Nothing is ever lost!

in #money7 years ago

Never give up on yourself. Your time will come, when everything you ever did will come together for your benefit.


Over the years I have wondered:

Why I continued to do the things I did. I felt I wasn’t getting anywhere. It seemed all a waste of time and effort. Now I see God has been preparing me that all that time I was in training for greater things.  

I can see now, with all that experience, I had built up an authentic background to work from. Now I can share my experiences and help others. Nothing was ever lost.  

Each experience had a purpose! Even bad experiences taught me how to help others in similar positions, how to overcome it easily and effectively. 

So don’t give up. Life’s experiences are learning curves. 

Prepare to win:

  1. Even though your business (whatever it may be) might presently be slow, always prepare for possible opportunities. Hone in on your skills. Do research and learn new skills. And keep your ears and eyes open for that special gap in opportunities. 
  2. Even through your business is successful now, don’t slack off. Prepare for possible hard times and any eventualities that may occur. Have more than plan A and B ready for bad times. Then, when everybody else is having troubles, you’re out in front harvesting the profits. 

Patience in the face of opposition:

It wasn’t only I that wondered why I was wasting my time. People were telling me what I should do and got fed up when things weren’t going their way. 

But I saw the bigger picture ahead of me. It is like the stock exchange. I was investing in myself. I was ploughing back into my resources and building a firm foundation. 

The value other people place on something is different to what you may value it. Why because people have different personalities, experiences, opinions and expectations. 

Ideas have consequences:

Depending, on how much you follow up on them or not. 

  • Do what you know you’re good at. There will come a time when your talent will fit the opportunities made just for you. 
  • If you have aligned your activities to the value and size of the project, you bound to succeed, even if it’s step by step. 

Be one step ahead:

Have you ever noticed that a person that looks and acts differently to the crowd… gets noticed? 

  • That happens on the internet too! Everyone wants to see that video and what that person did… they trends big time. 
  • That how a business gets free advertising. And that’s how bloggers trend big time too, by been different and interesting.   

The harder you work, the luckier you get!

Nothing ever falls in your lap. You have to look ahead and plan your success. 

When everyone else may think times are hard… there is always someone who thinks it’s a great time to create a business. Can you believe it?! 

And guess what? They’re the ones that pick up on opportunities where no one is aware of. 

It’s not only working at your project, but also investigating on what’s happening out there. Not only how to do things better, but how people are reacting to situations. 

In every situation there is a need you can fill. Whether it’s an emotional or a physical need, consider where your skills can fit in. 

Whatever you do,

Enjoy what you’re doing. Projects fire ahead when they’re riding on enthusiasm. 

If you feel dull and frustrated, you’re inclined to procrastinate. Your heart has to be in the project for it to be successful. 

If things are becoming sluggish, that’s when I know I have to kindle the fire of enthusiasm. I force the mood, by doing something I like doing. Just anything… 

  • If its art, I scribble with wild splashes of paint. A façade exercise to loosen up, until I’m in the groovy state to tackle a painting session.  
  • If its blogging, I make notes and play around with ideas. You have to have something to work on. If nothing gets started, nothing gets done! 

Thanks for the inspiration. This is a good piece of advice. True ideas have consequences.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.

I have realized that no matter how many times we fail, there comes a time for connecting the dots.
When we figure it out, we always smile to ourselves and realize it was hard after all.
Thanks for this one anyway, you just gave me another reason to keep pushing hard regardless of the circumstances.

Hello there. I love the way you said: Connecting the dots!

Gary Player says "The more you practice the luckier you get."

Yes. Love that statement. Heard it before, but it is very true.
Only wished art students took it more seriously. They think they don't have to practice. Just love to watch the teacher show them how it is done and then a miracle will suddenly happen, Walla, for them.

I really like this thought:

The harder you work, the luckier you get!

I got one more for this topic:

What is the difference between the master and the beginner? The master has failed more times.

Cheers! : )

We become masters, when we practice our skills often. As the saying goes "Practice makes perfect!"
But success, means doing something different and dynamic, to make impact on the world out there.

Very inspiring. Actually every one become successful in his own time. Obama became president at the age of 40, while Trump at his 70. We should do our job, one day success will come itself. You can not explain its machanism, yet it is true.

The law of the odds, perhaps!?

wow this post is so inspiring for all
this post teached us that try try but dont cry
we also should take example of thomas edison
Even a small beby also take a lot of time to walk on his feet for a first time
Every good result required a lengthy time

“nothing is lost” in many situations, I discoverd that old knowlege even if it seemed irrelevent worked out for me. Thanks @artguru.

Hello @artguru
I agree that success never comes at once. We must strive for our goals and be in constant development, development of ourselves and our skills. It is better to take a small step toward successes than not taking any steps at all.

Do what you know you’re good at. There will come a time when your talent will fit the opportunities made just for you.

These are mock words, in my opinion the most important. Each person has a talent for different things - strengths and weaknesses. It is the strengths that need our attention. Developing strong is important.
Thanks for the constructive article, your opinion is appreciated.

Whether we work on out weaknesses or strength, it's our attitude that counts. To stay positive even in the face of opposition.

How many in these thelay

Tried to understand your word: thelay. Do you mean according to the same topic. If so, yes. Just go to my site: @artguru. My inspiration blogs can be found under the inspiration image, art-web icon images as well as the money bags icon image.

You are right when you say that nothing just will not fall on your knees. There is such a famous saying - "under a lying stone, water will not flow." Its meaning is that as long as you do not move you will not have anything. You need to constantly make attempts. Fall and rise.
Only the one who never gives up is able to achieve success.
Thanks @artguru, terrific article

Like Edison. How many times he tried to get a light globe to work!


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