MoMo's Thursday - Quote of the week
I have decided to post a Quote once week. It will be either be someone else's quotes (I'll share the credits) or one of my own if I get some inspiration. Sometimes I will explain why it resonates with me but other times I will not if it is self evident.
I will post this every Thursday - starting today.
I decided to do this because every so often I recall a quote or something said by a friend and it changes my mood or my outlook. I hope these quote will do the same for you - creating awareness or just simply being thought provoking.
I will appreciate hearing from you - do not be shy.
Go ahead!!!
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I made my first post
That's awesome. I am also a newbie here. Why don't you make your introduce yourself post!
I had a short one - hear it is
Decided to start blogging then everyone will learn more about me
Thanks for posting the link!