MB Update - Catch Up With the Recent Comings and Goings of Minnowbooster!

Hi everyone! Our team would like to take a minute to update you about what's going on at Minnowbooster.

Every once in a while, there is just too much going on to leave our loyal user-base in the dark. So without further delay, let us tell you what we've been up to!

Get involved

Want to help other users of Steemit? As we take quality seriously, we have worked hard to eradicate low-quality content from Minnowbooster and will keep doing it. Alas, many non-English bloggers, who post quality stuff, need some visibility as well. But our team cannot cover all languages - if you want to help keep Steemit a cleaner place, drop by the MinnowBooster Discord Server, and give your opinion on the writers there. Remember - we are not all born excellent posters. If the users there show potential and deserve a chance, give them a few encouraging words and help them out by letting us know of your opinion.

Currently, there are many Burmese bloggers waiting to be reviewed. We appreciate any help on this matter.

Got skillz?

Do you believe that you have something to offer to the team? Drop by our Discord server and drop your credentials in the #job-posts channel. We are often on the lookout for freelancers to tackle some projects with us and new guys to show us old geezers how things really should be done. Even if your skillset doesn't match what we are looking for or perhaps we are not hiring at the moment, dropping your credentials and an ultra-brief description in the #job-posts channel might get you some other business contacts.

We believe that creating and finding business contacts, work via Steem and using SBD payments are very under-utilized at the moment and hope to bring some winds of change sometime in the future.


Some of you may have already noticed a newly-added #competitions channel in our Minnowbooster Discord server. After feedback from our customers, management has decided that more contests will be organized by the Minnowbooster team in the future. Stay tuned and keep following us on Steemit, drop by our Discord and head over to the #competitions channel + keep your competitive spirit ready!

By encouraging Steemians to take part in future contests, we hope to jumpstart quality content in comments, encourage building new relationships and hopefully help find some much-needed visibility for those deserving authors.

Reminder about our services

This comes as a friendly reminder to all bloggers on the Steem network. Our community will only thrive, if everyone does their part in keeping the network clean and bringing their A-game.

Most of us are not born bloggers, but each and every one of us can take that extra step, to ensure that our content is not subpar. Here we remind you, that you are welcome to boost your post with us, to get that extra visibility if you have worked hard on it and your post will not contradict our Terms of Service.

Boost your posts responsibly - the rest of the Steem community is always watching. Let's keep Steem clean together!

What can MINNOWBOOSTER do for you?!

Buy upvoteSBDEarn an instant return
Lease SP from marketSTEEMIncrease your vote strength and curation rewards
Delegate SP to marketSTEEM POWEREarn daily STEEM dividends
Invest STEEM in MinnowBoosterSTEEMEarn daily SBD dividends
Delegate SP to MinnowBoosterSTEEM POWEREarn daily SBD dividends
Sell your vote to MinnowBoosterVOTING POWEREarn SBD share of sells


Minimum Upvote0.01 SBDMinimum SBD you can send
Upvote comments?Can Be Enabled
ProfitAlways Guaranteed!Varies with SBD price, but always receive more than send.
Minimum Lease Purchase1 STEEM
Maximum SP Lease / Steem1 STEEM/50 SPPrice per week/Lease size
Minimum SP Lease / Steem1 STEEM/400 SPPrice per week/Lease size

Provide us with feedback

We are happy to hear your feedback about where we can improve.

Join our Discord chat

Get support and connect with us and other Minnowbooster fans!

We are always looking to improve @minnowbooster and try to keep you up-to-date whenever something changes. If you have any suggestions about what we should change or add to @minnowbooster, then please drop by and let us know!

Missed the BuildTeam announcement? Here's all the juicy details.

Minnowbooster is a @buildteam project by @thecryptodrive (witness) @cryptomancer and @reggaemuffin (witness)

Visit our flashy new website minnowbooster.net!

This is a @steemvoter subscription payment post. Thank you to Steemvoter customers for allowing us to use your Steem accounts to upvote this post by virtue of your free subscription to the Steemvoter.com bot service. @steemvoter is proudly a @buildteam subsidiary and sister project to @steemsports and @minnowbooster.


minnowbooster ftw

thanks for this informative post.
I really need help from you.
I am making great quality content. I believe my content deserve hundreds of Steems , but unfortunately I am making $0 on my posts.
Please guide me . Let me know what I need to do to succeed on steemit, other than quality content, because I am already doing that.

Right there with ya sister! Keep tha faith always hunniebunz as nobuddie beats tha booster! OooYa!!
♥¸.•°”˜˜”°•.✫ B★E★A★U★T★I★F★U★L ✫¸.•°”˜˜”°•.♥

Without buying votes for exposure you could try asking large account, polity, to look at your blog ensuring your content is of similar content to theirs or is something they might find interesting based on what they post. Many probably will as long as it's something they would find interesting and you ask nicely after some response to their post. making sure its asked in a non spammy way.

The easy way is buying votes but of course you run financial risk that way.

I make quality content but its not been seen or read , despite having 850 followers on Steemit. I have seen content of lower quality getting huge earnings. This means that there is something that needs to be fixed with either steemit platform , or with what I am doing. I tried using some upvoting services like : hugewhale, gangsteem, sportic e.t.c. but I didn't find them useful either. I don't want to go around the big accounts, begging for votes. I am not that kind of person. I have got some self-respect. I believe If I make quality content, I deserve good returns, which is not happening. I ll try some other paid upvoting services , if it works out well , that would be great, otherwise I ll stop wasting my time on creating quality content on Steemit, for free.
Thanks for your suggestion , but I don't think its fair for the content creators to work on producing quality content and then go around doing flattery and buttering of more successful accounts in hope of getting some exposure and some possible returns.
I think Steemit needs to improve its system of curating the quality content.

Firstly I agree 100% that the reward pool is not given anywhere near proportionally to good content. It's steemit's biggest problem and always will be, I was near to calling it a ponzi a couple months ago when I saw the state of the problem.

The reason is simple, why give money away when you can just self upvote. Everyone does it as its 'free' money. And there is no solution to that that will ever be implemented, suggestions have been made that I believe could help but they wont fix it.

The distribution of wealth on this platform is worse than in real life, and thats saying something. The rich also don't give stuff away, they would not be rich is they did. So all of those high paying posts of poor quality are voting rings/bots so the whales consolidating their power or people paying for votes for a profit. Basically people have not upvoted them because they like them but for financial reasons.

I was not (trying to anyway) describe begging I was simply suggesting to make friends with a whale/dolphin. Make friends through a community maybe? You need to upvoted others a lot sometimes as well.

You need to ignore the follower count. This platform has probably 30 accounts per actual user, maybe more. The bot ones follow everyone and follow those that post more. You know you actual followers through comments and upvotes and views.

Generally though you seems to be doing very well for someone whos not whale sponsored. You NEED whale sponsorship to make money, there the only votes that can make you money. It's the harsh truth that even if 100minnows like your post you will earn basically nothing. 1 whale loves it and you can go full time steemit and quit your day job.

30 accounts per person ??? are you sure ??? thats hopeless ... I thought Steemit strictly allows 1 account per person. How did you know that there are people with multiple accounts on Steemit??? If that is the case then, Steemit has no future.

Many people have multi accounts, you need to know some coding and you can basically create them for free. This puts those without coding at a disadvantage for sure. Many of the accounts are follow bots, many people have bots working creating shit posts across many accounts. Many have bot accounts that write stuff like 'nice post', 'thanks for the information' and follow a few users etc... Many accounts are not used as well. Many users have 1 or 2 but some users literally have 100's.

As for the free accounts made without coding you get from signing up they are restricted and manually approved but it doesn't stop all the multi ones made.

Steemit has many problems but that's why the community has stepped up with groups to try and help users. I choose to stay around because of the few who put effort into the platform.

Thanks for this insight. Though it’s really disappointing :(
Do you think Steemit will do anything to eliminate the multiple fake accounts in future??? Otherwise Things are hopeless with the scenario you have described.

Sorry for all the doom and gloom. The answer is no though. The way blockchains work means no one can delete them. The only thing that can stop it is the community downvoting the accounts either manually or through bots. This would be expensive to do however :( many people do downvote like this though at great financial cost to themselves and try to help the platform so there is hope. @steemcleaners is the biggest group that do this and they have turned the platform around already. Much work to be done though :/

"the community has stepped up with groups to try and help users"

Hmm, hi, not passive agressive or anything i'm just a new user and would like to know what do you mean, what groups are you talking about?

steemcleaners are the main group but there are many anti-spam bots. If you want to truly learn about everything involving steemit you would need to take a degree, I research into it regularly but have only scratched the surface of the big ocean.

Steemit doesn't disallow having multiple accounts, I have two... One of my serious posts (this one) and another I rarely use for my less serious posts (like dMania memes) or to try s STEEM service I'm not sure of its safety.

I don't think it's bad to allow multiple accounts per person, a perosn can make an account for each niche they write for, or maybe an account for each service they provide, it'll be more organized that way.

What I think is bad is that some are making 30 accounts and use 29 of them to upvote themselves... Ouch!!

I understand your point of having different accounts/blogs for writing about different topics. But Steemit is different, from other blogging , because here you earn by interaction, with other accounts. I believe its wrong to have multiple accounts on Steemit, because of the possibility of fake interaction (comments, upvotes, resteems) that results in earnings. Most of the people are here to make money, if they are allowed multiple accounts, they will exploit this opportunity and will create fake interactions to earn money.
A rule in management says , "When something can go wrong, it will go wrong".
Steemit is a great concept , but if Steemit wants to be taken seriously, it must get rid of all the flaws and loopholes in the system, and one of these loopholes is multiple accounts.

I can see what you mean, still... I don't know.

"When something can go wrong, it will go wrong."

I like that quote~

By the way, one of the things steemit system discourages making multiple accounts is that the SP will get divided on them (if you do all the things in one account or multiples you'll get the same total SP which if you really want to be useful you'd want to be in one account) but what you said is right: People can interact with themselves and make it seem like they're popular.

That's sad, but I think steemit (or any other website) can't prevent people making multiple accounts they can just discourage/restrict them (just look at other social media,) and since the website main advantage is "freedom" (money too, but the attractiveness of this system that there's no ruler, just few rules.)

Well, that's only what I think though... I know it'll be more money focused if it prevented these things, but that will make it less decentralized.

By the way, a centralized (probably not a blockchain) website that works like steemit with many differences is Yours.org if you want to check that out.

Thank you for the contribution, @pandasquad. It looks like i have some catching up to do; i joined this year, made a couple posts and wondered about the lack of organic response. I just came back in the last few days to reattempt to engage, so I still don't know much - the dynamics you describe, though, make total sense. I look around and see that it is definitely not the most articulate content, nor the most valuable, that is curated. This dynamic runs contrary to the interests of the community itself; it solely serves an aggregate of individual interests and lacks longterm vision.

I'm just a minnow in the world of crypto, but i dove in deep since last summer and started investing in "bleeding-edge" dubious cryptos from the shadowy ANN corners of bitcointalk, and somehow made a few k starting from nothing, and - coming in from the integrative perspective of a singularity geek, evolved into a yogi, articulated through coaching/strategic consulting -

I saw all the different features and niches being covered, darksend/instasend/MN/DPoS/sidechains/atomic swaps and so on - and picture clicked. How to integrate all the functions in an organic way to support - a blockchain that is the common property of all, while masterfully avoiding the tragedy of the commons - i can't say too much, not yet.

It's unfortunate for everyone that Steemit isn't it yet. It's fortunate for me, though, and for you possibly, because i fully intend to build it, and if the idea resonates you can totally get in.

And if you are a whale reading this and considering "scam or not", just frigging fly me in so we can talk. There's much more money in this than a stupid ticket but time is critical.

Dang, i don't want to sound spammy especially because i just deeply resonated with your comment and i started writing without forethought. But i'd like you to know how serious i feel about this - "would-you-leave-a-pile-of-money-on-fire" serious.

Either way i appreciate your articulate contribution, and look forward to following you :)

The crypto boom of 2017 attracted me as well. I love the idea of steemit and its the first of its kind so it has many flaws but if people give it a chance it will succeed. I have heard tails of how bad it was before and it's gotten much better already, even since I joined. Some people who join now don't know much about crypto which is very good as ultimately they are the ones that will make it a social media platform.

In short as long as genuine people like you are joining and people don't give up on it, despite it's flaws, it will work. At the very least it's a worse version of reddit but you might earn a few cents. I recommend you check out busy.org, its basically a much better UI for the same blockchain and safe to put your password into.

I sent your bot 2 SBD, and received a vote of about 0.2 SBD. You have written here that if you send 0.01 SBD, you get at least 1 SBD. How is this possible? I feel betrayed.


I will clarify that this is after the @buildawhale vote the amount became 8 SBD, and with your users it was exactly the same as I wrote above.

I'm very excited to hear that 😃

merci pour cette information qui encourage et pousse steemit vers l avant . je suis d accord avec quelque commentaires par exemple les faux comptes il faut maitriser les vrais steemians et supprimer les steemians fantômes je pense c est facile de le faire alors chaque steemian scane sa carte d identité au support de steemit . et je suis pas d accord avec ceux qui disent que les gents qui font des commentaires ( good poste . bon publication . bravo . nice . ..........) ce sont des robots . je leur dis non . c est des jeunes qui ont pas niveau pour ecrire ou commenter des sujets jamais lire avant . alors il faux aider ces gens au lieu de les flagues. et merci à tous les idées qui avance steemit vers l objectif . moi je suis du maroc et j ai un seul compte j n ai pas un grand niveau scolaire je parle l arabe et le français comme vous lisez maintenant . et si je te fait un commentaire en arab je suis sûr que 0.00000001 qui va le lire . steemit est basée beaucoup sur l anglais et si je fais un poste en arabe il faut le traduire en anglais ou le français pour que les steemians peuvent suivre et enfin merci à tous monde et bienvenue au MAROC

Hi there, I'm having some trouble with Minnowbooster.

I can't withdraw money from MinnowBooster :(

Even though I have pressed 'Withdraw', the screen reloads and I'm faced with the exact same available balance in my account. Below it is "Your withdrawal will be transferred to your Steem Account after the confirmation'.
What does that mean? There's no FAQ or help guide that talks about this problem that I can find. Please help me, thank you.

USE 3.459

As the others already mentioned here, please type into the box the amount you want to withdraw. Keep in mind that you can only withdraw x.xxx (3 decimals) as Steem wallet doesn't support more

You probably need to type in the amount you want to withdraw in the text box.

So i bought some steem with the ltc i had left. If i send you some, will you look at my content for an upvote? Or do i have to convert it to sbd? It looks like that takes days...

So does it work if i send steem with a comment for the content i'e like you to check?

Upvotes can only be ordered with SBD, STEEM is used for leasing Steem Power. If you have more questions, drop by our Discord to get some more answers and check out our #faq there

hello @minnowbooster can you please tell me more about the delegation benefit with you ?

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