RE: Build contest results from 03-03-2019 to the topic "Underwater world" | Bauevent Ergebnisse vom 03.03.2019 zum Thema "Unterwasserwelt"
Skyroad underwater research, a research underwater, that's awesome, A colorful underwater world enchants the beholder. The building is glassed and a giant tower with a large S towering over the sea and seen from afar. Great built, With you, jongartv, is also a colorful coral reef with green water plants. Very nice too. There's a family here, too, and Tim says, look daddy. The little one admires everything. Here is also sturmgenster, who strikes against the glass panes. But it says on the sign "please do not hit against the glass". Beautiful, your underwater world, jongartv. Sausemaus, I like your trees very well, with the beautiful green scrub. There are many colorful fish in the water and is that a big turtle? Many aquatic plants grow here, fantastically beautiful. With you fgs are also many animals and also green turtles. Aah, this is a marine aquarium, because viewers can see the underwater world through glass panes. Great idea and beautifully designed. Mcsiempre, you had the same idea. A huge archway forms the entrance to the aquariums. Puffer fish, cod, here you learn how the fish look like. It is very instructive. You have built a great building and show a fascinating underwater world. Immanuel94, that's a firework of colors that you show with your underwater world. Is this a lighthouse where people are on it? Gigantic, this bright variety of colors and the green creepers. It is once again a great eye candy.
Thank you for your comment, @suntree! =) Always great to read through. :3