More adventures into real money gaming
I continued on with and racking up piogps. I cant cash them yet. hong kong's gave me an im screwed message and they're working on it so whatever, Prospectors is still a fun game because it's so casual and strategy based and just the promise of real money for it is promise enough for me. Then there are other games to go on about.
I fired up My Crypto Heroes to see what it was. It is a browser battle-click pipe game. Set piece with three workers of course and do quests and pvp in automated battles. I just have tried that one out today. One hour in i wasnt impressed. I guess im more an mmorpg guy. The bit pieces are fun to click for a bit. They dont capture my imagination quite the way a virtual world does. OxWarriors is much the same as MCH with your dudes and chicks doing battles and collecting loot in a browser based battler format. Ive been trying to think of a better way to describe such games. Browser based battler seems to fit but i dont think it's as well known or cogent. The genre might could use an innovation or two to switch up some how they are played. Im not that guy and Im fresh out of ideas. Change a rule or three and there's usually something new on the other side.
My adventures in Entropia Universe are where things often coalesce for me as it's where i really learned the genre. World of Warcraft classic classic, Ultima Online, and Everquest are where i first entered. EU has produced and ive done so much with it I'm comparing it other mmos to it constantly. As a niche game EU is great. I do things. I play and i pay and i get money out. I went all the way with it and got accountants, consultants and mentors to help with the real cash economy there. It all helped and Im a profitable player with my own playstyle as there are 10ks' of people there with their own playstyle. Propsectors doesnt exactly have a playstyle than strategy to acquire piogps. Fun things to click all of them.
Then there's Gods Unchained. I keep playing and rewarded packs. That i cant sell. and no packs to buy to have something to sell but that may change in a month or so. It is still fun as MTG type collectable card game. The team looks top notch and has done well with what they have so far. And the markets make me drool at the merchanting fun to be had.
Ox universe i ran into the spaceship invention limiter where shapeshifting into a new account becomes better to do. And keep finding or buying collectible planets. I thought to gather 1000 of them and sell the populations. I am as far as 45 planets. all on the blockchain and worth eth extra for now.
Speaking of eth I observed it went on a steep uptrend feb 2020. then pulled back and consolidating around the middle of the month here. Id make eth purchases but only to fulfill a game's wants and needs. Eos still kinda in the background as it has playable games with promise but not slam dunks. Trips me out what people do with some of these making milloins with huge involved operations. I wonder that their systems as they are hold up or is it a race to keep their business going when any day the hammer can drop and it's done and over. I know how fast it can go and it's blazing especially with gamers. here today gone tomorrow.
What happens when eth has steep value changes yet the in-game or 3rd party markets arent adjusting to the new eth prices. It becomes usually a set price for awhile on eth products. Then the underlying's movements are either bonus or detriment to the eth item for sale. Because the money is so fluid there is still fun to be had snapping bargains and creating eth flow deals.
Thats been a few thoughts of mine on real money gaming today. I dont see i went in depth with any of them other than, that's cool, i play them. Have fun out there.