Liberals Take on the Supreme Court Nominee
"Hitler Hitlered Hitler Hitlerly Hitler. Hitler Hitler Hitlering Hitler Hitler. Hitlerly, Hitler Hitlered Hitler Hitler, Hitler Hitler Hitlering. Hitler Hitler Hitler, Hitler.
Hitler Hitler Hitlering Hitlers: Hitler Hitlering Hitler. Hitler Hitler.
WHAT? no Liberals would never do that. just 8 years ago they told people that it was wrong to compare people to Hitler. Why would they..... do..... (looks up MSM) HEEEEYYYYY!!!!!!
These morons are so predictable LOL
The current hold on immigration Trump iniatiated is actually a continuation of the hold Obama instituted in 2009 and discontinued in 2012. The left wants to have their cake and eat it too, what they have not considered is that if Trump was to back down (which I doubt) and another terror attack occurs on US soil the President will not be on TV framing it as domestic or work place violence. The result will be a larger sweeping outright ban that the majority of Americans already want.
The constanting protesting , and calls for violence by the left have eroded any support from middle America that once existed, and they are too ignorant to realize it.
There is nothing that any liberal say that I will take seriously.
Their behavior and the legal routes they took after 2008 were bad, but after 2012 they went so far past the bounds of decent behavior and their dismissal of anything that didn't serve the Narrative went into 1984 territory (and it's hilarious that they are buying that book now in reaction to Trump - guaranteed they will not understand it or make the connection to the Ministry of Truth) that they have no credibility with me.
From now on I'm just going to react to them with a slightly glazed look and say "Hitler Hitler? Hitler Hitler Hitler"