time to start getting them leads and start building your ADZbuzz Networking Empire! These tips I’ll be explaining can get you unlimited amount of leads all for free and very simple to implement. It does require a bit of work but will pay off in the long run.

Tip #1:  Start Adding Friends from your friends on a daily Basis! This way you can create a huge following and get more likes, views and traffic to your ADZbuzz referral link. So for examples go to your “USER FRIENDS” list (Your sponsor might be your first friend so you might want to just start adding his/her friends first). Click on a user and then on the “USER FRIENDS” list and start adding friends to your network. As simple as that and before you know it you will have a huge following, “IF” you do this on a daily basis. Not to mention you get payed on FutureNet for simply logging in and doing what you’re already doing on Facebook.

When your a free user you can only add up to 25 friends per day. If you happen to upgrade your account however you can add tons more friends on a daily basis and giving you the results you want much faster so it does pay off to upgrade your FutureNet account.

“Please keep in mind that all tips I have provided are for FREE Sign up users with NO upgrades purchased. However if you happen to Upgrade your FutureNet account, more tools and benefits will open up for you. There for providing you with better results in getting more ADZbuzz leads.”

Tip #2:  Create a New Group on FutureNet. You go to the left-hand side on your main dashboard where all the post are shared and click on “Groups”, then you click on “Create New Group”.

Once you click on “Create New Group” you simply fill in all the appropriate info on the type of group you want to create. One thing I strongly suggest you do when creating a new group is tailor it around the ADZBuzz Platform like: Social Media Group, Revsharing Group, Making Money Online Group, Network Marketing Group and so on and so on. Another thing to keep in mind is to start the description with your ADZbuzz affiliate link, This way when somebody joins your group they click on your affiliate link.

Once you have your first group created start adding your friends to it by clicking on the “Start Inviting” button. So when you start to post on your groups dashboard. Those who have join or those who are interested in joining can see your post. Those who have join your group are free to post as well. There for creating more buzz on your groups page and clicks on your affiliate links.

Tip #3:  Create a New FutureNet Fanpage. Simply Click on “Settings” located on the top right-hand corner of your Dashboard. Then Click on “New Fanpage” to start creating your new fan page. It would be the exact same process as creating your personal FutureNet page. 

Make sure to make your Fan Page public and to add your ADZbuzz Affiliate Link on the Description and make sure to post your link on the side left bar under “Information” as well. Once you have your New Fan Page up and running start inviting your friends. So this is ware it pays off if you have constantly added friends on a daily basis as you will be able to invite them to join your new fan page. So the larger your friends list is on FutureNet the better your chances are in getting your post, groups and fan pages go viral! As they will be constantly shared, like and recommended by all your followers/friends!

Tip #4: Be Social on FuturNet. All you have to do is like share and leave comments on other peoples post with your affiliate link but don’t make your comments sound to spammy. I would recommend you reply with something nice to say about the post and at the end of your comment say something like -“feel free to checkout my site link here“! I would also suggest you do this on other groups that are related to Social Media or Network Marketing. You can even join other groups that you think you’ll benefit from sharing your post. When posting always try to post something that benefits the reader like trending news, tips in making money, how to’s and ways to save money. As I seem to get more shares and likes from these types of topics as well as funny images with my affiliate links attached to them. And Remember FutureNet does pay you for socializing on their platform so its a win win for you! Not to mention you can withdraw your funds in either Bitcoin or your countries currency.

To conclude just want to let you know that I have had several ADZbuzz members sign up by using these simple tips and I know it will work wonders for you too! Hope you benefit from them greatly and all the Best of luck!

If you would like sign up for a Free account on Futurenet you can do so by visiting the FutureNet Social Media Platform.


Will check out Future net...good luck

Very detailed post! Thank you for the tips and introducing us to Futurenet.

How is this better/different than steemit?

I personally love Steemit, just thought I share another option that's very similar to Steemit. But what I do love more about Futurenet is that it has products in which it gets its revenue from and the platform is very similar to Facebooks.

I looked at it multiple times now. I'm in a Bitcoin club where they are pushing it really hard. However, every time I go to check it out it just feels off. Requiring an invite from someone else to join a social network. Odd payment structures. And don't get me wrong...I'm a huge advocate for network marketing businesses...but this one just doesn't sit right. I've also been watching the Alexa rankings where it has been dropping off and is most popular in India and Russia.

However, since I still haven't actually joined, my perspective is still from the outside. That's why I was asking you to shed some light.

Thank you I really appreciate your perspective.