Economic Collapse: Top 6 Currency Items You’ll Need [Video]

in #money7 years ago


The biggest threat today – in terms of the apocalypse – is economic collapse. Banks go belly up, savings and retirement funds are wiped out, another housing bubble bursts, the grid collapses. The world comes to a grinding halt.

In the 1930s, during the Great Depression, dire poverty, unemployment, and desperation reached all corners of the world. Though it was pre-internet and pre-globalization, the result was devastating. Many, to survive, resorted to private bartering.

Today, in a global arena, we’re all too susceptible to the domino effect. We tasted it in 2008 with the GFC, but in the scheme of things, it was the tip of the iceberg. If what happened in Greece happened worldwide – or even in just the United States, would we survive? Remember Argentina? Bosnia? Now, Venezuela? What if the US or EU declared bankruptcy? Many economists and leading experts predict a collapse of our capitalist structure in our lifetimes. Do you have the necessary skills to survive the worst? Are you prepared?

Below is a non-exhaustive list of commodities that can be used for bartering your way through the tough times.

Gold and Silver

It’s stating the obvious, but did you know you can get ‘breakaway’ strips of these precious metals? Breakaway gold and silver allows you to literally break by the gram so you can remain in control of your exchange. However, be warned: gold and silver will only placate the new market short term. When food becomes scarce, gold will no longer matter to those who are starving.

Vice Currency Items

These precious commodities will run dry within a week or two of economic collapse – and that’s being generous. Vice items such as cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and tea are shipped daily. As Penny University suggests, for safety's sake and easy storage, for alcohol, consider storing just nips.

Medical Supplies – First Aid, Antibiotics, Aspirin

It really is survival of the fittest in an economic collapse. Medical supplies will be akin to what gold is for us today. Once exports cease, household items such as Aspirin will cease to exist. It isn’t unforeseeable that a single tablet will be used as a new trade currency, and one that will hold its value.


The term ‘shot glass’ comes from the old west, when a bullet was traded for a drink. After the economic collapse, people will want to protect themselves and their goods. All the guns in the world won’t save you without ammunition.


If the grid has fallen hard, people will need to start over. Viable seeds will be very valuable. Along with the seeds, if you have a skill in farming, you can also use this as a means to barter for other goods. Any other skills that are transferrable to a post-apocalyptic world will be worth their weight in gold.

Spices and Seasonings

Morale lifting sugar, salt pepper and spices are “proven in history to be extremely valuable because of its scarcity in normal conditions.” They are currently cheap to buy and will store well for a very long time. Before international trade, a pound of sugar 2 centuries ago cost a week’s worth of wages. After a collapse, these common items will be gone for good.

You can watch the full YouTube clip below.


Thanks for the tips! I have some gold, silver, and food and water, but I need to pick up some medicine and ammunition!

nice article on currency.

the world stands at crossroads... the other solution is going money-free. Materialism has always been a smokescreen and it is time to see behind the illusion...

my blog is all about it - for the inquiring minds only :)

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