My MinnowBooster MinnowMoji Competition Entry!
This is my entry for the "create a MinnowMoji competition" hosted by @MinnowBooster!
They provided a template to use for the emoji body and included all the other faces / expressions that they have already designed. You can check out the template and existing faces as well as the other contest entries here.
I aimed to design new faces that I think friends would love to use often in a conversation.

The first face I drew is the "trying hard not to laugh" look!
I made it look like he's teary eyed and biting his lip as he's doing his best to hold it in!
It would be a great reaction to use for joke conversations and when you and your friend are recalling a funny moment.
It might also be good to use when you're about to deliver a punchline! :D

The second emoji I made is the "Seriously?" look
A face you can use when you want to react sarcastically or want to send out
the "are you serious?" (and dafaq? :D) message!

The third one I aimed to make the amazed expression.
I initially made it without the dripping saliva and wanted to emulate an "oooh"face but changed it a bit.
It can be a good face for when reacting to something awesome.
You can also use it for reacting to your friend's breakfast of the day photo! Lol!
I drew all the faces on the provided template using Photoshop.
Please check out the screenshot below for a peek on how I made these:
It was really fun trying to come up with all these expressions!
I really did enjoy making them!
BTW, I also make webcomics! Please visit my steemit blog if you'd like to see my work!
Here are the most recent ones I made:
Just Another Stickmen Conversation
Thanks for dropping by!
Please support me on the emoji contest if you love what I have made here!
I would greatly appreciate it! :D

Nice way to replace or okay... Add to Facebook's emojis from the Android apps. It should have personalized ones like these faces you've drawn. Congrats for this post chosen in the daily top5 on @steemitfamilyph
Thank you so much for the compliment my friend!
This post has been featured to Daily Steemit Family Ph Featured Posts #80
Thank you so much Ohana!
I'm very honored to have my post featured once more! 🙌
hahaha my favorite is the seriously face xD
Haha yeah! I love that one too!
Thanks man!
@guri-gure your face looks like the combination of trying hard not to laugh's eyes plus salivatingly amazed's mouth haha...nice artwork master :) your artworks always brings a smile in me, my heart is smiling see ??
~opens chest to show heart then dies--
WHY!!!!??? WHYYYY???!!!! PLS DON'T DIE!!!!!
You've just started on your webcomic journey!!!
Oooh your heart is smiling. Wait, whut? It has a face of its own?!
That's weird man! I like it!
Hahaha! Thanks man!
haha that heart tho :D has a smile like no one ever have seen xD
I saw this smile:

Sheesh! :D
hahaha.. :D that smile tho... kinda look like you @guri-gure ? Oh! I get it now, that smile happened because I saw your post and felt happy. No wonder I can't contain it xD Its the famous @guri-gure doki doki kokoro effect hahaha.. (don't know if that's right, its supposed to be Japanese haha)
Emoji test ... it works! Feeling "salivatingly amazed" right now with this post. Great art and concept, Guri.
Hahaha! Ur the first to use it bro! Thanks so much!
Can I use it more? Haha. I'll properly credit and all hehe.
I just have a fiction post where this emoji guy here will fit in nicely hehe.
Wow thank you so much man. It flatters me to know you'd like to use it on your post.
Unfortunately, we may not be allowed by mb to use their template.
And they did say that the art rights is theirs now once the entry is submitted.
Maybe I could customize it a bit for you if you'd like. Let me know how I can help.
Srsly? I am salivatingly amazed and trying hard not to laugh. lol
Lol! Thanks for the support @chineyes! :D
The first Emoji looks like you hahahahhaha
Haha yep. I based it on my face! Lol! Thanks!
Knew it hahaha
upvote me please