BitMiner's Union - Update AUG 8th

in #mining7 years ago

You’re getting sick and tired of Genesis’ false promises?
You feel you are being screwed over by “the world's most transparent” (???) mining company?
You have seen the line “thank you for your patience and understanding” about 50x more than you can bear?
Is the sea or errors getting too much?



A short update of what has happened until now.
From the looks of it, you are not alone :).
Genesis has created a huge pool of disappointed and angry miners. Some are already initiating legal action, others have started cleaning their attic in search for their baseball equipment. There is a lot of anger and frustration and I can understand that seeing how much money some have invested.
I am not giving advice on what to do, but I am sure that among our brother and sister miners there will be some very good lawyers and in case the shit does hit the fan, they will do what they do best. Maybe we can divide Genesis’ hardware among us as a reminder of this expensive lesson.

But we are not there yet.
We are still receiving entirely random payments of amounts that can not be related to anything,... but we are receiving them. I am also still missing well over 30 payouts… I am keeping track of what I am missing and so should you. Once the dust settles I will open tickets for my missing payouts, one ticket per contract-coin combination.

Many miners have joined and the most heard complaint is lack of transparency, which is funny when you see their twitter page….
Screenshot from 2017-08-08 11-40-26.png
(LOL, do they even know what that word means???)
That is also my most important complaint. And that is why I have been collecting payout data and compiled that into a spreadsheet to help you verify your daily payouts. The result (so far) can be found here
I have been working on this tirelessly for the past few days, but it is still far from complete and there are still many blank and uncertain values. You can help clear this up by sending me your payout data.

Go to your payout page and select the payment data. Use copy/paste to put this into a text file and send this together with your hashpower info:
My orders.png
to [email protected]

I will press GM to provide means to verify our payments, but don’t count on it. It is MUCH more certain if we can do it ourselves and we can, if many of us are willing to help it can surely be done.

What more have I learned from these payout data collections?

  • If you have only a SHA-contract and only mine BTC you are probably complete up until July 29th.
    After that it really becomes one giant mess and I am pretty sure that everyone is missing payouts
  • If you have a DASH (X11) or ETH (daggar-hashimoto) contract you probably miss 1 payout for every coin until July 29th.
  • If you were mining LTC with a SHA-contract you probably miss 1 payout until July 29th.
  • If you were mining XMR you are missing many payouts.
  • If you were mining STEEM you are missing all payouts.

Anyway, please keep them coming. Every set of payouts helps a little in clearing up the overall picture.

Facebook presence
Then what I still very much would like to see is presence on Facebook. If you are a facebook-er and want to help us setting up a facebook page, please do so! Letting people know that we are here is of key importance.

If you haven’t already please check out my earlier BITMINER UNION post.

You are never alone when you are a UNION BITMINER.


Have you seen the Marco Streng video where he goes into his transparency gibberish? All the while avoiding the actual issue of PAYOUTS. How arrogant this fancy lad is. Probably on his direct orders as CEO of Genesis Lying (Inc.), all employees treat the customers as if they are toddlers:
"It's ok lil Joey, big daddy will give you your coins if you're a good lil boy and be quiet and don't ask hard questions."
"But, what about those bad hacker men you said got into the mine carts?"
"No, lil Joey, remember we talked about this before we got into the mine."
"Talked about what, daddy?"
Tussles lil Joey's coin-dusted locks "Here's a fragment of Bitcoin I found under the couch."
"But, daddy, I've retained counsel and you'll be soon served with a summons."
"Run along and play with your other miner friends Lyvon Lames and Crack Rant. They won't steer you wrong or lie to you."
Meanwhile, usemycodeusemycodeusemycode and I won't use yours.

We should send this Streng character a dictionary. I think he doesn't quite understand what the word "transparent" means. There is absolutely NOTHING that could be considered even remotely resembling transparency about Genesis. They have a building that produces a lot of noise and if we pay them first, they will throw us some small parts of our money back at irregular intervals and in unpredictable amounts.

i'm starting to get payments every 2 days now.

That is what they say. But they said so many things that did not happen.
Also, I am still missing tons of payouts, when will I be getting those?

lets see what the 9th has in store for us and i want to know how much they got taken for.

The 9th came and went. And as I expected, no payments.
Yeah, some "disabled" stuff on the payout page, hardly complete.
But nothing in my wallet.

i just got paid. its the 10th here and in Iceland.

Still missing ETC from the 7th and ETH from the 8th.
(and the 30+ missing payouts from before the 7th)

i have not even counted all the missing payouts yet. this is a hot mess we got going on here, i still have to figure out if the payments they are paying out are even correct.

You should definitely check! And file tickets at their helpdesk. Those who don't will almost certainly get screwed.

support my post to buy new iphone :p

Comments like this make me wish for an option to remove comments.

You can mute them. Out of sight, out of mind.

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I will flag the next unrelated comment.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 65739.28
ETH 2626.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66