Genesis Mining ( Cloud Mining ) Introduction and Is It Worth It?

in #mining8 years ago

About a two weeks ago I was very interested in starting up a mining operation for cryptos. I stumbled upon Genesis Mining and a few of my friends recommended their services. In this post I'd like to go over what cloud mining is all about and is it actually worth it?

What is Cloud Mining?

In simplest terms cloud mining is buying hashing power from someone else on a contract. For example 5 MH for 2 years. What that means is the company promises you 2 years of uninterrupted mining at a power of 5 MH.

I ran the number in the calculator, is it too good to be true?

Yes it is. When doing analysis on your earnings the calculators will show you the potential earnings if the price and the overall network hash power stay at the specified point.

For example mining Ethereum :

Note : The current price to purchase a 5MH contract is  150$

From this calculation we see that we break even about half way through the year, so we will have one and a half years of full profit!

Well this is there things get a little bit more complicated. If everyone is going to be jumping to mine, we will see an increase in global hash power, and that means its going to be less rewards for everyone. I will use my 5MH example over the past week.

06/01/2017 0.00377164

06/02/2017 0.0039265

06/03/2017 0.00382772

06/04/2017 0.00375862

06/05/2017 0.00353138

06/06/2017 0.00352923

06/07/2017 0.00338528

This is the list of my payouts in Ethereum. As you can see almost every day I have been getting less and less. This is because of the overall difficulty going up. Represented by the graph below :

Let's say the price stays at about 300$ an ETH but the difficulty rises twice. Overall we will be earning far less than what the calculators show us. In the best case scenario the difficulty stay rather low while ETH moves up in price.

So is Cloud Mining a Scam?

No, cloud mining is legit form of business  crypto created. It is rather unique concept but playing the cards right you can still profit from it. The most important thing to remember is planning for the future, because you lock in for 2 years you have to make estimates to the price of the currency and the difficulty in order to see your true profits.

I want to give it a go, where do I start?

Personally I can only recommend Genesis Mining at the moment, based on their track record and overall company size.

If you want to help me out and get 3% discount you can use my affiliate link :

Or use the code during your checkout process : DwnAFW

Final Note

Always take everything with a grain of salt, when buying for future profit, it is always risky. You never know when something will happen to the company or the crypto world in general. Always be prepared and plan in advance. Hope this helped someone!


Got into Genesis mining a few weeks ago for ETH contracts and was doing them in bigger MH bulk buys, but I started doing it just +1/2/3 MH/s increments at a time so I could use other people's affiliate codes and hoping they will use mine next time too!

I just used yours, it was only for +1 MH/s but looking to spread the love! I followed you also, trying to connect with people here on STEEMIT!

Next time you upgrade your hashpower use my code! NkQanX

Any contract upgrade is fine, I am investing in ETH myself but appreciate the return love of any Hashpower!

Cloud mining is rubbish, sorry. The increase in difficulty makes it almost impossible to break even and IF you break even after a year or so you just have your money back. How much did you make if you just bought a coin a year ago and simply hodl it? ; )

Well, I do not think its a scam, but if its worth it compared to other investments, I doubt that. Some cloud mining companies were scams but Genesis is not one of them. The mining company benefit from the assets that they get and therefor they can make an income projection that is more real. This helps them to grow their facility and mining opperation and also give us the oppurtunity to get involved in mining.

Cloud mining is a ponzi scheme

lol not all

mining BTC is more profitable right now. i think its about 4 months

More promising than zenesis mining is and
You can check by go to their site visit.

i use Hashflare but wish i went with genesis. Hashflare you have withdraw fees and a higher maintenance fee

Genesis Mining is awesome! Im currently mining BTC, Ether, and Monero.

If you want a 3% discount, use EzIG8D and ill return the favor when I upgrade.

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