Our Mindset
"MIND" ,the most powerful thing or gift that God or Nature has entrusted to Mankind.. Whatever we see around us, our civilization, our joy, pains is a function of our mind which is as a result of our thoughts ,Imaginations and believe.
"THOUGHTS, IMAGINATIONS AND BELIEVES".. are three(3) tools to control our mind..whatever we are and what happens to us is as a result of our thoughts, imaginations and believes.
Our mind doesn't know the differences between what is real and what is imagine thats why the famous saying that " you are what you simply think "., and its true.
For e.g imagine and think of urself licking a lemon or lime, you will salivate or imagine yourself having sex or recall your last sexual experience, your body reacts to it..
This proves that we control our mind based on our thoughts, imaginations and believes.
You want to become successful in life, a better job, etc,etc? Let your imaginations, thoughts and believe be POSITIVE.
The fact that you failed in one way or the other or an interview or business dosent make you a failure, but if only you dwell with the negative imaginations, thoughts and believe, it will make you fail.
The difference btween you and Bill Gates, Steve Bezos, Roman Abrihimovic and even Dangote, is our mindset.
Be positive.