The Welcoming Contest! [Round #1][100 Steem in Prizes][How-To Links][English]
A Contest All About Helping New Users
One of the most important jobs we can do is to help new users find their way on the Steem Blockchain. I invest every possible waking hour here in Steem, and many others have invested a lot of money. In order for any of us to benefit, in the long run, we all must benefit and continue to grow, as a community.
Helping new users is an critical task for anyone who wants Steem to Moon. Every user that learns how to get started and grow, will invest more time, money, and energy, here. This means that the more your investment grows, the more mine grows too. Isn't that beautiful?
This is the beginning of paradigm shift. For many years now, people have been in a competitive mindset. Some think that we must compete for customers, for distributors, for attention, for love. Competition is useful for many things, it can spur growth, and challenge us to be better. However, in this new paradigm, co-operation is key. So much better if we can help ourselves, while helping others. Some say it's better to help without concern for your own benefit. Others say that since we are all One, pure selfishness will also take care of it's community. Whatever you believe, it's good for us to help each other.
During this series of contests we will cover all aspects of greeting new users, in multiple rounds over the next few weeks..
With the proper knowledge, attention, and dedication, anyone can grow here.

A Big Shoutout to Our Sponsors and Originator
@reggaemuffin must take credit for originally inspiring this contest.

This contest has been shaped and molded over the course of the past 3 months, and it's now ready to roll out in 8 individual contest posts over the next month!!!! Each contest will have several rounds. Each round will award various prizes to the winners and there will also be extra prizes to be awarded by our judges.
If you go above, and beyond, there are extra prizes to be won!
Let's take a moment to thank our Sponsors, and Witnesses!!!!!
@Aggroed: 100 Steem
@Ausbitbank: 100 Steem
@Swelker101: 90 day delegation of 500sp
If you like what these witnesses are doing, make sure to VOTE FOR THEM :)
For this first round of:
"Welcoming New Users Contest"
We will share with each other the most useful posts that are available on the blockchain!
For example. This post @reggaemuffin created, during his 3rd Day on Steem, 6 months ago. It probably needs an update with new information but is still a strong example.
We hope everyone will read the FAQ, as well as the new Steemit Welcome Page, however, I am unsure if we all do this. These are certainly good directions to point new users. However, they are not enough. When joining Steem there is a case of information overload. As users spend more time Steeming, they quickly forget about those pages, and depend on us for learning the ropes.
Because I couldn't find one already written, I wrote a guide on to how to leave a comment, and what not to do. Since leaving a proper comment is so important, and commenting is the best way for a new user to get exposure, this is a very helpful guide for new users.
Please have a look at my Greeter Application for MSP.
In it there is a long list of helpful links, full of valuable information.
Helpful link and How-to Guides Contest
Please enter in the comments all of the most important posts for new users to see while they are just learning how to be here.
We are not looking for a long message, but as many helpful links as possible. If properly formatted so they are easy to read, even better!
This contest will be judged independently of comment upvotes or rewards. Winners will be announced after post payout. If you suggest a post that another user has already suggested, it will not be considered as a point for this contest, the first person who left the link will be counted. So read the comments carefully and make sure to not re-enter a post that has already been offered.
There will be a .500 steem prize for each Valid entry (as determined by us), up to $100 steem in total! Prizes to be awarded after post payout.
I look forward to seeing some guides I have not already read.
The link mentioned in this post, and the resources they link to will not be considered as valid submissions for this contest.
Additionally, do not submit multiple links of guides for the same type of information. Select the best guide. Multiple links on the same information will at best be counted as 1 entry
Ok, go get them links :)
Thank you for participating. This is going to be a very helpful project, and Steem requires each and every one of us to care!
- Complete Guide to What Is Steem(it)
- Comments. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
- @inquiringtimes - MSP Greeter Application
P.S. This round of the contestis for ENGLISH language guides. Next round is for all of the other languages. <3
I am glad to be participating in this contest :)
Here are list of post that i think might be helpful
That's all i've got to share for now :D
I've been looking for #1, thanks!
Humbled to have been listed multiple times. More power to you and I hope you win! Need a guide? Ping me on discord.
The promote yourself guide says you should upvote yourself. Is this generally accepted? I would wonder if it was bad etiquette to self congratulate as it were.
Self upvoting posts is encouraged. Comments only if you think yours are extra valuable
Always new things to learn!
A more clear answer would be that excessive self voting to the exclusion of others is discouraged (sometimes by downvotes). Another example of bad self voting is if you posted 20x a day with only a picture and a few words and upvoted all of those posts. There is no clear rule, but the extremes can trigger response from the community.
I get what you mean. I’ve seen that if you do it after 30 mins, you don’t steal any of the curation amount. So basically adhering to that.
I couldn’t fire out 20 posts in a day if I tried! Takes me a couple of hours to make one as it is.
wow a great bunch of useful stuff thanks
A handy collection of tools and advices:
I have bookmarked the following posts as my steemit guidelines. Hope this can help other planktons/minnows like me.
I love the minnows! thank you for everything that you do to this wonderful community!
Tip to minnows:
Focus on yourself and not others. (based on my experience)
Help the community by sharing your original stories, blog about anything that you are passionate about, NEVER COMPARE YOURSELF WITH THE REST! You will be rewarded in the end!
P.S. Self upvoting is not an issue here, many Steemians like myself put money on Steemit. I actually invested everything I have in my bank account and transfered it here, I even sold some of my investments to buy some steem coins to get my Voting Power up. (yes am insane) am not saying you should do the same thing. I am now a full time Steemian! LOL
There's so much reading for you to do, just like when I started, sleepless nights but now I don't have to do all that too much because I have built myself a home base here ^_-
Another tip: Join some contests and go outside your page and make friends!
Btw, before you go and start asking some Steemians around about the basics, pls have the time to read the welcome page and FAQs:
Happy Steeming everyone! Keep the energy alive!
Your loving Steemian,
THANKS ♥♥♥♥ i'm a minnow ^^
nice advice, thanks
This is awesome! I'm brand new to steemit and I really like that the mentality here is so inclusive and supportive, I'm a fan of the way the internet can connect us all but sometimes social media can seem a bit toxic. It's great to see something so positive!
Welcome to Steem 😊
If you have any questions, we will help you (and you probably will have some, the Blockchain is pretty complex 😅)
I only have one lonely link that I remembered. I was like, what the heck is this reputation thing? and Naruto is the best way to explain that to someone like me, and maybe someone like you :P