Illegal Gold Mine Spreads in Aceh, How Does it Impact on the Environment?

in #mine7 years ago

Illegal gold mining that emerged in remote Aceh province, making the local government difficult to stop it. The districts of Aceh Selatan, Aceh Jaya, West Aceh, Nagan Raya, Pidie and Southeast Aceh are busy areas with such activities.

In South Aceh, illegal gold mining has grown in several sub-districts, such as in Manggamat and Sawang. In addition to digging in the traditional way, the gold mixed with rocks at the bottom of the river was taken by using a suction machine.

"As a result, the river water that was once clear, turned into turbid, and people are not able to use the water. In fact, for the needs of households, most residents are dependent on this river, "said Dahlan, a resident of Manggamat, recently.

Dahlan said illegal gold mining in the Leuser Ecosystem (KEL) region began to emerge, after the armed conflict no longer occurred in Aceh. "A lot of holes that depth up to a dozen meters scattered in the forest or hills," he continued.

In Kabupaten Aceh Barat, precisely in Sungai Mas and Pante Ceureumen sub-districts occur the same thing. Activity using heavy equipment operated since 2015, before the miners only use a pump machine to suck the sand mixed with gold. In Pante Ceureumen, gold mining is spread in three villages namely, Pulo Teungoh, Lawet, and Canggai.

Azhar, a farmer in Kecamatan Pante Ceureumen, said that most people in some villages in Pante Ceureumen use river water for daily needs. "The small rivers that flow into the Mas River and the Meureubo River, before the illegal gold mining is present, are rivers with very clear water."

Mulyadi, Pante Ceureumen community revealed the same thing. According to him, besides the polluted river, the forest on the riverbank was also damaged by illegal mining. "Heavily used heavy equipment from North Sumatra and Banda Aceh, which the mine owner hired."

Mulyadi revealed, illegal mining is not new goods, various parties have known. However, until now there has been no regulatory efforts. "It is impossible for heavy equipment to enter the forest in Pante Ceureumen and Sungai Mas if it is not supported by certain parties," he said.


In 2016, the Aceh Anti-Corruption Movement (GeRAK) has conducted an illegal mining investigation in Aceh. Especially West Aceh which is located in the river and enter protected forest, in Kecamatan Pante Ceureumen, Panton Reu Subdistrict, Sungai Mas Subdistrict, and East Woyla District.

Coordinator of GeRAK Aceh, Askhalani said, the estimated monthly gold produced in West Aceh reached 89,262.9 grams. If calculated a year to reach 1,071,154,5 grams or 1.1 tons. If every gram of gold sells for Rp400.000, a year the loss of the state reaches Rp568.361.004.627. "This is only an estimate of losses in Aceh Barat."

Askhalani said illegal gold mining in West Aceh is a serious problem that local governments can not handle because it involves many parties. So is the same condition in Beutong Sub-district, Nagan Raya District. Between 2016 and 2018, illegal mining emerged in a number of rivers located in the area. "If it continues to happen, in addition to floods, people will also lose agricultural land.


Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (Walhi) Aceh who conducted an investigation into Beutong Sub-district, Nagan Raya District said gold mining in four villages of Blang Baroe PR, Panton Bayam, Blang Leumak, and Krueng Cut is already severe. Illegal mining does not only occur in rivers, but also in the homes of people.

"There are 65 units of heavy equipment dredging the river up to the yard of residents' houses. The mining area is about 1,108.93 hectares, "said Director of Walhi Aceh Muhammad Nur.

Krueng (River) Cut and Krueng Ports were also damaged by the illegal gold mining. Another impact, all productive crops, such as coconut and areca nut, have been cut down. Similarly, rice fields that can not be planted rice, because it is used as mining. "The social status of society is increasing, but it is not comparable with environmental damage."

In Geumpang District, Pidie District also happened the same thing. Dozens of heavy equipment are spread across the Alue Suloh and Alue Rek Rivers in the protected forest of Ulu Masen area.

"Forest destruction does not occur only at mining sites, opening roads for heavy equipment also destroys forests. The road should be opened 5-10 meters wide, as far as one kilometer, and there are 10 locations, "said Muhammad Nur.


Pidie Regent, Roni Ahmad said the government did not mean to be cruel to the related community issued an appeal for illegal mining bans. The ban, purely to save the already damaged society and the environment.

"The waste of gold mining has disturbed the water source of the community. So, should be done to prevent the damage does not get worse, "he said.

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