A Money Lesson For You
All 'fiat money'* is only a measure of DEBT. Every dollar bill that you have is an IOU. Every dollar in a bank is an IOU that the bank owes you. Every dollar, Pound, Ruble, Peso, Yen, Franc, Yuan or other note is an IOU, only as good as the person or institution that is obligated to pay. Stock Certificates, Bonds, Securities, Certificates of Deposit, Equities, and all other instruments denominated in a fiat currency are also IOUs. They have NO VALUE except as an IOU.
*that is ALL money not containing precious metals- Gold or Silver
WHY has the FINANCIAL Bubble not burst yet ?
Your facts may be 100% correct but markets can be manipulated and people can remain irrational for longer than you think possible.
Then again, are all the zeroes, all the dollars and rubles and pounds and Euros and Francs and Yen and pesos even real ? (Look up the meaning of "Fractional Reserve Banking")
I think they are not. Is that heresy ? YES !
Some markets are SUPER pumped up and others are held down by massive FRAUD. Some are out of control. Do you know which are which ? Trading is ultra-hyperspeed computer-controlled and automated, vulnerable to hacks or anything that could alter the trends for a few minutes or seconds, or crash it all. And simultaneously the velocity of money is swirling around the drain at near ZERO. How long can they keep all the balls in the air while stacking the deck behind their backs ? Are you looking at the beautiful glittering distractions or watching their hands ? The amount of debt is unimaginable. It's all in the computers. Debt, and therefore money, is created and expanded with every new loan, every new credit card purchase, every check written by a bank or a government. An ElectroMagneticPulse or sabotage could bring it down to Chinatown. (Or the Prime Rate rises a critical quarter-point [which one ?] causing the wrong loans to go into default blowing up the exact wrong DERIVITIVES, starting a massive chain reaction shtstorm panic.) Or when they scrap your country's currency for a new system, Special Drawing Rights or a Bitcoin clone. Or just take away all cash. Negative Interest Rates. Remember playing musical chairs ?
When the music stops, will you have a pot to piss in ? A safe place for your family to live ? Food and water ? Or will you be caught standing there in shock without a chair wondering what happened when they push the RESET button ?
Will there be a world-wide collapse of currencies and Hyperinflation ? A World War ? Rationing ? (Too much Debt always leads to war.) When the 'too much' is TOO much, or the target date that the next scam/system for plunder begins is the secret that only the banksters (gangsters) know. But it could fall apart at the drop of a hat. Even for them. MARKETS ALWAYS WIN OUT OVER MANIPULATION EVENTUALLY. ALWAYS.
Posted by Not Me at 8:25:00 AM