Cryptos, Consciousness, and The Currency of Life - Minerals.
Dear Colleague,
If you were like me, 2017 was the best year for you financially...
due to the cryptocurrency BOOM. The market cap began
around $17b and ended the year around $500b...
Now, it's up to well over $700b and I can tell you this: with as
well as I've done, I missed some epic plays that could have
skyrocketed my earnings to the next galaxy - forget the moon.
I called it "spot on" with Electroneum back in October when predicted
it would be a 10X R.O.I. Since then, I've re-allocated all my ETN
tokens into other ventures (due to my dismay for the development
team, in general).
This was the only real ICO play that I participated in before the
end of 2017. Now, with that said, with thousands of coins and
dozens of ICO's to look at, virtually every day... how does one stay
In order to answer this question, let me tell you where I lost out
on the biggest opportunities in 2017...
I made the sophomoric mistake of listening to FOOLS instead of
trained investors. Here's what I mean: the average YouTube
personality who has never made any real money in their life,
suddenly is an "expert" on crypto investing.
Yes, I took a few tips from some of these guys... ugh. The worst
one to date: I pulled out of Ripple (I got in heavily at just under
15 cents), and re-allocated in Litecoin. Yes, I know, Litecoin did
very well. I may have experienced 500% returns on that move...
Ripple, my original pick (by Teeka Tiwari's advice), would have
been a 2,800+% R.O.I. by today's numbers. The thing to
understand here is this: even in spite of making some inferior
choices, I always try and support only proven technologies that
solve real-life problems.
But, overall, I would have outperformed all the hype-buying I've
done by simply holding to the advice of qualified professionals,
like Teeka Tiwari and James Altucher.
In my defense of this move, I still don't like Ripple.
Anyone can make a killing in a bull market, but when the bear
comes around... solid fundamentals better come into play!
Panic selling and FOMO (fear of missing out) are the two emotional
reactions that I've engaged in - sporadically - that all my mistakes
can be traced back to.
In other words, LOGIC over emotion... and, to think that my 170 IQ
would allow such a catastrophe. Pffft. It doesn't matter if a person's
IQ is hovering just above room temperature or if it's 200...
Emotional intelligence is the name of the crypto-game. In fact,
in all business that I've done throughout the years, this holds
true. And, in my healing journey, it was also true! More on
this in a moment.
So, how do you become emotionally imperturbable to the ebbs-and-flows
of the most volatile markets or life situations?
I'll tell you...
Here's what I discovered. When you make it okay to fail, you've
also made it okay to succeed. In other words, when you are
detached from "outcome" and attached only to fundamentals...
you can win at every level of life.
Look, New Year's resolutions are broken because of emotional
hijackings which occur in fleeting moments. We all know how to
plan that meal chart and exercise to lose the fat, right?
We make alibis as to why we don't. These are excuses for the
underlying problem - low emotional IQ. If you want to master
life, you have to RAISE your emotional IQ to fully actualize
your intelligence.
In a moment, when I tell you about how minerals come into
the picture... I'm reflecting on the entire book I read by
Dr. Joel Wallach, where he outlines all sorts of MENTAL ILLNESS
to mineral deficiencies.
A recommendation I will make...
Make your New Year's goal all about strengthening your body-mind.
This is the weakest point in most people's 'armor' -- they crack
under the weight of pressure. Life shouldn't get easier, you
should become stronger.
Now, follow my logic. Your body-mind is governed by the
"minerals" in your body-mind. Minerals represent about 5%
of the equation and yet, they control 95% of the metabolism.
Most people haven't got a clue what the definition of metabolism
actually means, so I'll provide it here: the chemical processes
that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
Yes, "in order to maintain life."
Not to just keep the weight off, or speed up those calories to
burn faster. These ideas are contextual to the diet industry.
And yet, if you get the minerals right in your body, you don't
have to succumb to the diet industry.
It is built on lies!
I've made countless videos about my transformation where I
was bedridden with a Lyme-disease death sentence. The greatest
discovery I made was: using angstrom, ionic minerals and adding
fulvic acid! (You can do hours of research yourself on this, I
don't have the explanation-space here to delve into it further).
This is why our formulas at Complete Ascentials contain
BOTH angstrom, ionic minerals, and fulvic acid.
Your life is sustained by minerals. Look at the definition of
metabolism, again. 95% of your metabolism is influenced by
the minerals in your body.
Now, if you want ample FUEL to fire on all cylinders this year...
here's my blog I compiled last year (the culmination of over
10,000 hours of natural health research, distilled down into
golden keys):
You can get a FREE membership. And, best of all... you may not
have to be where I was in life to where "your life depends on it."
But, I'll submit to you this final key point:
Your ability to reason and sustain life within your hologram, including
your IQ, emotional IQ, and other variants in the mind-body equation --
all systems are built on the axis of "electricity" (a living consciousness)
that requires minerals to conduct through.
'Nuff said.
Your correspondent,

Matthew David Hurtado
1-888-550-8231 (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
P.S. Remember, my unfiltered and distilled wisdom acquired in my life-or-death saga
with Lyme disease... where I re-discovered my capacity to self-heal and optimize,
is all here, below:
P.P.S. You can get the FREE reports and even complementary training on how I use
Reverse Speech and other "woo-woo" ideologies to uncover the REAL MESSAGES
the Universe is sending for me to uncover. I only say 'woo-woo' because the
Rockefeller "Medici" taught physicians would call it pseudo-science, based
on their training (which has never cured a single disease in its history).
So, NO. I will donate to a Cancer charity or other cause to promote more mustard-gas
"chemo" research or drug testing with a list of side-effects that compete with the
disease being treated, to see which one kills its host faster.
#SupportTheBody #FuelConsciousness #RaiseVibration #LoveNotHate
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not intended to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure disease.