Would you invest in your friends and family?

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Since jobs and pensions are not to be relied on in any ones future security, how else does one find their wealth these days?

Well, many more people are investing in startups. Traditionally investments were only made through brokers and most investment vehicles were mutual funds based on your risk factor, a term we learned as I.F.A.'s to put clients in risky ventures or bonds being the safest.

Now however; you can invest in your nephew, daughter or guy next door whom you and he believe has a world changing idea. Someone out there has the next big thing, and if you are one of the first to the table with a small seed funding offering, then you could be the first to the Swiss bank when it goes IPO.

As a startup myself, I love watching the Jobs movie (the first one) where the investor turns up, scoffs at the garage and offers them the life line they need, and it was just a few hairy hippies negotiating and signing on their Mother's kitchen table, no company set up , no big indentured forms, no lawyers, and no razor blades, all total ad lib, and they became the biggest company on Earth!

So many people talk themselves out of a big deal as they feel they are not set up yet, Take your share money of whoever you can, and make the company later, that is entrepreneurship, just be honest with everyone:

"Look we are as you see it, nothing is done, but with your cash we can set it all up and proper certificates can be done later.

It actually shows great financial acumen if you keep liabilities like company set up and all lawyers fees at bay till your profits can pay for it, and if you have found some shareholders to trust you before you have even made a penny, then big investors love that later when you are looking for millions!

How cool will that be telling your grand kids how 'maverick' you were when you were younger from your gold rocking chair.

You will soon learn who your real friends are when you invite them to Invest in your business , you will quickly learn who loves you whatever you are doing, and who thinks you are a bit of a joke really.

Past experiences don't count, most wealthy entrepreneurs had humble beginnings and made countless mistakes, we call learning, your dumb friends call that your DNA and believe you amount to nothing. Use their attitude to fuel yours!

So who in your family is a budding entrepreneur that can deliver you 50 times what you expect of the government and how much have you helped them?

If you fancy investing in a fantastic media startup that has been established since 2009 (an old start up) with 5,000 members and 30,000 visitors a month, get in touch

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