Some numbers are too big to understand. This is not a drill. $$$

in #money6 years ago (edited)

Do people even understand that 247 Trillion dollars in global debt can only have ONE true ending and it’s gonna be catastrophic like something never seen before? The untold story of the world economy — so far at least — is the potentially explosive interaction between the spreading trade war and the overhang of global debt, estimated at a staggering $247 trillion. That’s “trillion” with a “t.” The numbers are so large as to be almost incomprehensible. A debt like this can’t possibly be paid back because the interest payments just to service the debt is a laughable number as well when you try and get your mind wrapped around it. World economies are in a very fragil state to a degree which has never been attempted before, the implications that could arise when this Ponzi scheme of fiat money finally breaks is beyond what a person can even imagine. It’s literally a time bomb with a short fuse made in China that we are dealing with.

Families , businesses and governments borrow “money” on the assumption that they will be able to pay their debts either by paying the principal and interest or by rolling over the debts into new loans. (This is typical of what credit card companies do...they just trade the debt and the risk) This thought process that has been brain washed into us works only if incomes grow fast enough to make the debts tolerable to pay with your level of income or to justify new loans. When these puzzle pieces get lost, late payments, defaults and chaos in the streets is what comes next. Just ask any Venezuelan who is fighting everyday just to eat if they could have ever imagined it could get that bad. Ask a citizen from Zimbabwe, who’s dollar at one time was 1:1 with the almighty paper mache United States Dollar! It’s sickness when you actually stop to think about it on a deep level.
The US Govt. has somewhere around 22 Trillion of this debt and that’s only if you believe the “reports” otherwise known as deep state propaganda. Many financial & economic professionals much smarter than me say this number is much much much higher the deeper you go down the rabbit hole and uncover facts. The main problem is simply Greed and wanting to have more than the next guy, by any means it takes to get it. Fat cat bankers are the most evil, Satanic slave masters and you can’t blame them for extorting money from us because our own US Congress gave them control of the money printing and issuance shortly after the secret meeting in 1913. What a con job! They struck us when we were weak and took control forever and now a economic meltdown of epic proportions is most likely inevitable someday soon.
So what can you do to protect yourself? Well that’s the trillion dollar question right? Some say gold, some say bullets or food or silver or bitcoin or land or water. Who knows really. It might be so chaotic that no matter what you have might not be traded for a while. I personally think gold/silver is God’s money, it’s in the ground for a reason. It’s the reset referee so to speak when fiat (un-backed) money fails which it has done over 700 times in the history of mankind. These are not good odds if your a Gambler and holding a lot of paper assets.
One thing is FOR SURE, the fuse has been lit and nobody except the power elite know approximately when it’s gonna blow. You must take small steps to make sure your transition to hard assets with stronger wealth holding power to have a chance in the future and free yourself from “the man”.
The bankers are never gonna give up on their pursuit of world domination and public control. You must sacrifice a little fun, some trivial material “things” and sart converting small amounts gradually to more hard assets. You have no time to waste unless you are willing to be completely 100% controlled and forced to become submissive to power elite. No nation is safe, once the dominos start to fall and the debt picks up speed, the bomb of all bombs will go off and nobody will be safe. If you are prepared you MIGHT have a chance, if WILL be a slave to the State.

Bob & Weave Ya’ll....keep stackin.


Great article, I like this article

might as well invest in the ink company that prints money...anyone know?

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Nice write up. Not sure if you've heard of this site, but it has great infographics to try to put how much money into perspective. Check it out if you get a chance.

I liked it. Never saw this before. Thank you,

You're welcome. Really helps put it in the size of real world things. Keep up the good posts.

Right about the point where everyone thinks this "good economy" will keep growing forever is when it will all fall apart. I am going to start buying some silver to start with.

It a realy big ammount. Why big number of money is can not investing on progress of humanity. Why every country invest a big percentage of budget spend on their defense. I am from pakistan. India and pakistan are two rivalry countries. The both are spent their 70% budget on their defense. So you can see the progrees of both countries is slow then others.
In last i am talking about your cat photo. It makes me some smile. But it is big reality that The bankers are never gonna give up on their pursuit of world domination and public control

It is absolutely terrifying how much debt is being racked up day after day by governments. How on earth are we supposed to trust that our interest are being looked out for when the government can’t even manage its own finances. To top it off, you are absolutely right about the “fat cat” bankers! They could care less about the state of the money situation because their pockets are lined with our hard earned dollars. Dollars that sooner will struggle to find. It is a shame what is happening in Venezuela right now and your right in worrying about the possibility of this madness spreading.

That going to blow soon...

Wow!!! This is really scary. Converting to hard asset has always been the way am trying to go.

Let us hope that cryptos can be able to rescue some of us out.

@broncnutz Just Wait until the Price of Silver is Uncapped. JP Morgan did not hoard over the last 7 years to take a LOSS.

@broncnutz,They say in good conversation you need to speak or make good sentence of words. But when it comes to money you must be master of numbers.

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