Curation for Creatives- Minnow Support Project Curation
I am constantly amazed by the talent on steemit. The Minnow Support Project (PAL) on discord gave me the opportunity to curate creative writers, and this week I had so many to chose from that I actually had to make cuts to my original list. Here are my five picks of great writing on steemit:

Burning by @larrywritespoems
"Because all fires are meant to go away
but we’re gonna destroy the city
before we fade."
The imagery in this piece of free verse is just spectacular. He addresses passion and romance without resorting to cliche, and I am just so impressed. I really think this is a minnow to keep an eye on if you're into poetry.

Their Beach by @authorofthings
It felt righter than the truth. At the time.
@authorofthings tells a better, more soul-crushing breakup story in 50 words than most people can in a whole book.

Truth of Souls by @wandrnrose7
We are caught between earth and stars,
Lives shapen by aches and cares
Moving as by wings lifted,
White music in our ears.
@wandrnrose7 is a prolific poet, who regularly writes about life and love using classic symbolism. I especially like the themes she explores here- the contrast between pain and pleasure, reality and dream.

Hair O' the Dog by @jrhughes
She had made it so. Refused to be defeated by the decay around her. Refused to succumb to the absolute dejection on all sides.
This is a three part story, but each part also stands on its own as a beautiful piece of prose-work, with a velvet hammer ending that both destroys and caresses.

Cathedrals' Shadow by @raj808
Down Hope street I stumble, fumble
a cigarette to my lips and take sips of
carbon monoxide, nicotine and cyanide.
@raj808 weaves a vision of despair in a poem with an inkling of hope.

Images and pull quotes sourced from the featured posts
Reflections are created by Sunravelme
Thank you @sunravelme. Inclusion in this and various other curations along with your support over the last few months on steemit has really boosted my confidence in my poetry to a point where I can breath again. I can perform at open mics + I am editing a collection to try for publication. This belief is in no small part due to steemit and the wonderful community of talented writers I have met on here :-)
You deserve every bit of success- you are super talented and I am so glad to have gotten to know you! Pllllllllllleaaaase record your open mic and post it to steemit, or at the very least dm me a copy! I'd love to see it <3
Ha ha. The open mic thing is onnnnnn. Not sure when yet, but it will happen. I have already spoken to my friend Poet-Paul who is an established performance poet here in Liverpool. He is a friend from University who has been consistently performing since 2007 when I finished my Imaginative Writing degree. He never got the dreaded writers block which I suffered. I have 3 performance pieces that are nearly ready, one of which I work-shopped with @geke a while back in the writers' block. They are quite edgy and not my usual style but I have performed my usual poetry many times and, although I am proud of it, and happy to perform it, I have always wanted to master that rhythmic, clever, sometimes funny, performance poetry style. Anyway, me and Paul have promised to record each others readings + I have just got a little Go-Pro style camera with stand for Christmas so I'm going to get it done and hit up Dtube + Youtube with my first ever poetry night recording. I'll let you know before they drop 🙂
I love this compilation. You've chosen some very special people!
Thank you! And I appreciate the resteem :)
I so love what you do @sunravelme..... And thrilled to be in such good company.:-)
<3 keep writing the good stuff lovely
Oh Sun, thank you so much! That's such a lovely and flattering description. I'm honored to appear in such wonderful company!
hugs You're great and deserve it!
really the writers are great....
Thank you! Did you have a favorite?
indeed i see you were able to make the list though it was long am glad you are part of these talented community/.
Ooooo it could have been longer! I'm limited to 5 a week though. Some excellent authors in the steemit community for sure!