The talk, presently, is intense about the transition into a new economic system that will more than likely wipe out the wealth of the middle class. For those getting closer to retirement age, will they be able to pull themselves up by the boot straps and start over as their retirement funds vanish forever from their reach. And for those not thinking about retirement, will sudden, vertical rise hyperinflation end the average American’s ability to put food on the table and keep the power on?
Life in America is not truthful. The founders of America tried to make it trueful, but alas, greed always wins out. Fiat currencies are an asset to be manipulated by the well connected making those who own and run the banks rich and powerful while putting most people, the ones who actually work the gears of American society getting the day to day business of living done, cornered into ruiness debt and control, by limiting their choices.
I don’t know what is going to happen. When the American monetary system went completely fiat in 1974, many predicted the down fall of our economic system within thirty years; but instead, those who control the monetary system came up with never before new financial instruments making those who run the system richer and more secure and those of us who are trapped into this dishonest monetary system, working harder while getting poorer.
Now it is being said those who run the monetary system no longer have any more ideas or any more slight of hand tricks on how to keep the rigged monetary system going. So it will now implode, not just in one country, as it has been in the past, but a worldwide economic meltdown. So no one is safe. How will your family do in riding out this crisis?
Some believe it will never happen. Some think people are just crying wolf again and they are, except this time, the wolf is actually here. How secure is your life, or are you living credit card payment to credit card payment. The average person on the street wants to believe that the system will keep on going and if there is a change, like before, it will not affect the average person’s ability to pay their bills. But all monetary systems end, and the fiat ones end with a lot of hurting, unsuspecting people. It is said the average fiat system last about thirty to forty years and ours is now well over forty years old actually pushing fifty. So what would you do if you did not get paid this week? How would you buy your food and pay your rent/mortgage? What would happen is you didn’t get paid for two weeks….three weeks… a month? How long could you keep a roof over your head with no regular income? Are you one of the lucky ones who worked hard and was able to set money away for a rainy day? Is it in the bank? What happens when they tell you the dollar is being replaced and your dollar no longer has any purchasing power but you can convert to the new currency and offer you ten cents on the dollar?
How are you protecting yourself, and your family? Or, will you, like millions of blue and white collar Americans, young and old, high school diploma or PhD, end up in Tent City? It is always the ones who believe that it could never happen to them who are the hardest it. What is your plan to be as independent as you can be from the monetary system during this unprecedented time of America changing from one monetary system to another?