Selling out is an addictive habit.

in #money5 years ago


In this world, as it is there are a lot of ways to make money, but not many of them hold much meaning for us spiritually. We have to take our own fiscal life seriously in this way. Making money through spiritually or morally edifying ways can be quite therapeutic to our souls longterm. If you know that you have a unique skill or talent that you can bring to the world, then you should always use it. If you do not have any unique skills then at a bare minimum you should do something that does not force you to compromise your moral compass. In business, it is very easy to compromise your morality to make money. Corporations do this daily and really don't blink an eye. What you have an ancient artefact in the way of our new factory? Burn it down and get the digging going. lol. I could go on and on. Why is this? Well, it's because corporations are not usually the result of individuals. They end up being like gangs... Some are good gangs that want to do right and keep the peace, but some are bad gangs that want to destroy things just for fun.

I am presently trying to think of a list of ten corporations that are mega massive and still positive and I am having a tough time coming up with that list. There are benevolent monarch types but honestly, they are more usually doing things quietly, probably to stay out of the way of the other types lol... The bigger a thing gets, the harder the morality is to implement. As our culture sits, morality and money are not usually linked in any meaningful way. The devil always wants you to sell out. So if you can't do anything that is unique, at least do something that is honest and doesn't create bad karma. When you join a corporation, its kinda like joining the mafia. You don't really know what they will make you do. You might have to cover up some things or do certain unsavory things just to keep your job.

This is why America was possibly more psychologically healthy when small business was a bigger thing. Fewer people were apt to sell out because the opportunity to sell out wasn't really there. Ultimately, we are the only ones who have to account for our actions during and after our lives. So spiritually, if we sell out, not only do we hurt those around us... We hurt ourselves and our potential for spiritual growth during this lifetime. If others want to destroy us then so be it. If it's life or death sure, go sell out for a minute to survive if you are literally going to die. But if it's not life or death, try to pick something that is going to sustain you in a way that you are spiritually proud of. Nobody in this modern era has an excuse, starting a small business is as simple as starting a youtube channel as a kid, or selling stuff on eBay as an adult. Whatever the case there is always something spiritually viable for work around you. Even if it is hard to see at first glance.

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