30 cents per post. How to roll Minnow style on Steemit.

in #minnowsupport7 years ago (edited)


30 cents per post. How to roll Minnow style on Steemit.

So I have been on Steemit a few months. Since April 2018.

I have 380 followers not to shabby. My reputation score is climbing 42 ok I guess.

I am a writer and have a few websites and blogs. I also have my own Social Media Marketing business.

I know to grow I need to be doing videos.

I need to set up my Dtube site as well as a Youtube site with videos about my blogs and articles to drive traffic to my sites.

As you can see the written word for us minnows is not the best option for financial rewards.


These clips linked to my articles / posts show the amount of STD I earn on average.

As a new Minnow on Steemit, I just feel like I am getting gobbled up by all the bot and upvote systems out there.

I use Pay it forward, Military Veterans, and minnow support from Discord for bots, none of those paid ones. I tried a couple but they helped a little and even some did nothing at all.


What I am wondering as I write this post: Is does it ever get any better?

I try to bring a ton of value in my articles and even put an affiliate link to a book or service like below that would be helpful to my readers and provide a small affiliate commission for me. That has not been helpful for me as well.

So I will keep on writing my articles and I will turn them into videos and reconnect my Dtube site. I disconnected everything when Steemit sub sites got hacked a while back. Just need to take the time and redo it.

Because everything I see and read here on Steemit, points toward a great platform that is just exploding.

Though I am a little concerned about the dive in value for Steem Dollars.

Like the niche sites that I have, I know it can take time to grow a following and start earning some money.


So I will keep plugging along and expanding my knowledge of Steemit and providing great content with lots of value.

I also recommend to all the other minnows out there to keep doing the same. Soon we will be Redfish, then dolphins, maybe a shark or two and then yes a Whale!


Stay positive and enjoy!


Please let me know what you think in the comments below. If you liked this be sure to follow me and let your friends know and feel free to share this post.

Thank you so much for your support and reading this.

Thanks again to the following




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Ej dude, I just want to reassure you, you are on the right road working on it. 30 cents on posts on these red market days while you started in April are actually very good statistics.

Dont ever pay attention to the trending page, find a group of people where you are okay with and keep your posting steady! I post once a day..always....and I have been doing that for months (okay slacking whe I am in an airplane or so haha)

But what I mean is...do not loose trust. I am going to put you on follow and hopefolly we all will have a super long and wealthy Steem future together!

Thanks. Good advice. Will follow as well. I had some luck when I started by looking for similar articles and then commenting on them and mentioning what I wrote about. That jumped me up to 200 followers in 3 weeks. I will try that again see if there is a change at the 1000+ followers mark.

Like your writing style. upvoted as well your articles.

Just wanted to give a little add on to this post.

Even though I may be only receiving a small amount per post, I still enjoy writing and posting on Steemit.

It wasn’t so very long ago when I was in your shoes. And believe me, it will become awesome... on one condition.
If you keep focusing on the money, you’ll eventually get frustrated and leave. That would be a shame, because if you leave, you will never get to enjoy being part of a community that is way more valuable than money can Ever be.
This place is full Of amazing people.
You’ve got to face reality: all those promises of making good money were lies. The power of Steemit lies in the community-spirit.
The more you interact with people -the more you get to know them... I promise you, you will only feel blessed.
If I wouldn’t have stopped caring about the money and had started focusing on the community, I would have left a long tima ago.
Most people here are good people, trying to help each other as much as possible.
I’m here because they make me laught till I cry, and they pick me up when I’m down. I wouldn’t trade it for a million dollar post.
Not convinced? Try it out fir a week or two. Don’t focus on the money and interact like you’ve never did before. Before you know it, you will consider all those strangers as your friend, even though you never met them.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask. You’ll be surprised how many people will be prepared to help you out.
Because once you are here for a while, taking care and helping eachother to move forward gives you a lot more satisfaction than a $1 payout.

If you decide to stay, start considering your fellow steemians as your tribe. Keep
On working an Posting, but don’t forget to interact with others, building a network is equally, maybe even
More important than
Putting out a great post. Once you made some good connections here, people will be on the lookout for your posts. And that is the first step to success.

Feel free to contact me or others anytime!

Thanks. I too realize Steemit is more about building a tribe.

I mainly wrote this post to get that off my chest. It can be a little frustrating but I have been connecting more with my followers and the people I am following. I also have found a great bunch of people on a few of the discords.

Great to hear.
I was wondering if you were already in the Engagement Leagues (link to last week's edition) by @abh12345.

It's basically a sort of contest to get out a lot of comments. It's fun to check the list to see how you've done - how many comments you left, how long they were, etc - compared to others.
And you get to know a bunch of people too - and you might win some free Steem or a delegation...
A new ranking is posted every Sunday. If you're not in yet and you're interested, just drop a comment underneath the post letting Asher know you want to join.

I just read about another motivational contest for redfish:
Introducing The Redfish Power UP League and Wall of Fame

Thanks for jumping in with the update, Asher :0)

Thanks will check it out next week when I get back

Thanks. Sounds great. Asher, I'd like to join.

I'm in the same boat being a minnow getting minimal rewards, but thats fine with me. I am a bit concerned that with the current structure of steemit that it is nearly impossible for newcomers like us to grow our accounts into anything worth while.

My plan is to keep posting and refining my writing skills. In time it will be more clear whether I should continue writing on steemit or move to another platform that better suits my needs.

I will keep posting Thanks for your comment. At times it does seem hard for us minnows.

I am going back to looking for similar articles and commenting on them to talk about how our articles are similar and different. It helped me grow to 200 followers in just 3 weeks.

Maybe with this and posting, there will be some improvement when I hit the 1000+ follower mark.

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