How Mining, Block time and Difficulty work...

in #mining7 years ago (edited)

Coins needs more development plans to draw attention for buyers. Obviously no one desire to become a holder of a coin without development.
When the blockchain gets moving again the buying and selling sides will find highest buying price and lowest selling price.

With enough hash power so no person or small group of persons could overpower the networks hashrate you get fairly predictable block times and difficulty levels as in bitcoin, ethereum and other popular coins. For newer coins and coins with less hashrate on the network you have proplem of people trying to gain profit from providing a large share of he network hashpower for a short period of time. This usually makes the difficulty increase very fast.

If the block times was static at a fixed time period the problem of variation in block times would be solved. An improvement would be to implement a minimum of time between blocks before a new block would be accepted. Say 1/3 minimum of the average block time target. As an compensation the rewards could be a little higher.