MOL Moore Chain Academy - What is the nature of the blockchain? Do you know the real blockchain?

in #mol6 years ago

MOL Moore Chain School: Under normal circumstances, when people ask "what is the use of blockchain", the heart is to treat the blockchain as a technical tool, and expect a direct and comparable result to prove The value of this technology. For example, electric lights can be used for lighting, 5G technology can significantly improve transmission speed, ERP system can reduce enterprise management costs, and the database can perform effective data management.
I believe that most people do not have any satisfactory answers, because we have not encountered the problem of contract tools for too long. To understand the true blockchain, first understand the nature of the blockchain and traditional stocks?

In the history of mankind, the last big contractual tool innovation was the shares of more than 400 years ago, and later derived from common stock, preferred stock, debt-to-equity swaps, and stock options. If we try to ask "What is the use of shares?" There is no doubt that stocks cannot be eaten, worn, or meet any functional needs; shares cannot be used to increase revenue, reduce costs, and increase production efficiency. If we use the perspective of technical tools to evaluate, the stock is a thing that is not used for eggs; but from the perspective of contractual tools, it is a huge innovation of epoch-making significance.

Shares are a tool for the coordination of interests of company participants and are essentially a contract. A joint stock company can be bankrupt, or it can be an extremely large and complex commercial entity, but in any case the stock is always a number on the books, a symbol of an asset.

The blockchain and the stock are essentially the same kind of things, all of which are contractual tools, which are used to coordinate the interests of the organization participants. The shares are based on the company and are the interest coordination tools of the company participants; the blockchain is based on the community and is the interest coordination tool for the community participants. To understand the real blockchain, you must first understand the community.

The essence of the community is an organization. The definition of an organization refers to a group or group of people who work together to achieve certain goals. The community organization has several characteristics: it is collaborative based on the Internet, loose, and widely available.
Bitcoin, Ethereum and Moore are essentially a group of participants (mainly miners and programmers) who have a goal in which participants contribute resources or labor to this goal and acquire an asset symbol according to certain rules. , organized through the Internet, can participate extensively and freely. The products of Bitcoin or the Ethereum community are too abstract and controversial. Everyone usually sees the hype of digital assets, skyrocketing and so on. But we must encourage everyone to see this organizational process, achieve the organizational model of the target and the initial asset allocation mechanism (after the subsequent asset trading and circulation); see a mechanism and possible, a large number of strangers even if they do not trust each other Can participate in the realization of organizational goals.

It is basically worthless to talk about the blockchain from the organizational model of the community. A lot of applications are to think of the pass as a point and discuss a pass-through economy based on points. We don't think this is of much significance. The people who hold the points have no common goal at all. At best, they help a company or group to sell their corresponding products. The most important rules of the points are defined by a company or a group. It is meaningless to go to the blockchain to talk about the trust of centralization; the general evidence discussed here does not have the organizational governance function.

A more easily understood case in the community is the open source community, which creates valuable products and services through large-scale collaboration among humans. There is no corresponding economic incentive for the open source community. Imagine if you reward digital assets for the behavior of product and service creation, then use digital assets to buy products and services within the community, and then digital assets can elect leadership like equity. .

For example, you want to open a chain fast food restaurant, but there is no money. At this time, you can issue a total of 10 billion yuan in MOL one-click assets (XX fast food or XX buns), and 5 billion as a private fund. Your chain store can start, and those who hold the pass can freely trade chips. It can also be directly used in chain stores with the pass, and converted at market price. This is the role of the certificate in the future of physical projects, a wallet can hold a variety of physical assets. As a new type of entity entrepreneur, the assets issued in MOL can play a role in financing, and can also lock in new consumer groups (shareholders), and can also realize the digitization of intangible assets (the remaining chips in the hands, that is, the numbers) assets).
As a physical endorsement asset, it will definitely become the driving force for attracting other industries. If the dog does not care, Beijing Roast Duck, KFC, or XX food, or specialty chain stores .......... / have a certificate of their own in the MOL wallet, it is quite own to grasp the entity and A digital asset that has the intangible value of the brand. Therefore, entities in the most advanced digital asset field must have a very large strategic advantage.

As a MOL holder? (Wallet users) is first and foremost a Moore shareholder. If it is funded by an entity that uses MoL assets as a standard, it becomes a shareholder of the new entity, with MOL's one-click asset issue. As costs increase and the brand value of the entity increases, the MOL and entity pass in your hands will appreciate. As a future asset-type, semi-centralized asset issuance bank, although there is no centralization (bank office staff) agency costs, but there are nodes and safe maintenance costs, then as the market slowly expands, if the assets are issued, if used MOL pledge, then MoL in your hand is also very useful. If various MOL certificates and MOLs are exchanged, 0 commissions, the MOL public chain that arrives at the account will break the traditional concept of mining and directly enter the use stage of the pass.

Then this constitutes a system in which a participant can share, create, and co-govern. This is a brand new organizational model; this organizational model has just entered the historical arena, and it is still not perfect. In the language of the blockchain, this is often referred to as the Community or DAO (Distributed Autonomous Organization).

This is the same as the stock company, the community is an organizational model; what the organization does is another topic. Take the stock company to analogy, some companies make products that are completely pseudo-demand, and some companies make products that are great demand; the value of the corresponding shares will naturally be different.

Therefore, the next time you encounter the "application scenario of the blockchain", you can ask "what is the application scenario of the stock".

The joint-stock company has achieved great success in marine trade and has matured. Similarly, the community must be successful in a specific big business before it can mature. So what is the specific big business belonging to the community?
From the 15th to the 17th century, the improvement of science and technology and the advancement of geography knowledge made ocean navigation possible. With the discovery of geography, ocean trade was an absolute high-risk and high-yield business at that time. The Dutch East India Company is the first joint stock company, which innovatively solves the interests of the participants and thus has a huge capital integration capability. Today, the Dutch East India Company is in the annals of history. The stock company is almost the most mainstream organizational model of large companies.

To know what a community-specific big business is, first of all, to understand the global socio-economic background today, we summarize the following:

First, there are statistics showing that the global flexible employment or freelancers are growing rapidly, the company can not accommodate too much employment; the economic winter from 2018 and the wave of layoffs of large companies will push more people to flexible employment. system.

Second, the era of rapid development that we have experienced in the context of globalization is over. The existing global economic system has been faltering. It is completely managed by the extremely aggressive monetary policies of central banks. It is a debt at all levels. They are all in a bubble pattern that continues to accumulate at a scary rate. Soon the effects of stimulants will disappear and everything will develop in the opposite direction. The current Sino-US confrontation, which is more obvious to the public, is only a small performance under this big pattern.

Third, in today's world, the power of capital has made it a monster, a big monster that swallows everything, the Matthew effect is unrestrained, and the resulting gap between rich and poor and social separation; with the master's grasp With the development of artificial intelligence, this gap between rich and poor and social fragmentation will increase. A society in which only one worker can obtain the main benefits is a thriving and stable society, and the issue of distribution is a very important fundamental issue.

Under this background, there can only be two very different directions:

The first direction is to let a large number of middle and lower classes immerse themselves in endless games and entertainment, thus losing their ability to think and dissatisfaction. Refer to the background of the story of the number one player, which is the future society that Spielberg understands as the current trend continues.

Blockchain: contractual tools, a large iteration brewed in the history of the last hundred years

The second direction is to unite a large number of middle and lower classes, do something meaningful, and let them have a decent income; instead of worrying about the so-called class decline all day long.
The emergence of the blockchain, a contractual tool and a new organization of the community, made the second direction possible.

In the past 20 years, economic power has quickly shifted from producers to channels. Channels, especially Internet channels, develop artificial intelligence after mastering large amounts of data, which can almost largely replace producers, such as unmanned restaurants, unmanned hotels, artificial intelligence pigs, and so on. In the next 10 years, the most likely trend is that economic power will be transferred from the channel to the producers, so that workers can obtain the main benefits and solve the distribution problem.

Standing in the past, the Internet does bring a lot of convenience to people's lives; but standing in the future, the monopoly of the Internet today is a very serious problem.

The biggest imagination of the blockchain is to solve this serious problem. It can unite a large number of users, producers and technicians to build their own public welfare Internet channels. This is a specific big business belonging to the community.

In the words of Qian Haitao, the founder of Moore Chain MOL, “The blockchain should make the Internet a genius, an open network of merits. Based on the atomic physics world, the government maintains order, and reasonable humans have proliferated. Living infrastructure, real estate, automobiles and other real estate and the real economy have their own laws, and it is not necessarily necessary to monetize their numbers. We believe that any exaggeration of the scope of technology available is a deceptive behavior. So Bitcoin and Moore are all focused on digital assets that most require blockchain technology."

There is no doubt that this particular big business doesn't look like it at all. I hope everyone can understand it is not realistic. After all, this is a topic for discussing the future. Many people can see and understand and believe. The pioneers of history always form the understanding and construction of the future in their minds, and then bravely create the future.

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