My 7 Day Experience Into dMania. The "Meme" Side Of Steemit.

in #minnowsupport7 years ago (edited)

What's happening and positive today in your world Steem family?

It's another day of mostly blessings for most of us. Sure, there may be challenges,
but that's how the YOUniverse nudges us to GROW.

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As promised, here is my dMania report after jumping in and posting for the past 7 days.

For anyone new to Steemit, it isn't long before they begin to see posts from other 3rd party Steemit apps such as "dTube" (Steemits answer to the Yewtube censorship problems), and "dMania" which is a Steemit 3rd party app for memes and recently added short video clips. My attraction to it was the fact that as an inspirational person, coach, and mentor to people, I have made hundreds of memes over the years for Phakebook and other social media sites.

So I was intrigued when I saw simple pictures of humorous comedy pics, pics of cats, pics of Steemit memes and just about anything you can think of, (and many things you have probably never thought of) making in some cases $50.00 to $100.00+ US dollars per meme post. 😱

This I had to investigate.
What it presents opportunity wise, community wise, influence wise, and reward wise for Steemians is just that, more opportunities to share, connect, and reach others while sharing your content.

So I decided to test the waters to see if those $100.00 posts were within my reach. I decided to do a 7 day challenge and post 1 or more memes each day and then track my statistics.

As with everything on this platform (and most others), there is always a learning curve.
But how hard could posting memes be? And could I possibly retire on just posting memes alone?

So here's the breakdown:

Side note: A BIG factor for anyone posting content almost anywhere is going to be
the number of "followers" and supporters one has. At the time of my experiment,
I had between 111 and 116 followers.
THIS is why it is so important to have and support others in the community on a
regular and consistent basis.

Again thinking "WE" instead of "Me" will take you much further in life
and the ride will be filled with so much more.

So without further adieu, here is the actual breakdown of the dMania showdown for 7 days:

My total number of Image posts - 15

Total votes received from the community over the 7 day experiment period - 73


Average upvotes with my current following (plus random Steemers)
= 4 to 9 upvotes per posted meme.

Conclusion for now - dMania is simple and fast. I would say “average post time” between upload of photo, description, and keyword tags is about 2 minutes, maybe less. I’m sure I could do a post in around 1 minute if that was my focus. This was a learning experiment, so a little longer as I was calculating some information while learning.

It's basically a simple 4 step process: 1. Upload image. 2. Add description. 3. Add relevant tags (up to 4 allowed). 4. Hit the "post" button.

IMHO, the tradeoff is little to no engagement with your audience or other Steemers, as people don't normally take the time to leave comments from what I saw, however an upvote is considered an upvote any way you slice it.

For me, I find that engaging with the community is more important than posting memes, and more satisfying as I get to "connect" with new and old friends as well all over the globe. "Real" connection is something that has actually declined with so many just posting away on social media in the past 10+ years.

With the areas that I am truly passionate about globally, community contribution and engagement is of most importance to me because THIS is how WE continue to create positive change in the world and within our individual as well as global communities. A "lone wolf" Steemian will continue to be a lone wolf and his/her impact will always be limited compared to one who engages and supports / is supported in a larger community / communities. From my experience and vantage point, this journey of life was clearly meant to be shared as a "whole" in Unity, as opposed to the "lone wolf" who has a struggle to make it on his own.

THIS is why building communities with higher values is so essential for the betterment of Humanity. It is why I am FULLY supportive of our Steemit platform and will protect it from anything that diminishes, scams, or provides negativity in ANY way.

To use one of my friends Keni Styles favorite terms, "Wholeness" is the "way".
Another one of my favorites is "Oneness".

For me, they both represent the power of coming together in UNITY,
which equals putting aside our differences and finding "Soul utions"
to make this world a better place for ALL.

And our community is committed to that.

This is the "way" moving forward. 🙏
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A special heartfelt shoutout to the following members in our community for their continued support
and contributions to positive content: @kenistyles, @artemislives, @lewisfjclarke, @heartjourney, @iamjamie, @kevstardog, @iliasdiamantis, @eftnow, @kalemandra, @linksmolecules.

Authors and artists get paid when people like you upvote their posts.

Thanks to our Steemit community for supporting, upvoting, re-steeming, & connecting!

Keep Shining 🙏 . Jeff
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Jeff! This post is awesome, I wasn't sure what to anticipate with this one. Your summary was refreshing though! I am really enjoying seeing your posts evolve and how you interact and support the community.

So I agree with you in all the benefits of @dMania, it's easy, simple and a great option especially for those newer to the platform looking to build an audience. Or simply those who don't have much time, to be able ot add a little to their steem efforts so quickly is a great tool.. and have some FUN doing so! Personally I really enjoy scrolling through memes every now and then, upvoting the ones I enjoy and scrolling on.

Which brings me to the next point you made. I never comment on memes and I don't think that's how the niche is going to evolve. It's a different animal. So the fact you pointed out that for you and I feel for most others, connection and building relationships is a higher priority. As well as contributing more value and substance in their posts is more enjoyable and rewarding.

Well that gives me faith in the fact that while the bling bling of dMania rewards and the instant gratifiction factor is fun and appealing to us some of the time. I trust that the community is still going to create more and connect more and engage more. I have learned so much from being here and have made some truly amazing friends on through reading about their lives and engaging. I'm thank full for that and see that as a higher reward than SP/SBD!

Steem on brother! You're going to enjoy what we've dreamed up to promote mutual support today lol!! Excited to share in the group.


Really good post, Jeff. My 2 cents worth (haha, if I had that much VP!!) is that unless the meme is GREAT, the meme platform can be a big distraction and a turn off to your regular readers. One really funny, clever or thought provoking meme amongst 10 other consistently good posts WORKS and gets traction. Mediocre memes are just that - scrolled past in less time than it takes to make them. CONTENT is QUEEN. Always, always and always. And the lure of quick money will always revel itself to be just that - a lure that isn't real. If you have that brilliant-quirky-funny "thing" to say and a great image, super! dmania is the biz. Valuing your tenacity and your preparedness to be a way-shower. I somehow picture you slashing your way with a machete through the crypto-space-social-media jungle. Much love and gratitude to you!

Thank you Marike! This one took a lot of time to put together. Content is Queen, however I even thought about getting a second account because the memes I saw making the most money were not "conscious awareness" posts. They were posts about smoking weed and some disturbing comedy. I can't have that on my main mentoring page. Since it's a quick fix, people definitely don't want to have to think too much. I'm probably going to stick to what I believe is my "quality" inspirational content where I get to engage with more people in the community. Thanks for you continued support and input 🙏
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This is such a wonderful post! Love reading your insights and I agree 100% that it is indeed all about community! Sending lots of love your way!

Thank you Jamie! I appreciate your kind words and support. Comm UNITY is the name of this game.

Love received and returned 🙏 ❤️

Well done Jeff! It's a shame you didn't make decent money for your efforts but I appreciate the fact you are putting the effort in. I've resteemed this and hopefully it will reach more people and get a decent amount of upvotes

This was my first attempt at a DMania meme ;)

It really is quite fun eh & seems to work a part of the brain I don't normally exercise!

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Ha! Thanks Sam for the laugh and the support. I did it for a week and may continue, but I prefer engaging with others in the community through "thoughtful" or insightful posts. Wishing you the best on your journey 🙏

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