Derivatives Minato Namikaze! New Hero Gossen Mobile Legends Can Blink Into Its Dagger!

in #mobilelegends7 years ago

In terms of character design, Gossen Mobile Legends looks really cool because he is portrayed as a handsome young man with cool clothes! But his ability can not be judged by his appearance because it turns out he is very GG!

Serprti other heroes, he has three active skills and one passive skill. His passive skill is called Dagger Specialist who makes every fourth attack will incur an additional 10% damage from enemy HP!

His coolest ability is his first skill that is Sword Spike. He will throw his dagger at the enemy, and with activated once again he can teleport to the enemy hit by the dagger! If you're a fan of Naruto, definitely remember that this capability is similar to Hokage's 4th one, Minato Namikaze!

The second skill is equally exciting, the Shadowblade Slaughter that throws 5 daggers in a certain direction, and when reactivated the dagger goes back to Gossen Mobile Legends!
Ultimate skill of Incandescent makes Gossen Mobile Legends do Blink in a certain direction and instantly bring down the first and second cooldown skill!

With a little trick, you can use the Shadowblade Slaughter skill and then Incandescent to do 10 dagger combo! Spooky!


Gusion Best Item Build Guide

Concentrated Energy
Magic power for those early pokes, check. More Health Points for  survivability, check. Spell Vamp to sustain your laning phase, check. A  great passive that every time you kill an enemy hero you can recover 10%  of your HP, a big check! This item is perfect for Gossen as it  alleviates his squishiness, adds more power to his skills and it can  help you stay in the lane even more so you will not be level gapped.  Take this as your early first item.
  Magic Shoes

This boots or shoes can help you spam your skills easily by having that  10% cooldown reduction. So if you would like to do be able to do that,  take this item
 Devil Tears
Get your burst ready for the early game by taking this item, not only  will you get that sweet +65 magic power but you will also get 40% magic  penetration.

Magic resistance will be useless once you get the shred them down with  this item. But wait, there’s more to this, keep your HP up and you will  gain more magic penetration by 30%, clearly a great item for an early  power spike.
 Holy Crystal
This item will amplify your burst damage even more. Heck, this item is  full of magic damage with +90 magic power and a unique that has 25%  magic power as well.

You will get more out of this by using the passive which will make your  skills deadlier than usual. With having to get 15% more magic attack  than the normal one, you will gain more successful kills for them to  avoid retaliation.

 Blood Wings
Late games are bane for the assassins, everyone has their builds, your  burst is not very relevant anymore, you would not want that.

You will be focus fired by the enemy team and that is something not good  for your team and your pride on that sweet K/D/A if you have one.

The solution? Get this item. It adds more magic power and health points  by a hundred and a half (150) and passive that removes the squishy  problem for Gusion. Finish the game before they get even set their  builds up by this item.


Focus fired is not something that you want for an assassin, there are  chances that they spot you and they gank you or you made a mess in your  flanking and they noticed it, resulting to a death on your side, irony  is, the team is now there when you could’ve sneaked a kill or two for  the team.

Don’t let this happen. Live longer with Immortality. More HP to avoid  that nasty damage, more magic resistance for their mages and most  importantly, the passive of resurrection, with this, you can fix up any  mistakes you may make, pay in mind though that this item has one heck of  a long cooldown, so use it wisely.


With all those said, you can dominate as Gusion as long as you know the  proper combinations and skills to use when playing with him.

These items are solid for him and will make you a relentless assassin in  the game. For more information about item builds of several heroes in  Mobile Legends, stay tuned!

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