Kids, food and mothers cooking brainspill
Maybe it just my imagination, but did you notice how skinny todays kids and teens are? They are basically walking skeletons with skin on them.
Masswise, my arm equals to their leg.
I don't work out. Actually, I avoid gyms and exercise like a plague. All I do is, I occasionally take some physically difficult work like scaffolding, some construction jobs, moving furniture for somebody, etc. to keep in some sort of shape.
Then I notice that people (or most of them) of my age and up are a little chubby.
These kids on the other side are exact opposite. Minority of them has some mass wrapped around their bones.
And what I found strange is, that women are more muscular them men.
Maybe it's just a fashion. Maybe it's caused by the things these people are being fed.
Have you actually tasted/had a meal from todays modern mother?
By meal I mean an actually cooked food, not some instant microwaved shit.
Just this weeked I was (un)lucky to try one and it just doesn't surprises me why those kids are so skinny. The mother in question, according to her friends, knew how to cook quite well. But when I got a serving of what she cooked I immidietally thought "there is something missing and it's definitelly not finished." by just looking at it. Dumplings needed to be boiled for at least five more minutes - I could use them instead of butter to spread on loaf of bread. Kabagge went onto my plate right out of the jar. It wasn’t cooked, it was wattery. There was no onion, salt or cummin. And about the chicken, which was supposedly oven baked. Well, what she pulled out of the oven were pieces of chicken on water. Basic meat ovenbaking recipt commands you to use lard or butter, salt, pepper, cummin and onion and/or other seasonings.
Taste, perhaps?
And I thought I can't cook!
After getting through this experience, I'm confident that I can start a cooking course from this spot - I just got out of bed, still in my pyjamas.
Now I wonder why todays kids are so skinny...
Hm... No, I don't.
We live in a age where instant fucking noodles taste better then what todays well-rounded-chef-of-a-mother can produce in kitchen.
Of course the kids will rather grab those fucking noodles or pack of crisps. Compared to what she creates in the kitchen the microwaved shit's a miracle.
But not bash only the modern mothers which are having their kids at late teens/early twenties.. do you shop at super market? have you seen the quality of the foods that are being sold there?
I wouldm't give that to pigs if I had any. Cooking isn't all about skill, but also about what you use . ingredients.
So, you modern age mothers.. next time you are about to do shopping, go to the loval street market instead - it's fresh, it's cheaper, it's from local farmers and butchers and if the thing doesn't give it's characteristic smell it's from supermarket's discount sale and you are obliged to stuff it down the sellers throat till he/she chokes to death.
Having quality ingredience is about 70% of the chef's job done, now if you don't fuck it up - follow your insticts, rather take into the acount what you see and smell, instead of keeping your nose stuck to the cooking manual, the next thing you serve out will be much better.
And about the recipt books - fuck the internet and new books. They are just useless story tellers and aren't worth shit. Go get some old cook book from your parents or grandparents. Anything that came out before 2000 will get you better results then things from after 2000. Best cook book in my inventory came out at 1905. It contains simple, short texts that are easy to follow and don't waste your time explaining the obvious or other nonsemse. The best recipts in that book aren't longer than 15 lines of text including ingredints list.