Inner Peace Brings Inner happiness

in #minnowsupport6 years ago

Happiness is one of the most misunderstood words in our vocabulary, yet we search for this intangible state our whole lives. If I only had this or that, if I met the right partner, have a big house, a new car, the job I've always wanted, then I would be happy. The ancient yoga and spiritual teachings stress that happiness is real only when we let go of seeking material and transient things and discover the lasting joy that is within.


Every time we see a giggling baby or young child we're reminded that we are all born with this natural and innate sense of happiness, that it is actually our birthright. We learn about suffering or unhappiness as we grow older, more externalized, and as circumstances change.
Are you afraid of inner peace?
This might seem a strange question, but since few really know what inner peace is, and people fear they do not know, this is not a strange question at all.
Do you think that if you attain inner peace your life would become boring, especially if you love thrill and action? No, your life won’t become boring!
Inner peace is not a passive condition, and does not require non-action and no activity.
You can live a life full of activity, interact with people, have fun, travel, work and do things, while at the same time experiencing inner peace.
True inner peace is not dependent on external conditions or situations, and is a healthy and much desired condition. Actually, inner peace will fill your life with inner joy and happiness.

What Is Inner Peace?

Let’s define this term. Inner peace is a state of mental and emotional calmness and equanimity, in which, the constant chatter of the mindstops or almost stops.
In this state, the mind gets quiet and a sense of happiness arises, independent of external conditions. You don’t experience inner peace only while meditating or in a quiet place, but while you are fully awake and active. Actually, your five senses and mind become even sharper.
Some people don’t believe that this state can be attained. How do they know? Have they tried?


Why be afraid of inner peace? You don’t have to live in an ashram or in a cave to enjoy it, and you don’t have to be rich or wait until you have no problems or obstacles in your life. You can go on living your day-to-day life, but with a new and different inner condition and attitude.
You can learn to live within inner peace here and now, even if there is much noise and activity in your life. Are you willing to make the necessary effort?
Most people experience stress, anxiety, worries and a state of non-stop thinking that sometimes is wearisome, but how many do anything about alleviating this situation?
So many people are obsessed with what others think or say about them. They let other people’s words and thoughts, as well external conditions affect them. Inner peace puts a stop to this thing.
Almost everyone has his or her method of relaxing the mind. Listening to music, watching a movie, taking a walk, sleeping or working out are a few examples, but these methods bring only temporary peace.
There are other methods that can bring a greater degree of inner peace, which in time becomes even deeper, and can be experienced more and more often in one’s daily life. Inner peace can become a habit, requiring no effort to experience.

Gaining Inner Peace Is a Gradual Process

At first you experience inner peace for just a few seconds, but gradually the time gets longer and the experience gets deeper. It is a great feeling of peace, without, or almost without thoughts, and with full awareness and consciousness.
These moments might appear at any time, while working, reading, eating or walking, without disturbing what you are doing. Actually, you are able to continue doing what you are doing, while at the same time experiencing a sort of different, greater consciousness
I’d like to share 10 of my own favorite tips for finding more peace and calmness in everyday life.

Set limits.

If your life is overfilled you may need to set some limits. So stop doing some of the least important things, the things that honestly don’t matter that much. Set a limit for how many times you will check inboxes, Instagram, Twitter etc. per day. And say no if you really don’t have the time.

Don't take yourself too seriously.

At times of hardship, such as loss or illness, it's easy to lose your humor and even easier to get involved with the negative aspects of what is happening. Remembering not to take yourself too seriously brings a lightness and acceptance to the weight of circumstance around you. Don't forget, angels can fly because they take themselves lightly!

It's OK to be you, just as you are, warts and all.

You may think you're imperfect, a mess, falling apart, hopeless, or unable to cope. But true perfection is really accepting your imperfections. It is accepting yourself, complete with all the things you like as well as the things you don't like. In this way you're not struggling with or rejecting yourself. Each one of is unique, a one-time offer, but we can't know this if we are facing away from ourselves.

Slow down.

Your emotions work backwards too. If you slow down while walking, moving your body or talking you can often start to feel less stressed (compared to if you move/talk fast). Slowing down to decrease stress goes for many other things you do in everyday life too like riding your bicycle, working at your desk and eating.

Unclutter your world, unclutter your mind.

Just take 3 minutes to declutter your workspace or the room you’re in. A uncluttered, simplified and ordered space around you brings clarity and order to the mind. So don’t stop there. Declutter, simplify and organize your home and life too to live in a more relaxing environment.

Accept and let go.

Now is now. But if something negative from the past – something someone said, something someone did – is still on your mind then accept and let that feeling and thought in instead of trying to push it away. When you accept that it is then it starts to lose power. And while the facts may still be there in your head the negative feelings become a lot less powerful. At this point, let that thing go like you are throwing out a bag of old clothes. And direct your focus to the present moment and something better instead.

Forgive yourself. Love yourself. Treasure yourself.

These are big steps, but each one liberates the heart and sets you free. You need to forgive yourself for feeling angry, for getting upset, for all things you think you've done wrong. They are in the past and who you are now is not who you were then. You can take any guilt or shame by the hand, invite it in for tea, and open yourself to self-forgiveness.

Solve a problem that is weighing down on you.

Don’t procrastinate anymore. Solve your problem and release it and all the underlying stress and tension that it is creating in your life. You probably already know what to do, you are just not doing it yet. But the longer you wait the worse the tension inside becomes. So get up from your chair and get started on doing it for just 1-3 minutes right now.

Remember, There’s a day tomorrow too.

Sometimes you have a bad day. Or life interferes with your plans for the day. And so you don’t get what you had planned or hoped for done. The best way to handle such a situation is – in my experience – simply to kindly tell yourself that there’s a day tomorrow too and that you can get it done then. Beating yourself up is on the other hand not a smart or helpful strategy.


There is an overwhelming amount of research showing how meditation changes the circuits in the part of the brain associated with contentment and happiness and stimulates the "feel-good" factor. Meditating on love and kindness makes you much, much happier! And the only way to know this is to try it, so don't hesitate.

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