[LiveChat] MinnowsUnite (200+ STEEMERS STRONG!!!)
New to steemit? Trying to get your content noticed? Just wanna chat with other steemers? Join us at MINNOWSUNITE! We are a friendly group of other steemers ready to answer questions and collaborate!
Gli.ph group: http://steem.link/minnowsUnite
RocketChat: https://steemit.chat/channel/minnowsunite
Member #210 will be rewarded 1 SBD for joining!
Member #220 will be rewarded 1 SBD for joining!
Member #230 will be rewarded 1 SBD for joining!
Member #240 will be rewarded 1 SBD for joining!
and so on.
Minnows Unite Chat - https://gli.ph/g/mT205P/CbFybHevfa12pvgQqtZgt50coGG6ZTyxDzDyWSXQJ7s=
Hawt Content(early finds from other minnows that will likely go to the trending page)
Minnows Original Content - https://gli.ph/g/Y03Tl1/A60x28m3j0hLVntBSbrm0-h01O33g-vnn8SMeYvRqpM=
[420]The Smoke Spot - https://gli.ph/g/eJbbhN/TcXQyqYzdzE3qXxn1zM4Exh630BFF0Q8NkWRxdpiliE=
Yes come join everyone if you feel like you are invisible on the platform since they implemented the following feed.......
It really is a great place to get recognition and meet others who post quality (non bot) content
Welcome! 🚀🚀🚀
Minnows unite! :)