My New SCUF Controller has Arrived!

As you may have noticed, FPS games are my preference on consoles. One of the tools that I have used for some time now has been a SCUF controller. For those who do not know what a SCUF controller is, it is a controller that adds paddles tied to buttons on the back of the controller so that your back fingers can used without having to use the fingers on the normal buttons. Some come with up to 4 buttons although I prefer the traditional two. Also, they have added options to add better trigger buttons, grips and even different analog sticks to add to the comfort of the player.
I have found that the versatility that the controller gives me is really needed as the pace of most of the online multiplayer has increased over time. Also, when you consider the amount of jumping and moving in the games I enjoy like Call of Duty and Destiny, it is almost a must if you want to remain competitive. My first SCUF actually came as I was signing up on competitive online tournaments for Call of Duty. I could see how drastically better I would play with it. As Call of Duty got into more dramatic move changes like sliding, running on walls, and double jumps, the need for the additional buttons were needed.
As a player that plays daily, normal controllers really don’t last. SCUF controllers do have great useful lives as I still have my previous two but prefer to get a new one every year as the company add new features and the old ones just look worn. For those who play FPS game often, I would definitely recommend trying one out.