How to mine with Gridseed Blade on OS X

in #mining8 years ago (edited)

This article deals with the installation of Gridseed Blade(s) for mining Scrypt type coins on an Apple with OS X installed. I will be showing the installation on OS X Yosemite 10.10.5

The Gridseed Blade is powered by 2 PCB of 40 chips for a total of 80 chips based on the GC3355 ASIC chips from GridSeed.
(If you are interested in obtaining a Gridseed Blade, please check these sites for availability:

The mining software used is BFGminer 5.1.0


Launch the Terminal either from Spotlight or your Applications folder in Finder window.

  • Install Homebrew by entering the following in the command prompt:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

  • Run the following command and then fix any reported issues:
    brew doctor

  • Tap the following Homebrew repository so that you can install packages from it:
    brew tap nwoolls/xgminer

  • Finally, install BFGMiner:
    brew install bfgminer

Installation of USB drivers:

The BFGMiner application requires the correct kernel extension(s) to be loaded, this is in order to detect the GridSeed Blade appliance. When using BFGMiner the Apple Communication Device Class (CDC) driver will be used. This will automatically loaded by Mac OS X.

  • To load the required Apple drivers manually, execute the following commands:

sudo kextload -b

sudo kextload -b

If everything is properly installed it is time to test the detection of the Gridseed Blade, follow the following commands.

Open a Terminal app

  • Type in the following commands:
    bfgminer -d? -S noauto -S gridseed:all --scrypt

You should see the following results depending on your devices installed (the first line is the line above this text).

bfgminer -d? -S noauto -S gridseed:all --scrypt
[2016-09-17 07:08:23] Started bfgminer 5.1.0
[2016-09-17 07:08:23] Devices detected:
[2016-09-17 07:08:23] Device (driver=gridseed; procs=1; path=/dev/cu.usbmodem3f11)
[2016-09-17 07:08:23] Device (driver=gridseed; procs=1; path=/dev/cu.usbmodem5a14)
2 devices listed


  • Here is the syntax I use to mine with my Gridseed Blades (note, I have 4 units for a total of 8 PCB's detected.)
    bfgminer -S noauto -S gridseed:all --scrypt -o hostname -u username -p password

bfgminer -S noauto -S gridseed:all --set gridseed:clock=825 --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1PH58b9QqS857S5NXmmYvdozoYJfiqUr9X -p d=512

I hope this article helps you get started with mining on a Gridseed Blade. If you have any questions or recommendations please feel free to leave a message.

Thanks to for helping me get started with mining on Gridseed miners.

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