New altcoins on exchanges #6 Sept 10-12, 2016

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemers!

Digest of new altcoins on exchanges for active traders and investors.

AdzCoin [ADZ]

A Decentralized Replacement For Online Advertisng That Will Reward Publishers And Its Audience For Sharing Quality Content!

Adzcoin has the potential to become to Google, Facebook and other ad agencies what Bitcoin has become to (central) banks! The goal of Adzcoin is to become a replacement for online advertising, through the power of social media.

Do you like ad blocking software? Of course you do! Who doesn't right?

  • It allows you to surf the internet without annoying advertisments showing up everywhere
  • It helps you stay safe from privacy invading tracking software
  • It saves you a lot of bandwidth and maks pages load faster

So it's logical more than 200 million people currently surf the web with an ad blocking extension installed in their browser.

But there's a problem to this.

Website creators and bloggers depend for the most part on advertisements to pay for their work and website maintenance. 

Every website costs money to put online, and the work put into the website deserves a reward.

When millions of people use ad blocking software, a huge percentage of revenue is lost. In fact, over 22 billon dollars in revenue was lost in 2015.

The Solution For Website Owners? Adzcoin Monetization!


  • Algorithm: X11 Proof of Work
  • Total Supply: 84 Million Adzcoins
  • Target block time: 60 seconds
  • Block Reward: 40 Adzcoins
  • Block Reward Halving: Every 12 months
  • Difficulty retargeting using the multipool-resistant DigiShield


Bitcointalk thread:

NoLimitCoin [NLC]

NLC is a coin that will be POS/POW hybrid. It will pay POS 2% and  mining total will be 1.5% annually and drop 10% per year and lock after 9  years. D adjustment in every block. 

Most of the Premine is set to be sold and management will  keep only a portion of the Premine that will be explained in the ICO  site TBA. Funding will mostly go back to a stabilization fund to support  the price. We’ve already got Fantasy Football for NLC up and ready. A  set percentage will go back to developing the rest of the Fantasy Sports  games like Soccer, Baseball, Basketball and Hockey as well as other  sports can continue and demand for the coin can happen for the other  sports also. It is estimated there will be over BTC2000 ($1,200,000) at  the exchanges when the season ends from coin sales to players on January  7, which will be the proceeds from sales that will be used to create a  market at the set prices. At the start BTC100 has been deposited by the  investment arm of No Limit Fantasy Sports to support the coin a the  (usd) .002 price once it starts to trade in Sept 2016. That will be the  sale price at the Fantasy game and the price you can cash out with at  the exchanges we list in. We will soon announce the exchanges. Price  will track the exchanges once the coin is listed but CyptoFantasy Sports  will price the coin as follows:
Target launch prices in US Dollars.
Prices will increase every month for the coin. If exchanges  show the coin higher, we will sell at exchange rates. If its lower, we  will keep these rates.

The new currency NoLimitCoin (NLC) will be used by Fantasy Sports game this NFL 16-17 season.  The coin will also target other fantasy operators that want to open to  digital currency transactions. BLOCKCHAIN TO POWER FANTASY SPORTS PLATFORM NLC officially launches today. NLC has been implemented to power No Limit Fantasy Sports platforms Variations for the game will be online within 1 week of launch day at and will provide the crypto world easy access to the fantasy games that are already so popular.  Local laws will be followed and will not be available where prohibited. 


  • Block size: 2mb
  • Block time: 2 minutes
  • PoW Algorithm: SHA-256d
  • POS/POW hybrid
  • POS 2% per annum
  • RPC Port: 6520
  • p2p port: 6521
  • testnet rpc: 16520
  • testnet p2p port: 16521
  • Wallet addresses will start with “N”, to differentiate pubkey from other cryptocurrency networks  (pubkey=53)
  • PoW Block reward will reduce as complexity from mining difficulty increases.
  • D adjusts every block.


Bitcointalk thread: 

KashCoin [KASH]

he latest cryptocurrency focused towards the Music industry, Kashcoin goes live this week on multiple crypto-exchanges.

Kashcoin, represented by the symbol KASH is a cryptocurrency created by those in music for the very industry they represent. It can be used widely used across the segment by bands, in music concerts and festivals, to buy records, clothing and merchandise. As supporters of the Music industry, Kashcoin users will be eligible for special deals and VIP perks which are otherwise not accessible to regular people.

Kashcoin is the creation of Leor Dimant aka DJ Lethal who has been part of multi-platinum groups — Limp Bizkit and House of Pain along with Justin Lally as a partner. The motivation behind Kashcoin is to introduce music lovers to digital currency. In addition, the most attractive features of Kashcoin are the exclusive perks and discounts the platform intends to offer music lovers, something which isn’t otherwise available.


  • Premining
  • Proofs: Network-Stake (PoS) – Anonymous Burn Destroy (PoBA)
  • Min Stake Time of 1 hour, Max Stake Time of 8 hours
  • PoW ended at Block 100.000, Mined 1,200,000 KASH
  • Minimum Transaction Fee: 0.01 KORE
  • Confirmations: 10, Maturity: 30



AdzCoin [ADZ]

See information about the coin above



No Premine/no ICO S.C.R.Y.P.T 3 Exchange



Bitcointalk thread:



  • Algorithm: X11
  • Type: POW / POS (proof of work / proof of stake)
  • Last POW block: 1667400
  • POS interest: 242% per year
  • Coin supply: 3652422000 TELL
  • Developers safe: 4.1254%  (not in stake)
  • block generation time: 60 seconds
  • block reward: Random (96 - 3600 TELL)
  • change difficulty: 1 blocks
  • coinbase maturity: 30 blocks
  • Stake min age: 1 hours
  • Stake max age: 30 days


Bitcointalk thread:

TotCoin [TOT]

We are a team of enthusiasts and we believe, that cryptocurrency is the future of the economy. Our goal is to share our vision with the society and build one of the strongest currencies, we are going to achieve this goal with the massive ad-campaign and making the coin as friendly as possible for the end-user, releasing web, mobile and light-wallets. TotCoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency with a distributed, decentralized public ledger, which unlike those of traditional banks is viewable and easily audited by anyone. Premine will be used for worldwide promotion projects, campaign,bounty i can assure you.. this premine will not be dumped.  


  • Scrypt PoW/PoS
  • Time blocks: 120 sec.
  • Block reward: 700
  • Halving rate : 1000000
  • Premine: 13% not staking
  • Total coins: 1,613,150,000
  • PoS: Yearly Interest 80%
  • Min.Coin age: 10 days
  • Max age: 70 days


Bitcointalk thread:

Steem [STEEM]

ShapeShift has added Steem. Buy/sell steem instantly. :)

Wish you all profit trading!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.12
TRX 0.23
JST 0.030
BTC 78668.07
ETH 1866.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.81