Is it still possible to create and Gather wealth in The World?

in #money6 years ago

First and foremost i have topoe Francis ge a brief introduction about this whole entire article and i will tell you why i say such a thing. Wealth in the world was back then when we people who lived in the ester years actually participated in this area of participation and this where this entire topic comes from. We all know about the empires that have ruled this world and magnificent they were in creating and gathering wealth to themselves because they symbolized power and glory.

In the world we are living in now there is a problem of gathering wealth simply because many structures to come to that are nolonger in the hands of many but are not tied up to a small group of people who have taken captive of the global village and this has led to complete slavery of the entire world because there are classes in society and society has completely collapsed because of selfish ambitions. On the African continent alot has happened and so much is still happening because society changes day by day because of the need to develop and get to some area of complete dependence something which is in the minds of many people but actually it will never come to pass because there is no more room for such freedom of ownership.

There are people who have build their dominion through the occult and these have very bad intentions for the world and it is with in their power to determine how the world will move simply because of their system being sinister and in this they can drive the world the way they want because of they have gathered resources over years and there is now nothing left for a common man to keep to themselves. Why am saying all this, the thing is all about how progressively they have propagated their rules and control over the globe and all these come from the kingdom of darkness and i dont mind talking it because i operate in this realm. These people are working for the kingdom of the devil to make everybody subservient to them but as children of God, we shall escape their trap as long as you move in their right direction.

The Banking institutinon in the world is now another issue which cannot be underestimated having know that it controls about 90% of the world's money and that something is not light. The family know as the Rothschild is the one which controls banking in the world and these started planting their dominion in the 1750s and by the third generation the Rothschild had established started taking on central banks of nations. These guys own the economist magazine and its them who control money and a zionist bank called Paul wouback said in the early 1938 that give me the control of a country's money and see who makes their rules. Therefore you realise that now these people who were said to be 150 billion in the 1800s and by now how much are they. It means they are so much and these control banks.

Pharmacutical cartels and Food

  • The house of windsor or the nobles of the British Royal family these control about 80-90% of the world'as food and these have the power to cause hunger to the world so that they control population because its among the objectives of the New World Order. They control grains, fertilizers and these have most food companies in their fists like Kegil with subsiduaries like Uniliver as well as controlling diary products in the world.

For pharmacuticals, this is another area where they have had dominion through creation of diseases whoch can be treated by their pills inorder to create and gather wealth because they are sure of customers through giving out pills. This is mainly controlled by the Rockfeller foundation and that originated from person who made that name in tje late 19th century known as John D. Rockfeller and he got this kind of knowledge from Carniege institution of how to modify drugs Because then the doctors prescribed herbs, there need to improve that way and many schools were opened in the name of teaching medicine which greatly influenced the pharmacutical industry now.

The 300 people (The 13 familes which rule the world,)
We all know that secrete secrete societies exist in the world and the most know at that top of the entire conspiracy is the free masons, Buildeburg group and the Illuminati and these play different roles but at the heart of all of tuem isthe devil. These groups have evil agendas towards this world these include Entertainment, Media, the UN and all these are pushimg so had for the kingdom of darkness. With these guys, with all the wealth got through oculism, they can run tje world and all lean to UN for all guidance due their agendas. Withig that, there is what we call the Interfaith alliance and one religious movent held by the false prophet (pope Francis) and all these are pushing fr the devil's kingdom and this spoken about it Revelation 13 & 14 whichbrings about the econmicsystem which will support thethe two systems.

End....... To be continued......


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