AWS Mining: A Guide To Purchasing Your First Mining Contract

in #mining7 years ago (edited)

WEB TIP: When clicking links from a page you want to stay on press and hold the ctrl key then click the link with your mouse to open then in a new tab or do the same with the shift key to open them an entirly new widow. This saves you the trouble of having to navigate back to the page you are clicking from. Like this tutorial.

Why Pick AWS Mining

  • Purchase Crypto Mining Power for as little as $40 in Crypto
  • Many ways to get mining boosts and earn from referring friends to mine
  • Mine multiple Cryptos with one contract.
  • Mining Contracts are ROI based instead of a set time. Have a better idea of expected returns
  • Use My Coin Deal Wallet to withdraw your mined coins.
  • Good reviews on multiple reviews sites
  • AWS has been operating for years and has been public for nearly one. Not exactly an infant in the world of mining.
  • Use Coinbase to buy your bitcoins to purchase a mining contract.

Purchase Your First Contract: The Coinbase Boom! Boom! KaBlam! To AWS Mining

This is my AWS Mining affiliate link below.
You can register on my team by copying and pasting it into your web browser or just. Once you sign up and purchase a $40 contract you will get your own affiliate link to share. You will also get an affiliate link for Coinbase after registration.

When you use my affiliate link to Coinbase and purchase you're first $100 in Crypto you will get a $10 bonus and I will too you get your own link to share this opportunity just for signing up. This bonus more then covers the fees to purchase instantly from Coinbase so it is profitable to buy your first $100 directly from the user-friendly Here is my link to register at

CRYPTO TIP: After people get their $10 bonus from they would want to transfer cash to from their bank account and use their other services at the previously named GDAX and now called CoinbasePro at . People can transfer between the two for free because they share the same backend or essentially are the same company in the same spot so your transfers stay on their network and do not have the associated crypto network fees. It takes 7 days to transfer cash to from your bank but it is free and the limit is high, mine is now $25,000 a week, it raises the more successful transfers you do. You can then purchase Crypto off CoinbasePro using the same login info. CoinbasePro is an actual exchange that you can use for FREE if you make orders to buy or sell crypto. There is a fee to take orders just like on Coinbase is just easier to use then CoinbaePro and is great for people to buy their first bitcoins fast and easily. Many people never switch finding the convience worth the fee. I still use Coinbase for the speed. It is instant with a debit card.

Before you Start, sign-up for these two services by clicking their names and registering:

  1. AWS Mining
  2. Coinbase
  3. Set up your Coinbase so you can use your debit card to purchase bitcoins. You will need to verify your identity to do this. As well as link your bank account or debit card you wish to use. Your bank account can take days to process but your debit card is instant once you have confirmed it. It may take a while. Add me as a friend on so you can find this post easily should you close it by accident. I will add you back and will answer questions when I am on. I am not always regular but someone probably has the same question and I will answer it when I see it.

NOTE: Be sure you use the correct address to send your bitcoins to. If you mess that up or send the wrong amount you will never get them back. You are the one responsible for checking and making sure everything is correct before you hit send. Don't lose your bitcoins by sending them to the wrong address. Use the address on YOUR ticket and the bitcoin total on YOUR ticket. Not the ones from this tutorial. You will not get your contract if you mess this up so be sure to make sure you got it right. It can be confusing the first time you send bitcoins but becomes simple once you have done it a few times.

Step 1: Selecting an AWS Mining Contract

Go to AWSMining.coms site and log-in. You should be registered already. If not do so now by clicking here. To purchase your contract you are going to have to pick an amount of CMP to buy. One CMP is a reasonable amount to start with and can be purchased for $400 in bitcoin at the moment. Once you select a number a CMP you want a ticket will be made for payment purposes. It will have a number of bitcoins to send along with a bitcoin address to send it too. A bitcoin address is a unique identifier for a particular bitcoin wallet and is how people send bitcoins to a particular spot. Leave this browser tab open, you will need this information later.


Anyone can get back to there ticket if they close it by clicking the "Settings" gears icon on the left menu bar located at the bottom then clicking the "Orders Tab". You can choose to pay in bitcoins or bitcoincash. I like bitcoins. BOOM!

Step 2: Buy Bitcoins From Coinbase

Go to Coinbase.coms site and login. You can register here if you did not already. If you do not have bitcoins you will need to purchase them. I do that from Coinbase. Go to the buy/sell tab on their site. You must purchase more than the ticket AWS Ticket says in order to have enough bitcoins to pay. There are bitcoin networks fees of several cents or more any time you send bitcoins. So be sure you buy enough bitcoins to send them too. Your newly bought bitcoins should arrive in your Coinbase wallet after you purchase them. You have bought bitcoins!



Step 3: Send Bitcoins From Coinbase To AWS Mining

Go to the "Accounts" Tab on Click send on the bitcoin wallet (BTC) and the send box below should pop up. Just copy the bitcoin address from your ticket on AWS Minings site by clicking the icon next to the bitcoin address. Then paste the bitcoin address into the Recipient box on the Coinbase website by making sure the cursor is in the box and hitting ctrl+V. This will paste the bitcoin address for sending bitcoins to AWS Mining. Now do the same with the bitcoin total on the ticket but paste it into the BTC amount box on Coinbase that is for the number of bitcoins to send. The network fee will automatically be added.


Click continue then send in the next window if the address and amount of bitcoins to send match your AWS Mining Ticket. KaBLAM!!!!! You are now mining on AWS Mining!

NOTE ON TRANSACTION PROCESSING TIME: Due to bitcoin network processing on the blockchain, it takes some time for the transaction to confirm and your bitcoins to arrive at AWS Mining from Coinbase. It is not instant. Several minutes is normal. On a very rare occasion, it can take longer but this is what keeps bitcoin transactions secure, safe, and bank free. You can check the progress from AWS Mining by clicking the ticket and checking the blockchain progress. This is a part of what mining does, confirm transactions. Soon you will be collecting fees from confirming transactions and unlocking blocks too.

About AWS

AWS Mining ( Automated Web Services ) is a popular new rising cloud mining service that has been public around just under a year and has been running strong for 3 years. It is a new name that has been around long enough to note that it is still here. That is a good sign. Could it be legit? That is for each person to decide. It is receiving good reviews and is growing fast. They offer a variety of cloud mining contracts that can mine several different coins with their uniquely designed mining contracts. Many mining sites sell you a contract that lasts until a set date at which point your contract ends regardless of your profitability or return on investment (ROI).


AWS Mining sells its contracts to last until people have 60 consecutive days of non-profitable mining or they hit an ROI of 200%. If someone buys a $5000.00 contract from them and it should end once they have mined $10,000 in coins. People purchase crypto mining power aka CMP then use that CMP and apply it to the mining pool of their choice. Pools can mine a variety of Crypto's with the same CMP which helps makes your contracts earn as quickly as possible.


This cloud mining service has mining facilities full of GPU and ASCI Miners hashing away at the various cryptos that their services offer in locations dotting the globe that have favorable energy prices to make mining more profitable and help maintain that profitability. They have youtube videos that they say proves this point. Though I can not vouch that every CMP is actually backed buy equipment. However, YouTube videos are more reassuring than a cartoon character flying around squeezing coins out of clouds. These promotional videos feature real people in real places showing you real mining equipment and it is making tons of noise making it sound as if they are all running at full Cryoptoblast! You can call and talk to people at these facilities. On Facebook, AWS has announced open houses at various locations to allow the public to see the mining equipment for themselves.

Not an AWS Mining GPU Example Only

Minimal Technical Skills Required

The great part about AWS Minings service is if you can check out you can mine. No other skills are needed besides how to use bitcoin to make a payment and use of a wallet to store bitcoins. If you can use the internet you should be pretty well equipped to start cloud mining today. Just buy the CMP and select your pool and you are earning right away. AWS Mining takes a cut of all coins mined to help pay for power and to pay their workers for the maintenance and expertize it takes them to operate and maintain the mining equipment. It is a reasonable considering you just have to buy the contract and collect while your equipment runs with minimal downtime. The noise associated with miners is also not a problem when your equipment is not at your house and in a mining facility somewhere.

Referrals Plans: Earn Money By Helping AWS Mining Grow and Teaching Others About Mining

AWS Mining has a very generous referrals plan to help their site grow with so many ways to earn you may earn bonuses on accident. It is really quite nice and you can earn a good income promoting this cloud mining site, you have to at least buy .1 CMP for $40 to be eligible for the referrals plan though I recommend buying at least 1 CMP for $400 if you can afford it to really see this mining site work for you. There are two sides to your referrals plans, a right, and a left. You select who goes where as you recruit. You recruit referrals by sharing your referrals link located on AWS in the "Settings" section of the site. Click the settings gears in the menu to navigate there.

10% Referral bonuses:

Get 10% of whatever your direct referral spends on CMP. This can add up fast. I have a $1200 - 3 CMP contract. The person that referred me got $120 for this.

Team Bonus:

People get a cut as their team buys contracts and mines and refers others to do the same. I am not positive how this one works exactly as I am new to the site but the bigger a persons team the more it pays. I think a user takes the lowest amount earned from their left and right sides they get paid 5% of whatever their team's total sales are on that side. If the lowest side sales $4000 in contracts they get a $200 BONUS.

Binary Bonus:

This looks like a tree where everyone recruits two users. And has a left and a right like a team bonus, you earn off of your referrals as it gets filled in on down the line. It looks like each person uses their two best referrals to earn you a binary bonus!

Volume Bonus:

This is a bonus for reaching sales volume milestones. The ultimate prize being $100,000 if you reach $10,000,000 in sales. Neither is a small sum but there are also many sales volume prizes along the way. This amount is cumulative and I think never resets so you should have plenty of time to earn that $100,000 if you can really sale contracts like mad.

Some Notes On Mining

Mining is not always going to earn you the same amount of money. The amount many calculators tell you that you will earn is an estimate at best and is misleading in typical reality. They represent what you would make in a certain time period if mining difficulty and the Crypto's price were to remain constant. They typically do not. Difficulty can go up or down with time. It is the measure of how difficult the crypto is to mine or how hard the code to unlock a block and release its coins is. The block reward can also change with time this depends on the coin and changes tend to have a set date. Bitcoins block reward will be cut in half soon and with difficulty on the rise, it could be much less profitable to mine without a drastic price increase to counter the effects of this decrease in reward and increase in difficulty. I think it will FORCE the price of bitcoin up though I am not an expert on the topic, I just think this.
People should think and form their own opinions.
This may be bad info. It is just what I have gathered with time. Difficulty tends to trend upwards rather fast. Price can go up or down too. It has been trending up depending on the time frame you pick. It is down this year but a bit up over the past 6 years. I believe no matter where one jumps in with bitcoin if they wait it will not be an all-time high. I believe the $20,000 peak we saw will someday be a low that is not reached again. When? I do not know. It is good to hold as much bitcoin as you can afford to lose though. No one can 100% promise you that it will not hit $0. I can say I doubt it. I think that is a highly unlikely statement. Losing a good deal could be a possibility, but I do not think so. I think that We all hope for up if we are already invested in bitcoin. If people are going from cash to bitcoin it is rather preferable that bitcoin is at a low so you get more BTC.
It is worth noting that you mine a cash value at AWS which can be nice or work against you. If you hold your value you can try to cash out when the bitcoin price is low maximizing the number of bitcoins you receive. Then if the price spikes, it is like you have further increased your ROI. The opposite can happen if you cash out at a peak and the opposite can happen to the cash value of your bitcoins. I am not a financial advisor. This is my opinion and I believe that the price of bitcoin will trend upwards with time and HODL your bitcoins will pay off in the long run. HODL means "Hold on for dear life" in the bitcoin world. The drastic fluctuations can cause one to panic, but HODL your coins.

It is expensive to print a $100 bill these days. You have to mine a lot of gold to back a few pallets of $100 bills. Oh, wait. It's just all counterfeit values these days. I wonder what the difficulty is up to for the mints. It has gone up. They are rainbow colored with plastic strips in them now. I wonder if Monopoly prints out as much Monopoly as governments print out bills. Monopoly is popular. I hear some countries have even gone as far as to start printing their money out on plastic. If you are American at heart you will start making your own money, not care much what the government thinks about that. Americans keeping fat governments in check since its birth. Be American, be bitcoin, be change. You could just bank Wells Fargo though. They are too big to fail. I think bitcoin is too though, but really. It is nice because of its a commodity like the things you can buy with it.

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