in #mirage7 years ago (edited)


Lots of times I come on social media and see a lot of things that rather make me depressed, not depression from the way people put their entire life out there but depressed because I see a lot of people being happy and smiling like the world was made for them alone. I see fake realities and people looking like they’ve got perfect lives and it makes me wonder if I’m some sort of cosmic joke… Jane lamented

I feel depressed because my life seems to be far from perfect she continued. I kill myself with thoughts, wishing that I had this or had that, all of the fake smiles and luxurious life’s I see people put out there. I beat myself up so badly I go MIA trying to figure out ways to meet up to these social media standards failing to see its just a mirage.

I keep making wishes and wishes lusting after these people I don’t even know. My brain paints them as Gods and mentors all of a sudden. ‘I wish I come from a better family’ I’ll say to myself, I wish things were different, I wish I had these opportunities these people have or just even had the opportunity to be like them for one day.

But then you see, in between all of these wishing and hoping, I failed to see the clearer picture. I failed to see that things are not always as they seem. I failed to see that these people are just like me and only covering up their scars. I failed to understand that you only know what people want you to know about them; so they make it seem all beautiful to console themselves and even if its their reality, then so what?

I waste my time wishing I had these opportunities they have while I let opportunities slip away doing nothing at all. I failed to realise my potentials and the fact that some of these people were probably just like me, but a bit different as they decided to channel all of these depressed energy into positive things. I failed to see how beautiful my life is and how others wished they were me. I failed to see the love all around me. I failed to see my lovely family reaching out. I failed at a lot of things because I got carried away by things that don’t even exist.

I adjusted paying much more attention to Jane as I listened to her move from lamenting to making a whole lot more sense

So today, i’ve decided to change the game, she ended.

I smiled and said to her…. Everyone has a unique personality and God places everyone in the right places. Decide to see that and embrace it. Learn to love your gorgeous self, learn to be happy with who you are and where God has placed you. Learn to see the beauty all around you and live your life like nothing else matters. Never forget that you definitely also do have eyes watching you and thousand different people wishing they were you. You’ve got a great life. No better life than what you’ve got darling. Look around you, see it.

_Nicole Obiajunwa

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