Pre-Social media world had better means for us to make friends.
We needed no data like in modern trends.
Friend requests weren't necessary to send.
There was an easier way the world did blend.
Those times, little $money did we spend.
Even when you did not have, someone could lend.
However, to get a date was not as tiresome. All you needed was life....... Isn't that awesome? She would ask for your total commitment after she had given you her all. She would forgive you even after cheating but for guilt, your heart wouldn't stop beeping.
These days you need courage, money, good looks and fame without any debate.
All these just to get someone to date else thou shalt be too late.
This particular lady came to me even when I was not ready. Accepting me, knowing that I did not deserve to propose. I tried to hide but Grace found me. In fact, her approach I couldn't oppose and as promised, she has been with me ever since. Forgiving my sins and bombarding my dreams with smiles, hopes and satisfaction. Towards her I now feel an attraction. Maybe it's love or the bliss of salvation.
Although am not worthy to pay her dowry, I have her name written about 150 times in my diary. My only jealousy is that her secrete lovers are too many and you are one of such:
Her absence is always present in your heart and her charm so deep upon you. Memories of her keep reviving in you like the Holy Spirit and Benny Hinn. You can see or witness her in your life. Sometimes you may not see her but she never leaves sight. I call her Grace because she never leaves human race.
O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: It's not a man that walketh to direct his steps...Jeremiah 10:23.
The world is evolving, technology improving and Godliness seemingly enduring. The Bible is on Google, Play store, and Yahoo. It can be shared via Bluetooth, App sharer, and Xender. The word spreads through Steemit, IMO, Facebook, Instagram, What's App, Twitter, WordPress and Blogger. But the Gospel we still ignore and worldliness do we eagerly explore.
God, through Christ granted us salvation by Grace through Faith. Take not the granted grace for granted. May the Grace of God keep you abiding in Him till He comes again.
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God bless you bro