ANDROID &keypad hacks(imei)..

in #mobile4 years ago

Repair IMEI With Code Without PC Without Any Box

Imei change is illegal. Only repair original imei..

Tested On Models

  • * #4636633# * # *

(IMEI CHANGE CODE FOR Oppo Phones Oppo F1s,)

  • * #3646633# * # *

(All Mediatek Android Phones n7100, iPhone 4,

  • * # 9826835 # * # *

(CDS Information
Radio Information)

  • 10086##*

EGM AT + R = 1.7, "123,456,789,012,345"
Send command and changing your IMEI number
EGM AT + R = 1.10, "123,456,789,012,345")

  • * # 3883 # * # *


  • #0200# *

  • #020# *

  • #0200* #

  • #020* #
    (All Nokia Clone Phones, 1280, 103, 101
    Nokia 1280 IMEI repair Code)

  • #18822828758#
    (Nokia Clone 1280, 107, 108)

  • #2161106#

  • #2161106# *
    (Nokia 216)

  • #13018180160#

  • #13018180160# *
    (Nokia 130)

(Nokia Clone= 107, 108, IMEI Code)

  • #912#
  • #912# *
    (Tinstar= S400, S500, S600 IMEI Code
    Qmobile= G3, G3 Plus, G5, G6 IMEI Code)

(Qmobile Power 9, A22, Pro 9, E1000, SP1000, SP3000, Hero One, SL100 IMEI Code
x9, x10, x11, s8 +, s9, 6303, IMEI Code
KV K200, KECHAODA K115, K116 Plus IMEI Code
Voice V130, IMEI Code)

(Qmobile Q63, Power 4000, SP 2000, BIG BANG, IMEI Code
Vgotel I525 IMEI Code)

(Qmobile G5, G6 IMEI Code)

(Qmobile E4, E40, E1000, J5500 Plus, 3310, Star Music IMEI Code
Winstar Imei Code, Nokia 2019, IMEI Code)

(J2000 Music, 3310 Mini, Power 8, Power 14 IMEI Code
Nokia 225 IMEI Code, IMEI Code
E-Tachi E10 King, IMEI Code
CalMe C200, QFX S28 IMEI Code
Voice V704, V840, IMEI Code
CLUB Commando IMEI Code)

(Qmoible E4, N230, N222, Commando 1, IMEI Code)

(Gold 2, I990 Plus G7 Plus, IMEI Code)

*#0123#, *#0124#
(J1000, Q3310 IMEI Code)

(Qmobile SP1000, SP2000, K160, 3310, Q3330, Commando, Power Music, E2000 Party, IMEI Code
Nokia 105 IMEI Code
Micromax X610, M-Horse ST300 IMEI Code
KV K3 IMEI Repair, H-mobile 3310 IMEI Code
Galax X2 Power, B-FLY TURBO IMEI Code)

(Qmobile SP3000, G7, 3310Mini, G5, IMEI Code)

(Qmobile K80, K180, L9, L103, IMEI Code)

(X5300, L1 Class, Power 14 IMEI Code)


  • #91# *
    (Qmobile Power 8, i800, i500 IMEI Code)


  • #44# *
    (kechaoda k3, IMEI Code)

(Mate9 Imei Repair Code,)

(J5 Pro Imei Code)

*#06101#, *#06111#
(S.SP S1, S2, J2000, S.SM,Power 4000 IMEI Code)

  • 112 # *

(S3 Mini, i9300 mini, IMEI Code)

  • * # 835 # * # *

(n7100 new, IMEI Code)

  • * #46347# * # *

(Spreadrum Android, IMEI Code)

  • * #88 99 88# * # *

(S3, S4, IMEI Code)


(3310 mini)

(Mobile: 3330)

(Mobile: Vgotel i550)

(Mobile: DOM 1)

Mobile: Power 9 pro : #23265# code

Nice Mobile: *#31#



Nice Mobile: *#23265#

(1)L4- classic : *#0011# imei change code

(2)3310 menial:*#1122# imei changing code

(3)super star music:*#0066#

(4)sp3000 *#329#

(5)3310 Big*#0123#


(7)L2 classic - #23265#

(8)Sp1000 : *#329#

(9)E4 : *#07#

(10)G5 : *#912#

(11)G6 : *#5353#

(12)SP3000: *#329#

(13)J1000 : *#0123#

(14)3310 BIG : *#0123#

(15)3310MENI : #23265#

(16)i650 VGO : *#329#

(17)L128 -*#0160# *#06111#

(18)L2 classic : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(19)sp2000 :*#0066#

(20)L103 classic code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(21)SL200 code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(22)DHOOM mini code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(23)L20 music - Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(24)Power 9 pro : #23265# code

(1)L4- classic : *#0011# imei change code

(2)3310 menial:*#1122# imei changing code

(3)super star music:*#0066#

(4)sp3000 *#329#

(5)3310 Big*#0123#


(7)L2 classic - #23265#

(8)Sp1000 : *#329#

(9)E4 : *#07#

(10)G5 : *#912#

(11)G6 : *#5353#

(12)SP3000: *#329#

(13)J1000 : *#0123#

(14)3310 BIG : *#0123#

(15)3310MENI : #23265#

(16)i650 VGO : *#329#

(17)L128 -*#0160# *#06111#

(18)L2 classic : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(19)sp2000 :*#0066#

(20)L103 classic code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(21)SL200 code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(22)DHOOM mini code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(23)L20 music - Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#

(24)Power 9 pro : #23265#

Mobile: Xl10star
Mobile: 3 x IMEI Serial No.: *#0623#
(Manual change IMEI number 1 card:#06231# 2
card:#06232# After changing the string to switch machine to replace the string code)

Mobile: *#07# Q cmando Mobile: *#07#

Mobile: *#1903 *#
Mobile: *#33446601#
(meneo 3310 cod)

Nice Mobile: *#328# sp300

Mobile: *#0066# G5

Mobile: (1)L4- classic : *#0011# imei change code

(2)3310 menial:*#1122# imei changing code

(3)super star music:*#0066#

(4)sp3000 *#329#

(5)3310 Big*#0123#

Mobile: Imi1 *#0160# imie.2 *#0161#. j5000. Power 400

Mobile: *#88# for Nokia 3310

Mobile: i 10 clssic cod *#35#

Mobile: Power 400 star IMI cod

Mobile: J5000 music IMI cod

IMI one. *#0160#

IMI Tow. *#0161#

Mobile: (1)L4- classic : *#0011# imei change code

(2)3310 menial:*#1122# imei changing code

(3)super star music:*#0066#

(4)sp3000 *#329#

(5)3310 Big*#0123#


(7)L2 classic - #23265#

(8)Sp1000 : *#329#

(9)E4 : *#07#

(10)G5 : *#912#

(11)G6 : *#5353#

(12)SP3000: *#329#

(13)J1000 : *#0123#

(14)3310 BIG : *#0123#

(15)3310MENI : #23265#

(16)i650 VGO : *#329#

Mobile: ×#35×#

Mobile: i 700

Mobile: #91#

Mobile: *#1903 *#

Mobile: +#91+#

3310 mini


3310 mini
Mobile: #91#

Mobile: *#1903 *#
Mobile: +#91+#
Mobile: (1)L4- classic : *#0011# imei change code

(2)3310 menial:#1122# imei changing code
(3)super star music:

(4)sp3000 *#329#

(5)3310 Big*#0123#


Mobile: E4 : *#07#

G5 : *#912#

G6 : *#5353#

SP3000: *#329#

SP1000 : *#329#

J1000 : *#0123#

3310 BIG : *#0123#

3310MENI : #23265#

i650 VGO : *#329#

Mobile: Xl10star

Mobile: 3 x IMEI Serial No.: *#0623#

Manual change IMEI number 1 card:#06231# 2
card:#06232# After changing the string to switch machine to replace the string code
Mobile: *#07#
Mobile: *#33446601#
meneo 3310 cod
Mobile: *#07# Q cmando 1
Mobile: Xl10star
Mobile: *#1903 *#
Mobile: 米井868米井 米井66井米
Mobile: *#0161#
Mobile: L2 classic imei change code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#
Mobile: L2 classic imei change code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#
Mobile: *#33446601#
meneo 3310 cod
Mobile: Imi1 *#0160# imie.2 *#0161#. j5000. Power 400
Mobile: *#07# Q cmando 1
Mobile: #07#
Mobile: (1)L4- classic : #0011# imei change code
(2)3310 menial:
#1122# imei changing code
(3)super star music:
(4)sp3000 #329#
(5)3310 Big
Mobile: *#88# for Nokia 3310
Mobile: ×#35×#
Mobile: J5000 music IMI cod
IMI one. *#0160#
IMI Tow. *#0161#
Mobile: i 10 clssic cod *#35#
Mobile: Xl10star
Mobile: E4 : *#07#
G5 : *#912#
G6 : *#5353#
SP3000: *#329#
SP1000 : *#329#
J1000 : *#0123#
3310 BIG : *#0123#
3310MENI : #23265#
i650 VGO : *#329#
Mobile: *#1903 *#
Mobile: i 10 clssic cod #35#
Mobile: ×#35×#
Mobile: B.m10[
Mobile: S102. *#0160# 1
*#0161# 2
Mobile: L2 classic imei change code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#
Mobile: *#1263#
Mobile: 105
Mobile: 105
Mobile: Powar 500 code
*#23265# *
Mobile: *#0160#
Mobile: Vgotel i550 cod
Mobile: 3330
Mobile: DOM 1
Mobile: *#31#
Mobile: *#1122#
Mobile: XBO
Mobile: Power 9 pro : #23265# code
Mobile: *#23265#
Mobile: 105
[10/23, 12:12 AM] Nice Mobile: (1)L4- classic : #0011# imei change code
(2)3310 menial:
#1122# imei changing code
(3)super star music:
(4)sp3000 #329#
(5)3310 Big
(7)L2 classic - #23265#
(8)Sp1000 : *#329#
(9)E4 : *#07#
(10)G5 : *#912#
(11)G6 : *#5353#
(12)SP3000: *#329#
(13)J1000 : *#0123#
(14)3310 BIG : *#0123#
(15)3310MENI : #23265#
(16)i650 VGO : #329#
(17)L128 -
#0160# *#06111#
(18)L2 classic : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : #32#
(19)sp2000 :
(20)L103 classic code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#
(21)SL200 code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#
(22)DHOOM mini code : Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#
(23)L20 music - Sim 1 : *#31# / sim 2 : *#32#
(24)Power 9 pro : #23265# code
Mobile: 106
Mobile: #
Mobile: X20
Mobile: T20
Mobile: WELCOM. 2017

  1. *#1111#
    Mobile: Sp5000
    *#91 *#
    Mobile: *#1111#
    Mobile: 106
    Mobile: 3310

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SBD 0.74