The world needs an MLK type leader now!

in #mlk7 years ago (edited)

The world needs an MLK type leader now!

While racism, hatred, and judgment seem to be choking the world of any humanism left in it, we are reminded today on Martin Luther King, Jr. day, that the Earth is in desperate need of such a powerful, and loving leader once again!

(Image via National Geographic Kids/Donald Uhrbrock)

Today is MLK day in the United States, and to be sure, the rest of the world celebrates this true leader, as well. A man who has been quoted more often than almost any American in history. A man who stood for equality, justice, fairness, and the true American way was assassinated in Memphis, TN on April 4th, 1968.

His "I Have A Dream" speech can be read here for those of you who are not familiar with it:

Tens of thousands gathered to hear MLK shout this speech to the mountaintops of America for all to hear! It is a speech that has lived in infamy, and is even more important this day in age, as we are outward, once again, facing a nation filled with hate, hate-speech, judgment, murder, and bigoted law enforcement. Of course, America is not the only country with bigoted views. We can enter many nations on Earth still, and find that we are going to be judged and hated as Americans who believe in freedom and democracy.

Therefore, America is not alone in the haunting nature of humans. Yet, America reigns as the most prejudicial country in the world, as we still fight against those who judge skin color. This morning I happened upon a FB meme and discussion by several facebookers about expressing yourself and your problems on social media. They were judging those who share their feelings and problems on SOCIAL media. I think the title covers the purpose of apps such as Twitter and Facebook. It can be hysterical to see some people's personal opinions of what they think FB is for, and they couldn't be further from the truth. People who are against others showing their emotions and feelings on social media are the same type of ignoramuses who support hatred, judgment, meanness, and cruelty toward others. They do not have the heart, soul, or the compassion they should have for their fellow man. These are the type of people holding society back from great advances in socialism and community and Global Unity!

Martin Luther King, Jr was an amazing visionary. He foresaw the day when racism would take its toll on mankind and our economy. He foresaw a day when racism might not exist anymore. He foresaw the great future of mankind when we all become one with each other, brothers in arms against "a sea of troubles" (Shakespeare). A world ready to take on whatever it might discover outside of this little blue planet in the Universe. MLK foresaw that a world in union with each other would be stronger than anything living, and breathing on our planet.

Martin Luther King, Jr did not stand against white folk. He did not see the color of skin, but he saw the color of power in America. The kind of power that still exists in America. However, with strength and continued growth in unity, we can finally deny these money-mongers their sad existence, and either show them they must support all fellow Americans, or get the hell out of leadership roles!

What is of most interest in American culture is the role of the supposed Christian church. As a previous member of the born-again movement in a small town church, I listened to sermons that spoke to being accepting of everyone, and I would watch as we took in the needy or the minority or the poor as members of our church. Sure, it looked as if the church was reaching out to help others. However, if as one of these "accepted" folks you didn't mold to the church's ways and beliefs, you were eventually ignored, treated like a stranger by those who were just loving on you and pretty much ousted from the membership if you continued to be different or express your true self. You could come to church and wouldn't be thrown out the door necessarily, but you also would not be offered membership if you still committed to being gay, or were drinking or using any sort of drug, or they just didn't like you as a person. Basically, what Christians tend to do is act like Christ at first, but then turn to the contradictory nature of Paul and Christ's disciples who taught that you must be a certain way to be Christian. Something Christ never taught!! Christ despised the rich, the judgmental and the liars most of all! Those who didn't have compassion, or didn't share their wealth or lied about others were low on Christ's totem poll. They were the ones Christ was warning. Not the sick, not the needy, not the drug users, not the minorities, not the poor. He held those in power to a greater standard, because it would be dependent upon them to create a better word, a more accepting Earth full of humans, a more loving race of people!

I can assure you that when I have visited black congregations to hear the word the way it was meant to be preached, and to sing the way we are supposed to sing to God, without some Church leader telling you to tone it down, I have experienced love and acceptance beyond imagination, without judgment. Do you want to see true Christianity? Attend a church with black people and you just may see GOD for what he really is. A lover of all people!

I'm not stating that I personally believe in the Bible God, but in order to live like Christ wanted us to, you don't need to believe in anything except love! LOVE is the answer to all problems on earth and when we humans finally get that through our thick skulls, our thick skin, and our racist and judgmental minds, we will finally be in Global union with each other, and ready for a future we can't even imagine right now.

Who thought that we would still be fighting racism, hatred and denial of a fair life for everyone in 2017, the 21st century, 50 years after the government's murder of MLK left us all in desperate need of another great leader, such as himself.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr day. Let the reason for this Holiday ring through your hearts, and go out and do something for someone else in need! Honor MLK that way today! This article is my way of reaching out on this most important Holiday for others to see the truth! We need more love in the world! We need more MLK's!!!


Nicely done. Enjoyed. Upvoted and resteemed.

He was a man that really fought despite all what life trow at him. Nice post

Great post. Resteemed! Upvoted!

Leadership is always important. To do things in a proper way must need a leader who can manage things easily. Thanks for your post. <3 @authorcolinbmw

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere..
Martin Luther a true King..

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