Top 10 Coins To Mine For Feb 3 2018

in #mining7 years ago

1. Ethereum (ETH)

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Ethereum is continously growing and could possibly take over Bitcoin's position as top coin in the next 2 years. This coin is normally the most profitable to mine

2. Expanse (EXP)

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From their website, "The Expanse platform now has a two-year history of consistent growth and stability. Starting out small, but with big ideas, the team is growing and other projects are now coming on board to help make the dream a reality—limited only by the imagination and talent of all the diverse people around the world involved in the journey. Each new community member and partner brings new ideas and visions for the future. Expanse.Tech plans to be one of the top blockchain projects in the world. Won’t you join us on this adventure? Start learning more about Expanse today!"

3. Ethereum Classic (ECL)

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From their website, "Ethereum Classic is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

Ethereum Classic is a continuation of the original Ethereum blockchain - the classic version preserving untampered history; free from external interference and subjective tampering of transactions."


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From their website, "After 6 months of public testing, the Ubiq network is ready for launch! We are excited to open up participation for all members in the blockchain development, mining and financial space.

January 28th 2017 will mark the inception of the new blockchain and transfer of value from the existing Jumbucks blockchain to the Ethereum based Ubiq blockchain. The new chain will bring about many new capabilities through smart contracts, giving us a far greater opportunity for lasting applications while still having the existing value and stability from an established 3 year old market.

The Ubiq development team is committed to providing the most stable, flexible and bug-free platform available for the development of enterprise level applications. This is accomplished through extensive observation, testing and improvements to the various blockchain technologies currently available. "

5. Musicoin

Awesome blockchain so musicians can get paid for their work

6. Zclassic

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Good coin to mine, forking to Bitcoin Private soon

7. Zencash

From their website, "Designed for Long-Term Operation
21 million ZenCash cap - no premine, no ICO
Thousands of Secure Nodes in operation - 3.5% of mining reward
Treasury funds for development, support, marketing - 8.5% of mining reward
Strong Team & Representative Governance - Zen Blockchain Foundation
Wallets and communication clients for International Users
Marketing Globalization - Tailored approach to different markets
Secure Nodes provide a resilient, distributed network"

8. Zcash (ZEC)

From their website, "Bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies expose your entire payment history to the public. Zcash is the first open, permissionless cryptocurrency that can fully protect the privacy of transactions using zero-knowledge cryptography."

9. BitcoinGold (BTG)

From their website, "Seeing how far we’ve come, it’s easy to forget that just a few days ago, we enjoyed the two-month anniversary of our Launch on November 12th, 2017. Since then, the Bitcoin Gold (BTG) coin has been listed in 46 markets on 26 exchanges and is supported by the top instant exchange platforms (ShapeShift and Changelly), which would not have been possible without our growing network of supported wallets (including top hardware wallets and a growing number of mobile and desktop wallets), as well custodial services that enable fiat exchange, such as Uphold. We’re grateful for their support, but we continue working hard and have big plans for this year."

10. Feathercoin (FTC)

From their website, "Feathercoin is a powerful open source digital currency with monetary properties linked to Bitcoin, Litecoin and a myriad of countless alt coins, but under the hood is something very different. Feathercoin is a highly upgraded and customised piece of software compared to the Bitcoin and Litecoin protocols. Based from Bitcoin, Litecoin evolved, from which Feathercoin was born, with the intent to expand, experiment, and build onto the blockchain technology in a manner open to all for participation. Just over one year on, this has lead to the development of many extraordinary projects but none like NeoScrypt. Through the support of the community and the hard work of Phoenixcoin’s lead developer Ghostlander, we have taken Scrypt where it should have headed years ago now"

If you liked this post follow me @mybitcoinacademy


Great list, thanks for all the info. We have a small mining farm. Currently we are mining ETH BTC and SC. I will look into feather coin it sounds interesting.

Siacoins difficulty went up 10x, check ouy my post tomorrow when I go into detail about it.

Sounds great, looking forward to it!

Ethereum is a good choice. However, bitcoin gold? That's a shitcoin!

maybe so, but it's one of the most profitable to mine right now. Can always sell it for another coin

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BTC 98087.08
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SBD 3.09