The collapse of US economy??

in #money7 years ago

When you hear and see the reports coming from Venezuela, it's absolutely heartbreaking.

What was once a prosperous, thriving and secure nation more than a decade ago, has now turned into a socialist, 3rd-world nightmare. All because of big-government, left-wing policies that included higher social spending, taxes, and money printing.

This has led to professionals such as doctors leaving the country in droves... widespread starvation, violence and civil unrest.... as well as shortages of food and necessities, such as food and toilet paper.

Just like almost every other socialist government, it promised a workers' paradise on earth... but instead, delivered the earthly version of hell.

Here in the US, we're seeing eerily similar events to Venezuela: Protests and rallies where left-wing groups such as Antifa attack peaceful, conservative folks who exercise their First Amendment right to free speech.

Inflation is rampant in real estate, higher education and health care... putting a big financial squeeze on the American middle class.

The Obama administration nearly doubled our national debt, now set to break $20 trillion this year, and over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Simple math tells you there's no way these debts will be paid off.

History shows us – just like it is in Venezuela – that governments try and debase the currency to pay off the debt with cheaper dollars. But it destroys wealth and purchasing power of average citizens, and leaves a trail of financial tears in its wake.

Unfortunately, the US is no different, although President Trump is trying to reverse the damage that Obama did from eight years in office. But given the size of these debts, it may already be too late despite his best efforts.

Don't be a victim of a dollar downturn – get your Free Government Debt Survival Guide to protect yourself against a dollar collapse.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. Sadly, the United States is playing a similar tune to other nations throughout history. The smartest thing to do is hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

Source : infusionsoft

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it all coming down soon man! invest in the future economy! crypto.

Already in it. bro although I am still a Noob to encryptocurrency, still having headache abt the technology n identifying the differences in tech of the crypto are so complex.

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sure thing....

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