The Mysterious Tomb of Lilly E. Gray

in #mistery6 years ago



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  This mysterious tomb is located in a secluded area in the cemetery of the city of Salt Lake City, in the state of Utah, United States. This tombstone hides a mystery in the phrase ¨Victim of the beast 666¨ (¨Victim of the beast 666¨ in Spanish) that until today has not been solved yet.

  It is said that this phrase refers to the paragraph of the book of Revelation, chapter 13, which has been interpreted to refer to the Antichrist of the New Testament:

 "Then I saw another beast coming up from the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon ... And he makes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and servants, put a mark on his right hand, or on his forehead; ... and that no one can buy or sell, but the one with the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name ... Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, count the number of the beast; because it is the number of man; And his number is six hundred sixty-six."

  We also have other curious facts on this tombstone as: The name of Lilly is misspelled, since his name was written with a single L and the date of birth written on the tombstone is not correct either, since he was born in 1880 and not in 1881 Will it be a mistake of those who wrote the tombstone or will it have something to do with the curious phrase written on it?

  In this tombstone, too, we can find two flowers on the sides, known as ¨Onagras¨ that, engraved in tombs, symbolize eternal love, youth, memory, hope and sadness. But if we find out a little more in depth, in the past it was also known as "Lantern of the Devil" it is worth mentioning that it is still its nickname during the spring.


There have been various theories on the subject, but the most successful has been:

Lilly Gray had a husband, Mr. Elmer Lewis Gray, who died shortly after her and was buried away from his wife. Curious, is not it? It is said that Elmer was the one who sent a gravestone to record. It can also be mentioned that Elmer had very curious criminal records, for example, there are records that he was arrested in Ogden, Utah, for stealing an umbrella. Mr. Elmer was a very critical person with the government, it is said that it was because his first wife was kidnapped and died during the same, apparently the security forces did not act as they should, which led Elmer to be against him. the laws of the government and denounce the lack of aid that his wife needed.

  Elmer never stopped blaming the government for his problems and lived with this grudge which worsened when his wife Lilly became ill and did not receive the social help they needed. So as a way to criticize and blame the government, he sent to record the mysterious inscription on Lilly's tomb, referring to the government as "Beast 666".

This is just a theory, until now the most credible.

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