Minnow Support Project Community Curation Resteems // MSP Curator's Top Weekly Pics!

Minnow Support Project Community Curation Resteems // MSP Curator's Top Weekly Pics
Every week, each of the MSP Community Curators choose 5 posts to curate using the new MSP-Curation Account!
They also choose their favorite to be featured in this weekly post as well as resteemed on the Minnow Support Account!
From our Fiction/Poetry Curator, @sunravelme
How Poor Worldbuilding Destroyed Talentless Nana by @cheah
From our New Steemian Curator, @ma1neEvent
Me, Myself and I 😊 by @hazelwink
From our Finance/Crypto Curator, @scaredycatguide
From our Philosophy/Psychology Curator, @clayboyn
How to Get Ready to Love by @cali-girl
From our Art curator, @juliakponsford
What my current process with watercolors looks like from 365 days of practice by @absoluteama
From our Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Curator, @creativesoul
The Power of Forgiveness : Give love and be Loved by @elvira.galina
From our Sustainability Curator, @torico
It’s Not Always "All Good Days": One Successful Day in the OmDome by @coyoteom
From our Photography Curator, @jfolkmann
Magic Moments - Praia da Marinha by @mibreit-photo
From our Music Curator, @isaria
Morfogênese Psíquica by @dudu-hoffman
Nice one!
It's good to see another avenue for curation.

very good@minnowsupport
amazing post my steemit friend wish you good luk thank you
love that we have a photo curator now :)
Me too. Isn't that photo amazing???
I was thinking the same thing! And that photo is stunning!!
Awesome job guys this is like a dream come true this community is as solid as a rock thanks again
You ladies are doing awesome work! Thank you for starting and leading the curation team!
Thank you Kubby!
Nice blog. I like it
Good info, thanks for sharing
Atleast someone out there is doing something for so called MINNOWS.......