Moleskine Marvel
Every so often someone else shows you the basis for a really good idea. For me this has been seeing the Moleskine Japanese folder when used by another writer who is also a performer using such a book during open mikes. Now, I don't need something like that during a performance, but it struck me as a useful tool for plotting a novel. Stretched unfolded in a long line, I can see myself marking out where each stage within a novel should come - I am hopeless trying to plot along the Aristotle Incline!
Today I managed to track down the only copy seemingly available within Adelaide. Jumped on the bus and bought it and put in an order for two more. I do like to stockpile. I will never need to purchase another pencil in my life having bought a huge bundle years ago and only a few have been shortened with the sharpening.
I have a fairly good idea of the basis for my next novel, but will let it simmer in the back of my head for a while as I continue to save relevant research. At some stage I will need to be picking the brains of pathologists, transplant co-ordinators, gene splicing experts. While any story I write will be fictional, as ever it will be based on a collation of facts.
Thanks for reading this far. I am very new within Steemit and anticipate that I will feel as if I am talking to myself most of the time, but that's okay - as long as the conversations are within these pages and not in the lift/elevator. :)