The TRUTH About Doubling Your Steem In Today's Market? Coin-Doubler Exposed

in #money3 years ago (edited)

Perhaps you have heard of @coin-doubler. There are many accounts online of people who have donated steem to this bot.

The story goes that it has been returned to them in small amounts daily, but the total amount they receive is twice that of their donation. I had read a couple of posts and though I was skeptical, I figured I would try it out for myself.

Steem was great for an amateur writer. I had made a few hundred bucks after writing a few articles, and with the price appreciation, I doubled that.

Then the market soured, and though I tried to cash out using the Steemscan converter, my funds were returned unconverted and with the price of steem continuting to plummet as well as other business occupying my mind, I lost a bit of interest in steem.

But then I remembered, I had put some effort into this venture, and I like the platform. But I wanted that money back, the money I had "earned" and earned, by market forces and actual work. How could I increase the value of my dwindling pouch of steem? Enter coin-doubler.

I would like to double my money. I would especially like it to be fast, easy, predictable, and without risk. I'd also like for food not to contain calories but still have great taste, a tropical beach villa on the water in exchange for my good looks, and a unicorn.

I'm not holding my breath for any of these things, but I know that cryptocurrency can provide immense yields, especially when staking or yield-farming.

Not knowing much about yield-farming or which token to stake for plentiful returns, I was pleased to read about this coin-doubler. I can't recall exactly how I first heard about it, but it was during the love-bombing I received when I started on the platform.

One of these messages told me to go to Discord and look for tasks there. I was to join the Proved Activity Rewards server and they told me I would receive tons of steem effortlessly if I recruited five humans to the server. I'd be given a secret that would mean untold riches.

That would prove to be a problem. I didn't know five humans on that platform.. But I did know one who used Discord, so I was 20% of the way to the goal. Little did I know I'd remain far from finished for months.

In the meantime, I did have this "coin-doubler" to check out. Still wanting to double my money, I decided to try it. Another denizen of this platform wrote a story about their experience, so I decided I would do the same. I even used the key code that person provided ... you might not believe how that turned out. Read on.

Evaluation of my donation

I have donated on a number of occasions to @coin-doubler, in the following amounts (dates of donation seen below in my account transcript):

  • August 3, 2021: 1 steem. I sent this with a memo stating "for investment". I figured this bot would know why I was sending money so I felt foolish, but what else was I to write to a computer script?

  • August 3, 2021: 5 steem. I forgot to include the fabled 1000X booster key--when I finally finished my mission to find five people, I was given a booster key. This was to be entered into the memo section of the post sending the funds to invest. I had forgotten, so I send another five immediately upon remembering.

I supplied the key code with the message, "I trust you got my first gift? Thanks!" Dumb of me, thinking that a bot would write back, in retrospect, but I was being friendly and cordial at least.

After a few days, I had gotten some tiny deposits in my account. They were happening daily, so the consistency was there; I was pleased. But the amounts were off: the amounts sent each time were 1/1000th of the donation. This was odd but I figured it perhaps had something to do with the size of the investment that was sent, so I sent another, a larger one.

*August 9, 2021: 35.625 steem. I sent this with only the key code, expecting and waiting for a full deposit in my account in return.

You see, most people were getting all of their deposits with 58 or 59 days. Quick calculations meant that if one were to receive twice one's donation over a 59-day period, then that would mean one would get 2x/59 steem per day (x being the amount of the donation). This figure would be approximately 0.0339 (3.39%) of your donation per day for 59 days.

As you can see from the figures, I was getting nowhere near that. I was getting 0.001 steem per day from my 1 steem donation, and 0.005 steem per day from my 5 steem donation. At that rate it would take forever to get my money returned, and twice forever to get the funds constituting the investment return (okay, not forever, but 1,000 days is sure a long time, and 2,000 an eternity)!

I reread the message of how to use the system again. It said that you can't use your own booster key, or you'll be penalized, and if you use your own, you're a cheater and you'll be sorry.

How silly of me! I had used the wrong booster key when donating before, the one that was given to me at the end of the quest to recruit five members to the server.

Maybe that was what was considered MY key. Perhaps they thought I was trying to gin the system. What am I talking about, it's a piece of code, it's just following directions.

I tried to find someone to ask, but nowhere could I find any way to contact coin-doubler and get answers.

*August 10, 2021: 50 steem. Ever heard the phrase "throwing good money after bad?" Guilty. I don't know what I was thinking. This amount was sent with the booster key given by the coin-doubler in each memo of funds received. Maybe that's what I needed to use?

In retrospect, if steem were to hold its value and the full amount was received over the term, I'd still beat the stock market's average return of 9.2%, according to a statement by Goldman Sachs representatives--or kind of.

[The information was apparently paraphrased and massacred in a poorly-worded article stating that the Sachs analysts said that "Over the past 140 years, U.S. stocks averaged 10-year returns of 9.2%, Goldman said." That reads to me that over ten years, they went up just under ten percent--conflicting with the rest of the paragraph, which led me to frustration that I was even doing this arithmetic in the first place.]

I just want to double my money, sheesh, is that so difficult?

*August 15, 2021: .502 steem. If I wasn't going to get full credit for my donations, perhaps more shenanigans are going on here.

My donation started off as a rounding error (my OCD made me have to round off the balance in my account) but then I realized maybe they weren't even depositing daily for each donation I'd made.

*August 15, 2021: 1 steem donation, in order to assure their receipt of the following message: "1000X-14B456 I think I messed up as I'm not getting much of a return. I am posting someone else's key here, I could possibly have used my own in prior deposits. Can you help me fix that? I don't think I understood your information. Thanks!"

I sent the last one as a Hail Mary pass to get someone to pay attention to me so I might get some answers. No luck.

It is still unclear which key one is to use but I had no way of knowing which key the Proved Activity Rewards group gave me: "mine" and meant for others to use, or would this be considered a referral from a friend and thus valid for the bonus? And who are they anyway?

Maybe I'll get some clarity from someone who has the answers if they are kind enough to leave a comment below. In the meantime, the deposits have not grown in value any more, so I'll be waiting 5.48 years minus the roughly thirty days since I began this adventure.

Worst case? If coin-doubler keeps it up, I am still making about 13% per year. Not the 13,000%+/- that I would have supposedly gotten if I'd used the correct key the first time, but still not an easy feat to achieve with typical investments.


Time passed, and I kept getting these tiny amounts of crypto credited to me. It's been a while now with no increase in the deposits, so my hope that someone was reading my memos and correcting this grave error has faded a bit.


I found another key code (in the online retelling by @gold-unseen of their coin-doubler saga) so I decided to try it.

  • September 4, 2021: 1 steem. I sent one final steem to coin-doubler, with that key code. I don't have much hope but I'll let you know what happens.

To Be Continued?

[Author's note: this took much longer to write than I had anticipated. There have been developments between my writing it and the time of publication, I'll tell you more in just a moment.

The timing is crucial, so be aware no material facts have been changed nor have copied account statements, but the numbers since that time (coinciding with the timing of my last "donation") are alarmingly different than in the past. Stay tuned, I'll keep you updated!]

Account History

This history is a snapshot in time taken September 4, 2021, directly after the last donation that was accompanied by the booster key given by @gold-unseen in their post recounting their donation experience.

My hope is that my rate of return will be the same as the one promised: one that will double my donation in 59 days.

Please forgive the upcoming table. I have separated each entry into one line and it should be self-explanatory, but the data is in the following format:

time or date of activityactivitymemo
***18 minutes ago ******Transfer 1.000 STEEM to coin-doubler ***1000X-14C8FC Booster Key
4 hours agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
4 hours agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
6 hours agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
11 hours agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
19 hours agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
yesterdayReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
yesterdayReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
yesterdayReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
yesterdayReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
yesterdayReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
2 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
2 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
2 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
2 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
2 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
3 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
3 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
3 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
3 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
3 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
4 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
4 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
4 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
4 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
4 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
5 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
5 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
5 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
5 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
5 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
6 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
6 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
6 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
6 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
6 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
7 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
7 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
7 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
7 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
7 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
8 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
8 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
8 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
8 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
8 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
9 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
9 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
9 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
9 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
9 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
10 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
10 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
10 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
10 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
10 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
11 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
11 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
11 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
11 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
11 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
12 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
12 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
12 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
12 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
12 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
13 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
13 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
13 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
13 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
13 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
14 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
14 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
14 days agoReceived 0.002 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
14 days agoReceived 0.010 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
14 days agoReceived 0.002 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
15 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
15 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
17 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
17 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
17 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
17 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
17 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
18 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
18 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
18 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
18 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
18 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
19 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
19 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
19 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 15, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
19 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
19 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
20 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
20 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
20 days agoTransfer 1.000 STEEM to coin-doubler1000X-14B456 I think I messed up as I'm not getting much of a return. I am posting someone else's key here, I could possibly have used my own in prior deposits. Can you help me fix that? I don't think I understood your information. Thanks!
20 days agoTransfer 0.502 STEEM to coin-doubler
20 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
20 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
21 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
21 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
21 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
21 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
22 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
22 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
22 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
22 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
23 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
23 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
23 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
23 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
24 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
24 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
24 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
24 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
25 days agoReceived 0.050 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 50.000 STEEM on August 10, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
25 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
25 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
25 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
26 days agoTransfer 50.000 STEEM to coin-doublerTHE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01
26 days agoReceived 0.035 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 35.625 STEEM on August 09, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
26 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
26 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
27 days agoTransfer 35.625 STEEM to coin-doubler1000X-153920 -- key code
27 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
27 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
28 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
28 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
29 days agoReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
29 days agoReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
last monthReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
last monthReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
last monthReceived 0.005 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 5.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
last monthReceived 0.001 STEEM from coin-doubler#As a token of our esteem, we gift you for your donation of 1.000 STEEM on August 03, 2021. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is 1000X-167F01. Guidance on how to use it can be found at Please consider supporting our projects further. Best regards, Coin Doubler Team
last monthTransfer 5.000 STEEM to coin-doubler1000X-153920 -- key code, I trust you got my first gift? Thanks!
last monthTransfer 1.000 STEEM to coin-doubler1 steem for investment

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