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RE: 2/9/18. Post Market Wrap Up PLUS: Institutional Cash Is Going To Push Stocks Higher. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Greg, I've been watching you for a long time. I've always liked your stuff. Today, I'm going to have to disagree with you about this being a "normal adjustment" in the stock market - for the following reasons:
#1 The Globalist Banksters want Trump out of office. They'll use Trump as a Patsy to take the blame for their thievery.
#2 The Tax Cut. While tax cuts are great, they are only great if they are accompanied with a downsizing of government bloat. This time, however, not only have taxes been cut, but Congress just voted to INCREASE government spending. And, this borrowed money is not being used to build up infrastructure and manufacturing - we're all using this borrowed money to keep on maintaining our lifestyle - to buy stuff.
#3 Credit Card, Mortgage, Car Loan, and Student debt are at an all time high - worse than 2008. It's looking more like 1987.
#4 The yield curve is continuing to flatten out. You've pounding this fact home for a long, long time. How come, all of a sudden, you don't seem to think the rising 10-year rate isn't a problem? You can rename a "flattening yield curve" and call it a "re-balancing" all day long - that doesn't make it true.
#5 The MSM is telling everyone that everything is okay - that the economy is great. It isn't.

Are you currently biased because you have too much in the market right now and you don't want it to be true??? Think about it and connect the dots properly. I believe this environment is highly risky.

This is not going to be a "Great Depression" - it's going to be an absolute apacolyptic nightmare. And, this is not me in a "panic." All of the banks stopped loaning money to each other on 1/3/2018. And, gold seems to be forming a cup - which is where I think that a lot of big, smart money is going right now. We will find out soon enough....

I recently got set up with a very large amount of cash (for me) to enter back into these cryptos at a low price. However, I am now using a much, much larger portion of that cash to increase my silver stack. I don't think that I'm going to be sorry about that, either.

It's possible that the FED has more tricks up their sleeve, but interest rates are already just way too low for that to be much of a tool for them to use. What options do they have left? QE to infinity? Bye, bye dollar.

Last Friday, when the market started to tank, the first thought that came into my mind was... "DEAD CAT BOUNCE." However, I don't think this cat is just going to bounce one time - it's not falling off the side of a skyscraper, it's going to look more like it fell off the side of the Matterhorn. I'm getting ready for a very, very rough ride down.

If I'm wrong - I'm stacked with Silver. If you're wrong... a lot of people who follow you might get hurt. I don't think you want that. I think it's smart to be more conservative here.


What a piece of information. This is why economics is the best subject in the university. Its all about giving your logical reason from economical point of view why you think certain indices will lead to a certain parametre. It will be nice to see how the marjet behaves at the end point. For now, greg has been a wonderful analyst in the stoke market. I also beleive you too are judging from this your reply. I will follow you and resteem this. I honestly love logicl criticysm

wow..someone on this blog..with intelligence...see my are spot on my friend.

You make a number of very good and valid points. It is smart to diversify & if TEOTWAWKI comes, even bubba will be willing to barter with junk silver coins. All kinds of people are predicting a crash, but no one can say when because the globalist have been so clever at manipulation. A number of 'experts' don't think it will happen this year.

The globalist definitely have serious issues with Trump, but it seems that he is tap dancing with them a bit currently. I think will try to backroom deal with him and if he doesn't make some concessions, they will play the market crash card (or some other disaster) just before midterms to get more globalist Dems elected. In any case, give it your best shot and keep your powder dry.

A depression is not good for the globalists with Trump in office. The globalists want a new world order. Under Hillary we would have a depression that would create a world currency, and subsequent world government. The purpose of a recession is to increase governmental power. Period. Generating wealth for the banksters is secondary. Why have money, when you can have control? With Trump, they will try to achieve a secondary means for world government (WAR: Look into Jeffery Nyquist, Olavo de Carvalho, and Cornelia Ferreira - They will help you have a clear perspective on world issues. The rabbit hole to outclass them all. If you want more reading material, just ask- I've got plenty of good ones. ;)

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